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Posts posted by lostoday

  1. Its a dying or dead. I'm sure you can add Patpong to the RIP list.

    Nana died around 2005 and all of Pattaya a few years later at the latest.

    Only clueless dinosaurs visit these mafia clip joints any more. The brighter of you have found Internet dating and the genius among us saw the whole thing for what it was and got married.

    No suprise that the only way most of you can get laid is to fly half way round the world.

    You can add Thermae1, Thermae2 and Bucksin Joe's - three best joints in BKK ever.

    I often think, why doesn't he government just shut these rackets down? Skeezy mongers, gone. Problem solved.

    These joints are long done. Anyone still rocking up here deserves what they get. Overpriced drinks, sour princesses, danger, herpes and very possibly hiv.

    The born again Christians are in short supply in the current government. Why not try some place in a country more suited to your dark ages mentality.

  2. That is the point. This shooting is not about gun control.

    No it is well known that in countries with stricter gun control there is more are the same amount of shootings....coffee1.gif
    Maybe you could tell me where the last anti Christian killings took place?coffee1.gif Are you trying to push the argument that I couldn't kill 13 people without a gun if I didn't mind getting caught? sad.png
    Itis for sure harder to enter a school roombwith a car.

    It also mean more strictblaws make less availability and black market price rising , letting less people able to buy one

    OK city bombing 200 killed 700 wounded and no gun used. Any nut can get the instructions on the INTERNET. 911 accomplished with box cutters. Are you unaware of these things?

    The guy today did not kill the students because he had a gun he killed them because he didn't like Christians.

  3. Why would some Nitwit want to know what his motive was for shooting and killing those people,, It does not <deleted> matter, ,the people are staying Death no matter the motive.What a waste of human lives,and some nitwit is looking for a motive.

    If I kill a person because he killed my wife and family as opposed to a random traffic accident I would say the motive is very important. If I kill a person because of his race or religion or sexual orientation there are different penalities in the USA as opposed to killing a person in the commission of a crime. Hate crimes in the USA carry different penalities so the motive is of supreme importance in passing sentance on a perpatrator of a crime.

    Judges and police in the USA are tasked to discover the motive in all cases of crime, so that is why those nitwits need to know.

    In U.S. criminal law, means, motive, and opportunity is a common summation of the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a criminal proceeding.

    So I guess you could say the people who wrote the USA criminal code are nitwits.

  4. Must be sad news to the muslim haters.

    I take it we now blame all Irish and Germans for the killings?

    I tried to clean up your post because I could not read it. I must have missed something why should we now blame the Irish and Germans for the killings?

    I thought they had the man who did the killings. He was anti Christian is all I know about him for sure. The only religion I know of that is voilently anti Christian is Islam. Maybe there are others but not that I know of in any force in America. Maybe you can point to another group that is vehmentally anti Christian?

  5. He didn't allegedly ask anything. All the witnesses said he asked if they were Christian and shot the Christians.

    Yes, that's what the witnesses are saying, but to early to definitively state he was a radicalised Muslim, just as easily to be yet another heavily armed nutcase. Let's wait to see what the investigators uncover in the coming days.

    Try deductive logic. Who can you eliminate?
    According to his profile he hated organised religion and was a conservative Republican.

    He didn't kill democrats and Muslims did he?

    Despite indications otherwise, you still keep up your bigoted arguments. Keep your eyes closed to the truth.

    I'm a bigot? The guy asked some kids if they were Christian and killed the ones who said yes. Where am I a bigot?

  6. That is the point. This shooting is not about gun control.

    No it is well known that in countries with stricter gun control there is more are the same amount of shootings....coffee1.gif
    Maybe you could tell me where the last anti Christian killings took place?coffee1.gif Are you trying to push the argument that I couldn't kill 13 people without a gun if I didn't mind getting caught? sad.png

    Lots of hindus having a right old play time with christians in India.

    I'm not up on my Hindu radical mass killings. Does this happen much in the USA?

  7. He didn't allegedly ask anything. All the witnesses said he asked if they were Christian and shot the Christians.

    Yes, that's what the witnesses are saying, but to early to definitively state he was a radicalised Muslim, just as easily to be yet another heavily armed nutcase. Let's wait to see what the investigators uncover in the coming days.

    Try deductive logic. Who can you eliminate?
    According to his profile he hated organised religion and was a conservative Republican.

    He didn't kill democrats and Muslims did he?

  8. After a large number of dissenters intentionally flocked to the websites of many state agencies in a bid to cause their servers to crash, Pol Lt Gen Prawut called on those individuals to stop their action, warning that police could identify who they were and they could be subjected to punishments under the Computer Crime Act.

