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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. Ironic, fossils being carbon neutral.
  2. The current government tried Thaksin in absentia under a new law devised by the former junta leadership but now seems to make every effort to keep him from returning. That's FEAR.
  3. MFP doesn't owe any other party "good faith" when itself is denied the same. Where is the good faith for the Thai People?
  4. Or was it the Committee on Injustice and Inhuman Rights Affairs?
  5. No mention for songtaews or public buses where there is more likelihood for mass injuries in a crash?
  6. Revenue sharing is unpredictable unless there's "price fixing." How is that competitive?
  7. Convicted in absentia. Provision in the new Organic Act on Criminal Procedure for Holders of Political Positions of 2017 passed by a pro-junta Parliament that allows trials in absentia. Sounds more like a Jester court than a kangaroo court.
  8. I've heard of booster shots but now I know what a booster gratuity looks like.
  9. Is this why among other reasons the RTP has yet to implement the Prevention and Suppression of Torture and Enforced Dissapearance Act of 2022? RTP says it lacks the money, training, equipment and guidelines to implement the law. You know, like it seems with all the other laws RTP is supposed to enforce. Just as an aside, the RTP is under the supervision ofthe National Police Commission chaired by PM Prayut.
  10. It might also pay attention to the caretaker government's delay through the RTP NOT to comply with the Anti-torture and Enforced Disappearance Act of 1922, law announced in the Royal Gazette on October 24, 2022. So I guess for now the "old rules" still prevail with RTP in dealing with public disturbances - rules an anti- democracy leadership might find effective to suppress freedom of speech.
  11. In a democracy you vote people out of power, not at gunpoint.
  12. There are 35 spaceports and launch facilities worldwide that can launch spacecraft or satellites into orbit or suborbit. In Asia there is Japan, South Korea, India, French Guianna. Thailand would be smarter to partner with these countries, but Prayut is all about his egotistical Thai Hub of ASEAN. What Thailand really needs is more dependable electrical power generation such as nuclear power and reduce its import of carbon-based fuels.
  13. I suggest dissolution instead of resolution.
  14. It should be seen as a constitutional requirement, regardless of pay. The Constitution doesn't make Parliament voting optional. I would apply the same to abstaining on a vote as well. Breach the Constitution, the Constitutional Court should suspend the Parliament member without privileges of office.
  15. That was not MFP's agenda.
  16. I'd like to know the specific facts and applicable law in this case. Do the 12 individuals legally and historically (ie., not the day before sale) each have a title/charnote for a parcel of the whole real estate? Might be a partnership of the 12 with equal individual percentages of ownership. Would it matter? May depend on a partnership agreement where parcels can be sold individually without unanimous partnership agreement. The public perception might be a single property ownership but legally the opposite. A further complication is that Thailand uses common law driven by culture and tradition versus case law.
  17. 1981 – Ferdinand Marcos won with 89% of the vote US doesn't use popular vote for POTUS but electoral college whose electors come from state popular voting. Thus, for example US Electoral college results: LBJ: 486-52. Ronald Reagan: 489-49 Abraham Loncoln: 212-21
  18. I too just saw the movie at a regular screening at Major Cineplex Central Rama 2. I'd say about 85-90% is closeup dialog that really nullifies paying for high-tech screening. The theater had only 8 seat rows and IMAX not available.
  19. Toilet paper doesn't qualify as classified documents.
  20. Or, Trump is playing checkers and Smith is playing GO-surround and destroy.
  21. A system that denies the People their vote. MFP hasn't been ever the government nor allied with the royslist-military complex to even have access to the trough. It's supporters have been told to go chew grass as it's reward.
  22. Nearly 4% of POTUS Trump's judge nominees have been black vs. 18% black under POTUS Obama. About 6% from both POTUS were Asian-American. POTUS Trump judicial confirmations was further 86% white vs POTUS Obama at 64%. If you want to claim bias, then it's in favor of Whites.
  23. Numerous highway elevated pedestrian crossings at major points such as hospitals, shopping centers, government buildings, etc. but no roadway surface crossings. Crossing Rama 2 means crossing something like six highway and four frontage roads. Not to mention highway center areas where new elevated highway construction would block any surface crossing.
  24. Thailand solar power easily justified when the average monthly sunhours over the year (ie., Bangkok ) is about 200 hours. But where is solar water heating? Common along the Mediterranean, south Aegean coastlines and parts of US, Middle East and Europe.
  25. Versus the Fate of Pita linked to political fate of the Thai People. There is a difference.
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