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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. Cute picture and comment. But a little hyperbolic. Do you understand how power grids work? Unless this power plant is a completely isolated plant and its power distribution connects directly to the Telsa hookup shown in the picture or if there's no other noncoal power plant (ie., wind turbine, battery, nuclear) in the entire grid, there's no way to know the specific source of power. Power is blended from all sources. If the background showed only a lit match, would you say fire is the power source?
  2. Won't the new EEC zones have to do without water as it appears the current EEC has exhausted the current water supply?
  3. The Defense calls the spirits to the court trial for testimony of alleged witness account. ????
  4. And during your stay you may pay double or more than Thais for entry venues like parks, museums, zoos, etc. because foreigners can afford it as per the Thai Charter Court. Welcome to Thailand!
  5. If so why would the attacker have to climb over a wall? The wife just leave the gate unlocked. And he demands money from the husband that the wife probably already has access to, eg., in the house, bank, etc.? "cahoots" Is a stretch.
  6. A further comment. All Thai judges are recruited by the Judicial Commission and are appointed formally by the King. Unlike some other (democratic?) countries where judges are elected by the electorate or by an elected legislative body. So with Thailand what purpose does the alleged crime public re-enactment serve? Police and the prosecution appear to be the only beneficiaries and Justice as the only real audience.
  7. A further comment: "Judges in the Courts of Justice are appointed ND removed by the King with the approval of the Judicial Commission of the Courts of Justice." www.nyulawglobal.org Unlike some other (democratic?) countries where judges are elected by the electorate or elected legislature. So what would be the purpose for public re-enactment in Thailand? In Thailand one could make the case that the judiciary and the current government could act jointly in prosecution rather than independently.
  8. More seriously, there is no jury system in Thailand. Judges alone decide cases (allegedly) based on the merits presented by the parties (defense vs prosecution). See Siam-legal.com It's not an issue of "public opinion" but of "judicial opinion." These re-enactments are directed towards influencing judges, ineffect making judges part of the prosecution.
  9. PTP allegedly tries to bribe a Prayut government bureau-division. I'm sorry but the government already has a monopoly on "dumb and dumber." On the face of the allegation holds no truth.
  10. So an admission to a historical fail, eg., with International Convention. So 7 years of inattention by the Prayut regime ? Wash, rinse and recycle. Maybe a more effective and proactive leadership is needed.
  11. Residents might also demand resignation of NCPO/PM Prayut who has been in power for 7 years. And likely will desire to continue as PM for another term. Failing that Prayut should have all his wealth confiscated to cover the Thai people financial losses due to continued annual flooding (it's predictable!).
  12. "Proactive justice for the people's happiness" Shouldn't the goal of justice be for the people's democracy? What does "happiness" have to do with dispensing justice unless it favors a particular political spectrum? And as we've seen in various court decisions (eg., dual pricing for foreigners because they can afford it), the "people" does not include foreigners. And what is "proactive justice?" Is the opposite "inactive justice," eg., court decisions are not issued? Judyices should just do their job. I would expect "neutral justice" in a democracy wherein the happiness of the court's decisions is irrelevant!
  13. Seal officer route is more competitive than the elisted Seal candidates as more enlisted Seals are much more I demand relative to Seal units. So congratulations but why isn't the RTM offering enlisted soldiers for Seal training?
  14. One answer is to decentralized and depopulate Bangkok as a government, business and residential center; develop new cities on higher ground. But the governmenthas instead further industrializes the city with more condos, bridges, roads and railways. I believe these developments are political in nature to strengthen a political powerbase whose location is historically Bangkok rather than adjusting to climate change characterized in part by rising seawater.
  15. And perhaps because "the church is ok with it." https://chicago.suntimes.com
  16. 'Thailand's draconian alcohol laws" Consistent with Buddhism: "One is to refrain from drinking even a drop of alcohol ... because they are the cause of heedless essential." https://kuenselonline.com As 90%+ of the Thai population identifies as Buddhist (practically considered the state religion), by extension alcohol should be banned permanently for them, no matter their rank in society.
  17. 'seditious kids books' So Thailand is a democratic monarchy as per the Constitution but fears promotion of democracy? If Thailand is a democratic nation, why would democracy even need to be promoted?
  18. I appreciate the donation but .... The funding for such "gifts" as the Prayut regime likes to call its random generosity to the Thai people should not come from the RTP. Are there not ministries that should be funded vis a vis the Parliament approved budget process that would have the authority to ensure equitable and timely distribution of aid funds to the Thai people? The alternative would indicate that the RTP has a slush fund of unauthorized legal budget, eg., from undisclosed sources of revenue to make what is in effect illegal expenditures for the sake of publicity. I recall that the military admitted ( by Prayut?) that it has a slush fund for "off the books" discretionary spending. The military admitted to the Parliament that it has its own 'private' sources to acquire unbudgeted funds. Parliament required the military to reveal its private revenue sources but to date I don't believe it has. So it would be consistent that the RTP can do the same.
  19. You need to talk to your employer as to the customs And VAT if applicable. Seems without further information that the pc belongs to the employer and being provided to an employee for employer work. You don't pay cost of import, you lose nothing. The company loses the pc. Do you then lose your employment? Under the above scenario, the employer should bear the entire cost to send it to you (vis a vis FedEx), unless you don't have such clarification or you contraturally agree to bear the import cost yourself as per your term of employment.
  20. You can't restore something that never existed.
  21. March 16, 2021 PRAYUT GETS ASTRAZENECA JAB....(sic) https://www.khaosdenglish.com May 24, 2021 PM Has 2nd COVID-19 Vaccine Jab https://that.mcot.net/english-news-702708 Military politicians don't do peace?
  22. Does this number "math" come as a surprise in a country where a traffic fatality is only considered when a person is dead at the scene of the accident; but not counted when the person dies in an ambulance in route to a hospital or at the hospital?
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