    I'm not a tech guy, just curious, if they can already identify and punish individuals who violate unspecified rules, why do they need a single portal?

    They are not tech guys either.

  9. Saoudis have gun control, a strict one by the way

    That is the point. This shooting is not about gun control.

    No it is well known that in countries with stricter gun control there is more are the same amount of shootings....coffee1.gif

    Maybe you could tell me where the last anti Christian killings took place?coffee1.gif Are you trying to push the argument that I couldn't kill 13 people without a gun if I didn't mind getting caught? sad.png

  10. Instead, the system would aim to filter out any information that could threaten national security, tarnish the image of the Thai monarchy, or contaminate the minds of children.

    and this could be EVERYTHING, depends on the government. And I bet they will use the "gateway" properly.

    You are being sarcastic right? You don't read about the facebook stuff eh? No, you must be being sarcastic.

  11. No matter what the far right anti-Muslim blogger posted, doesn't appear to be a radicalised convert to Islam. Expressed admiration for the guy who murdered the TV news crew in Roanoke among other weirdo opinions.

    The 26-year-old gunman showed a disdain for organized religion online, then allegedly asked victims about their faith before shooting them.


    He didn't allegedly ask anything. All the witnesses said he asked if they were Christian and shot the Christians.

    Yes, that's what the witnesses are saying, but to early to definitively state he was a radicalised Muslim, just as easily to be yet another heavily armed nutcase. Let's wait to see what the investigators uncover in the coming days.

    Try deductive logic. Who can you eliminate?

  12. When Martin Luther King Jr was killed did they talk about gun control or racial hatred? When a guy asks if you are Christian and kills only the Christians do they talk abour religious intolerance or gun control.

    See the trap you fellows have fallen into. It is not PC to talk about religious intolerance when the presecuted religion is Christian so a scapegoat has to be found.

    What do you think would happen if a Christian went to Saudi Arabia and asked the children in the school who was a Muslim and shot them? Do you think the Saudis would be discussing gun control right now?

    Saoudis have gun control, a strict one by the way

    That is the point. This shooting is not about gun control.

  13. No matter what the far right anti-Muslim blogger posted, doesn't appear to be a radicalised convert to Islam. Expressed admiration for the guy who murdered the TV news crew in Roanoke among other weirdo opinions.

    The 26-year-old gunman showed a disdain for organized religion online, then allegedly asked victims about their faith before shooting them.


    He didn't allegedly ask anything. All the witnesses said he asked if they were Christian and shot the Christians.

  14. Well said sir!

    However, it is pointless discussing gun control on here.

    These people will NEVER see reason.

    Pathetically sad really

    Probably another one in a few weeks

    Beyond caring now

    Bang! You're dead.

    When Martin Luther King Jr was killed did they talk about gun control or racial hatred? When a guy asks if you are Christian and kills only the Christians do they talk abour religious intolerance or gun control.

    See the trap you fellows have fallen into. It is not PC to talk about religious intolerance when the presecuted religion is Christian so a scapegoat has to be found.

    What do you think would happen if a Christian went to Saudi Arabia and asked the children in the school who was a Muslim and shot them? Do you think the Saudis would be discussing gun control right now?

  15. Thompson sub machine gun invented 105 years ago 600 rounds per minute.

    Browning Automatic rifle invented 105 years ago 600 rounds per minute.

    Any other questions?

    Sure please add a comparison with the guns you spoke about and how easy it was to have them, for exemple could you own one at the same time you bought tomatoes and their avaibilities on the market. Also please let me know how efficient they were, their weight... compared to the actual ones... If they were as efficient as the ones we have nowdays why did they become obsoletes?

    Let me know the average time to reload a musket as well while you are at it?

    Back then anyone could buy a machine gun so machine gun ownership was way up. Anyone could walk into a gun store and buy a fully auto machine gun capable of 600 to 900 rounds per minute. Many hardware stores in America back in the good old days carried machine guns so anyone could buy them.

    Average shooters can load and shoot a musket about 3 times a minute. The battle of Gettysburg claimed 50,000 American lives in three days many from .51 cal musket fire.

    Any other questions? Colt six gun came into use around 1850. So it would be easy with two pistols to get off 12 shots in a few seconds. A Texas ranger with two carbines and pistols could get off around 26 shots from his horse in a minute or so.

    Americans were just as dangerous 100 years ago and gun ownership was with far fewer restrictions than today.

    the guys in the picture are not everybody, they are rangers

    The point is automatic weapons were owned by more people and easier to buy 100 years ago than today. Bonny and Clyde used used Browning Automatic Rifles an American Army staple even in Vietnam. Your hypothesis that gun control or automatic weapons stopped Americans owing high powered guns 100 years ago is false.

