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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. December 23, 2014: " ... Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha paid a courtesy call on President Xi Jinping ... " https://www.mfa.go.th But the Thai Constitutional Court recently ruled that Prayut wasn't at that time officially PM. So in this recent meeting I wonder if Xi asked Prayut, 'Are you a PM yet? I've was and still am President of China. And all Chinese know that."
  2. The baht has proven stronger than the Japanese yen, Malaysian ringgit and Chinese yuan year-to-date. That's good for improving economic growth. But for Prayut's 8-year focus on economic growth largely dependent on Chinese tourism, there must be significant redirection for sources to drive economic growth, ie., more emphasis on export of goods & services. Thailand must also raise its bond yields.
  3. Then he will tie the legislative successes achieved by the previous Republican controlled Congress under POTUS Trump. Zilch.
  4. That "country mile " came courtesy of former POTUS Trump. Trump pulled out of Obama's twelve nation Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal (not supported by Republican US Congress members) that specifically excluded China, causing China's economic influence (hence its political influence) to rise in the region. Jan. 2017 https://www.reuters.com/article/ Trump further damaged international US economic ties & political strength with four year war of tariffs. Now China is facing some of its greatest economic growth challenges, high national debt and virtual collapse of its Silk Road economic strategy. The US is still an international economic powerhouse with the world's largest economy since 1871. Now seems a good opportunity for the US to get back into Asian economies. Watch out for Dark Brandon!
  5. 3 core strategies...? Absent building a better democratic and moralistic society, free and open elections, fully elected Parliament, publically elected judicial system, a military under civilian control, etc. Household debt to GDP reached an all time high of 91% in the fourth Quarter 2021. 79% of rural areas remain poor with unequal distribution with the South and Northeast having almost the poverty rate at the national level. Oct. 2022 https://www.worldbank.org/en/news Eight years in "office" and Prayut misses the mark. But he desires re-election for 4 more years?
  6. Why bother - the recon mission is just politics. July 2022 "PM says incursion of Myanmar jet into Thai airspace not a big deal" https://www.thaipbsworld.com So the Myanmar junta took Thailand's junta leader Prayut at his word. As Prayut has said, the two countries enjoy good relations (my note: as does Thailand with Russia). What is more innocent than Mynamar jets using Thai air space to circle around to make staffing runs against schools and civilians in Mynamar?
  7. As China has discovered, these passenger light rail systems are not economically sustainable without massive government subsidies. It's current total debtis about $842 billion USD! Yet the government wants to further expand its HS rail system. Sept. 2022 https://japan-forward.com I understand that BTS Group estimated that the sustainable fare of the entire Green Line Project from start to finish is about 158 baht. BMA wants to cap it at 65 baht. Regardless of the legality of BMA setting rates subsequent to project completion, not negotiating adequate rate fares BEFORE the Line construction begins seems foolish and cause for potential contractor bankruptcy. And abandonment of the Line operation due to a bankruptcy process creates a potential double public burden: unusable transportation while continuing to pay for it. Better BMA try to renegotiate a rate higher than 65 baht (100 baht?), subsidize the balance of the final rate higher than 65 baht, and suffer the political consequences. The newly elected Governor did not have any rate authority when the Extension was approved and operational. So much of any political backlash should belong to the previous Governor and his party affiliation. I give Chadchart kudos to bring Line fares affordable for the average Thai wage earner but "the horse has left the barn. " But a valuable lesson learned and should be applied to all future transportation projects including super highways and bridges! Economic viability of such transportation projects was required as a matter of law. But when the 2014 military coup took over the elected government, it used its absolute power to waive economic sustainability (ie., the so-called China-Thailand HS dual rail system). It seems this debt-creating approach has permiated throughout Thai governments and effectively bypassed Thai laws.
  8. Namnoo sounds like he's lucky to still be alive to have any Thai government job. Or be sued into poverty under civil and criminal defamation laws. Thailand does not have "dedicated whistleblower protection" legislation.
  9. There maybe another problem with foreigners purchasing Thai property under the subject new rules that appear to align with the new Long Term Resident visa. While a foreigner can inherent Thai land owned by a foreigner as a "statutory heir", he cannot register ownership of the land assuming he does not also qualify to own property under the Long Term Resident visa provisions. Under present law he must dispose of the "inherited" land within one year to a Thai national. So maybe there needs to be a stipulation in the inheritance laws that the 40 million investment value of the property inherited can qualify for legal and binding transfer to any foreigner under the same provisions of the 10-year LTR visa. Albeit there may still be some limitations, ie., minimum age (50 years old), that may need further review?
  10. Where was the Crime Suppression Division when Genetal Prayut overthrew an elected government that would be treason under the then Constitution? Where was ANY law enforcement agency as well as prosecution and the courts whose silence in effect sanctioned a coup (13th after 1932) threatening any public opposition with violence and military trial? The "annoying habit" of democratic freedom of speech must be far more respected and sanctioned as to its consequences that the current Prayut government is unwilling to respect.
