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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. If he was in-transit, he likely didn't go through immigration.
  2. Ah yes, friendly relations with neighbors. Putting aside Thailand's friendly attitude with North Korea (embassy in Bangkok), pandering with China; blissful of unfriendly European Cold War relations with East Germany, Russian invasion of Afganistan/Hungary /Czechoslovakia, China invasion of Vietnam, Vietnam invasion of Cambodia, Sino-Soviet border conflict, etc. Thailan's world diplomacy has been stuck in the mid-1900's and seems to sell out to whatever country gives it favor without regard to democratic ideology. Hopefully, MFP can change that direction, albeit with baby steps until the RTM can be accountable to the Thai people.
  3. Jesuits been making wine in California and Australia too.
  4. Mini Cooper purchased by BMW in 1996. Still made in England.
  5. That's like saying your left hand is closer to your right hand than to, say your foot. The comparison is nonsensible. Looking at the last ten years for what has the PTP accomplished in terms of strengthening democracy in Thailand? Two elections reflect little to nothing. At best I view PTP as a conservative right-wing capitalistic party versus MFP as a progressive left-wing proletarian party.
  6. That was already done back in 2022. "PM says incursion of Myanmar jet into Thai airspace not a big deal. " www.thaipbsworld.com , July 1, 2022 Apparently, the MiG29 jet appeared to be providing air support for Mynamar junta ground troops against Karen rebel (ie., anti-junta) forces and in its ground straffing attack it had to fly into Thailand airspace before it could circle around for another run. No problemo from Prayut. Birds of a feather and all that.
  7. Typically such accused are transferred to the Office of the PM as administrative leave. But since PM Prayut is Chairman of the National Police Commission, what would be the point?
  8. See if you qualify for the Long Term Resident visa. Unlimited free re-entries and fast track through immigration.
  9. Will be interesting to see how this amendment is done as it requires a signigicant change in the constitution which in turn requires approval from the Senate. But what if the Senate doesn't exist if all are Senators required to retire beforehand? Especially with very little time remaining for the new government to be installed.
  10. Immediate application of the Act was confirmed by the Constitutional Court in May 2023 retroactive to February 22, 2023 after PM Prayut attempted by executive decree to postpone enforcement of the Act. So not surprising if RTP was ignoring the law still.
  11. From my experience, do not redact any information in what you submit or documents will be rejected.
  12. You can use foreign healthcare insurance. Just need endorsement letter from the provider with original signature(s) from appropriate company executive(s) ascertaining your policy duration, overall coverage, in-patient/out-patient coverage, etc. that meets the minimum required for LTR. For any clarifications you can call or email the Thailand Board Of Investment in Bangkok, sponsors of the LTR visa.
  13. Have had an Acer F 15 (23" diagonal screen) since 2015 with Intel Core i5-7200U 2.5GHz with Turbo Boost up to 3.1GHz, Windows 10. Purchased from IT City. This year for extensive traveling added GPD Pocket 3 mini pc (8" diagonal touch screen) with Intel Core i7-1195G7, 1.4GHz max, 16GB LPDDR4x-3733. Windows 10. Purchased through Lazada from Chinese vendor.
  14. Might Prayut become a Senator (maybe even President of the Senate?) as the current 250 Senator terms will soon expire (after 2023?). Part of the current Senators originated from a selection process that included a junta-appointed committee that chose ultimately 194 members out if the total 250. In addition six positions were given to top military and police leaders. The Constitution makes clear the Senators are not elected. I don't see the military letting go its hold in the Senate after losing cobtrol of the government.
  15. "some 50 men who participated, about 30 are serving police officers who may face disciplinary action if they did not seek prior permission from their superiors." For the 20 are they superiors who don't have to have permission or what makes them exempt? I'd think just being in uniform engaged in a non-police activity would mean an automatic disclinary action regardless of rank. I find the bigger issue is why the subject 50 officers even need what might be a paltry payment to in effect abuse their position in law enforcement. Might there be hidden police corruption?