    Although I fail to see what that has to do with a anti Christian shooting in Oregon. Someone must have known this guy was a nutcase. That is the problem. He should have been stopped. What religious group has something against Christians?


  16. This could be a Moslem terrorist attack and that information could be being suppressed by the U.S. authorities so as not to enflame community tensions.

    I don't know who to believe.

    Ah geez, a conspiracy theorist? The guy's father is a Brit, as someone else has already posted....


    I don't think most Brits outside of Thai Visa would actually shoot Americans.

  17. This could be a Moslem terrorist attack and that information could be being suppressed by the U.S. authorities so as not to enflame community tensions.

    I don't know who to believe.

    The key is what the guy said and who he killed. Did he kill everyone in the room? Did he just kill white people? Did he just kill black people? Did he kill Asian people? NO. He killed only Christian people. Now ask yourself. What group of people has been killing Christians since 1095?

  18. Ok so you dont have a gun in the US therefore it doesnt worry you not having one in Thailand.

    When I got to Thailand I had enough guns to wipe out a small country. I don't see what that has to do with a nut in the USA killing Christians because of their religion.

    @ lostoday

    Just curious, but have your guns gone out and killed anybody since you have been over here?

    They all say things like that, until it happens, and it only takes one mistake. Many young children could testify to that, if they were still alive to tell their parents that the gun they had wasnt kept safely.

    What do the parents say? Are you Christian? And then the parent shoots them? That is what this thread is about. A guy said to the students, "Are you Christian and then shot them." Are you sure you are posting in the right thread?

  19. Read the post I was replying to. It might give you a clue as I was answering his point.

    I don't see any relationship between banning guns and an anti Christian attack anywhere. People have been attacking Christians with wooden crosses and burning stakes and arrows and lions and no one has tried to ban wood or lions.

    Final try. He asks how many mass shooting there has been in the UK since the stricter gun laws effectively banned gun ownership. I replied indicating that they were a rarity before.

    The Troubles were different. Even with the proliferation of weapon availability there weren't that many "mass shootings". Bombings and murders yes, but not mass shootings. Off hand, Bloody Sunday and the retaliation Warren Points are the two I can think of.

    There wasn't a culture of mass shooting in the UK before the new laws so much harder to say that they stopped something which rarely happened anyway.

    What are you waffling on about anti-Christian attacks for?

    I think you may be posting in the wrong thread. This thread is about an anti Christian attack in Oregon.

  20. Who said that? I didn't say anything about guns in Thailand that would be off topic.

    Ok so you dont have a gun in the US therefore it doesnt worry you not having one in Thailand.

    When I got to Thailand I had enough guns to wipe out a small country. I don't see what that has to do with a nut in the USA killing Christians because of their religion.

    @ lostoday

    Just curious, but have your guns gone out and killed anybody since you have been over here?

    I know all of the anti gun sentiment in this thread is actually anti American sentiment. You don't need to be a brain trust to realize than. Americans talk about gun control all the time but you are trying to make it personal against me. Sorry. Off topic. Try getting back to the topic which is an anti Christian attack by a nut in Oregon.

  21. No idea if he is muslim or not, but so far he has not been identified as one.

    The only one claiming that is in the link of lostoday, where the 'identification' is based on a blog where one of his few contacts appears to be a muslim.

    How many groups of people go around shooting Christians today?

    Chris Harper Mercer a/k/a Chris Harper-Mercer, age 26, has been identified as the mass murderer in today’s killing of 9 people at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. Was he Muslim? Well, he forced students to identify their religion, and he shot at those who said they were Christian. And his MySpace page, featuring a picture of him with a rifle, identifes only two friends, one of whom is an extremist Muslim (redundant phrase). His Facebook page is obsessed with Ahmed Mohamed, the bomb clock Muslim. And he said he liked to torture insects. Sicko. Also, he was a fan of a terrorist group that trained with a Palestinian Muslim terrorist group.

    Harper Mercer’s MySpace page, which identifies him as Chris Harper-Mercer, shows that he has two friends, one of whom is Mahmoud Ali Ehsani. Ehsani, who created a classy custom MySpace URL of “dick_hard_like_a_pistol” (let’s hear it for that “Islamic modesty” they keep lecturing us about), has two photos on his MySpace page–a koran and the symbol of Islam.


    As I said, just the one source so far with a very far fetched conclusion.

    Not far fetched at all. There have been many recent attacks in the USA but attacks against Christians have only been carried out by one group of people and they are Muslims. Muslims have been attacking Christians and vice a versa since 1095.

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