  11. Relatives have offered a 380,000 baht reward for anyone who has information to help locate the woman.
  12. This restriction goes back to the junta's 2015 Public Assembly Act and also bans public assemblies between 6pm and 6am. The Parliament who passed that legislation at that time was appointed by the junta. But in May 2014 after the junta "dissolved" the elected Parliament it had already banned gatherings of more than five people, just hours after the military staged a coup. This law is undemocratic as it is not the product of a democratic legislature and technically violates the Constitution. It needs to be abolished. Not the so-called group of street racers were simply gathered for a common interest (no racing had occurred as yet) when forced to disperse. Freedom of assembly and speech without violence is critical to any democratic society.
  13. Airport security was aware she had been "living" on the first floor for almost 2 months begging people for money and shoplifting to survive? Until someone contacted PFCW to investigate the woman's situation? Airport security role needs some updating.
  14. "after 8 long years in office" Not according to the Constitutional Court that held Prayut was PM only for allegedly 4 years (2019-2022). Who is quilty of unlawful fake news?
  15. 'good times for exporters' Also for American expat pensioners.
  16. Yes, being a citizen of a responsible and free democratic nation can be a drag and sometime requires patriotic sacrifices. Take a break and vacation where sustainability of democracy is not a personal concern.
  17. A further note: any capital gain or investment income from sources outside Thailand is not subject to (Thailand) taxation unless a resident taxpayer remitted the process into Thailand within the same calendar year it is received. The manner of foreign remission to Thailand might be surreptitious enough to evade detection by the Thai government.
  18. Application submitted Sept. 19th, currently "processing." Received email Oct. 12th regarding several additional requests: No redactions or masking of document information No handwritten notations on official government forms Resubmitted same day. Prior to original submittal had issues with form drop down menus and entering information into form data cells. Called BOI (02-209-1141) who advised using Windows Edge browser; I was using Firefox.
  19. A political party's political platform forms its policies that guide its legislative priorities. To maintain its law-making existence in the context of public elections, it is essential that it gain and maintain as large as possible an electoral majority. All BP is doing, as has PTP and the Democrat Party historically, is to attract and maintain the electoral majority with proposed legislation aligned with its publicized policies. The Opposition coalition wants to take BP's party policies out of its legislation which ironically might be considered the Opposition coalitions' political policy and legislation objectives to reverse the current law. Is this just a gracious objective with no political expectation or a political means ultimately to attract the electorate?
  20. Not really in the literal sense. The Prayut-led military coup writers of their two new constitutions called its governance "Thai-Styled Democracy"; one that reflects Thai custom and tradition distinguished differently from "Western-Styled Democracy." With hundreds of years as an absolute monarchy and thirteen military coup-led governments since 1932, the history of Thai governance falls very short in terms of "democracy" when compared to histories of many Western democracies.
  21. Customs Act of 2017 Chapter II Part 1 Section 16 There are six methods determine Customs value. Custom valuations for purpose of import duty collection. One can be "a deductive value." There is no mention of any hierarchy for which method applies. Section 17 Customs value for importation shall include cost of insurance, cost of transportation, loading and unloading of goods (ie., for Customs inspection) No comment. Section 18 An advanced ruling can be obtained and "shall exclusively bind the Customs Department and the requester for a period of time specified by the Director-General." This might help in making personal property import decisions. Note: I have no personal experience as such.
  22. The amount of explosives dropped on Japan in WW2 just for the two atomic bombs was 40 kilotons. Wanna trade?
  23. Thailand owes Great Brittan for Great Brittan's recognition of Thailand's sovereignty over the Kingdom of Pattani ( now Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat). No fake public referendum necessary, the independence of the Muslim kingdom was irrelevant.
  24. Thailand - resolving conflict between a fascist aggressor nation committing war crimes and a peaceful democratic nation? But Ukraine should choose the Thai solution by unconditional surrender after one week of resistance, ie., against Japanese invasion of Thailand in WW2? Thailand's abstention was not an act in defense of a nation's integrity nor of democracy. It seems more towards economic alignment regardless of any democratic and humanitarian cost.
  25. Unprovoked attack against a peaceful nation, war disguised as a political exercise, fascist allies, war crimes against civilians and nonmilitary infrastructure, military intimidation to force annexation, genocide, forced conscription of the weak and young, etc. The same kind of tactics used by Nazi Hitler in WW2. Russia has become the nazis. Defend the Ukraine homeland, protect civilians, fight against overwhelming odds against a military superior aggressor, sacrifice to keep the capital and sovereignty, military support from democratic nations, etc. Ukraine has become the Allies of WW2.
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