  16. What visa are you on - student in Thailand, tourist, etc.? That may affect whether you can operate a business in Thailand. Curious what your market will be. Not many issues if in Thailand apart from visa, but why would anyone living in Thailand buy from you as a distributor vs. established distributors available from the many established marketing platforms accessible in Thailand or directly, ie., Fortune Town? If you're looking to export electronic devises purchased in Thailand, there are far too many issues that may make it too expensive to operate with a profit margin. But I applauded your enthusiasm.
  17. With a new government due no later than July 2023, the Prayut regime endangered national security GOING FORWARD by engaging with Myanmar on any strategic front. Especially with an openly fascist military regime fighting an open rebellion. Prayut in effect disrespects the elected incoming demoractically elected regime. Prayut should be censured but who's left to do so (other than a supreme commander of the RTM?).
  18. Evidence if it existed should have, could have, would have been submitted to and reviewed by the EC prior to the election wherein the EC is suppose to determine candidate eligibility for the election. As it was, the EC did approve eligibility of Pita in effect 'estoppel by silence' before the election. What Ruangkrai's continued allegation after the election may amount to criminal defamation and should be prosecuted accordingly. Especially in light of the EC now accepting ALL elected MP's for office.
  19. Wouldn't hotel waste been significantly reduced during the pandemic due to high vacancies, thus reducing their operation costs (unless not metered but charged a flat rate)? Yet, decrease in total income means they kept more of the income before expenses. So now with increasing occupancy, they want to continue as if it were still the pandemic? Maybe it's time the hotel industry start thinking of reducing for themselves what will once again become a major cost without charity from the government.
  20. As a new FY 2024 budget MUST be inplace before September 1, 2023 the appointment and royal endorsement of the new government ( PM & Cabinet ) cannot be delayed practically any later after July to allow full presentation and approval by the House and Senate. Considering the new government's budget proposal will likely include hereto historically new progressive spending and cuts, there is pressure on the "old guard" not to grandstand rigid resistance or otherwise defame the nation and its security! "What goes around comes around."
  21. On the practical side, former volunteer English teacher in Thailand Nathan had as of April 2023 about 13 million subscribers versus almost 1.4 million subscribers in 2016. As of July 2019 he had a 50 million baht home in Thailand. How many complaining net citizens can match that success? No trafficking, no scams, no gambling, etc. I'm sure the Thai government would like to see more Nathan-type YouTubers living in Thailand adding to the culture, wealth and democratization of the nation.
  22. If you qualify, the 10-year Long Term Resident visa for Pensioner category doesn't require any Thai bank account - just proof of minimum annual income.
  23. Fox News, OAN, Truth Social, etc.? Have examples or links to prove aliens are welcomed to just cross borders without any accountability? How do you define open border? If you mean not defined by a phydical barrier such as a wall, fencing, etc. obviously true of the US northern border with Canada and Southern border with Mexico and visa versa. Typical of lack of border barriers for most nations in the world excluding island nations like Japan and Australia. There is not even a full border barrier between North and South Koreas, so what's the political significance of their "open borders?" I'm pretty sure not as welcome mats. Regarding US borders, the existence of the US Border Patrol and ICE shows there is accountability for unauthorized border crossings across about 5,500 miles boundary.
  24. Perhaps not so attentive. "Norway remains a country of destination for victims of trafficking in human beings. Sexual exploration is the predominant form of exploitation detected, but there are indications that trafficking for labour (sic) exploitation is on the rise." Ref. The Council of Europe's Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA), June 8, 2022. https://rm.coe.int/greta-third-evaluation-report-on-norway/1680a6ce66
  25. To pass through to the US border from the South means to walk through the sovereign nation of Mexico. US Border Patrol nor the US Army has any jurisdiction in Mexico. Your reference to alien entry into the US via aircraft is a nonsequetir. One must prove legal entry before boarding a commercial aircraft. "illegal" has a legal meaning used by the US called "undocumented." The process of government processing will determine eligibility for such person. If proven ineligible, the person will be deported. It doesn't matter how the person enters the US by land but if entered initially undetected, allegedly then committed local, state and/or federal crimes, captured (ie., by ICE) and convicted in a court of law, person may be jailed and/or deported. In a sense such person might be condidered an illegal person.
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