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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. Seems Musk wants to be Trump's "Fuhrer of Industry." "How Big Business Bailed Out the Nazis," May 20, 2016 https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/ “what can go wrong when political objectives and the pursuit of profit become dangerously entwined.”
  2. More background information on shooter: a MAGA supporter
  3. Add to the fact that Trump is not required to post on Truth Social whose value is largely connected to Trump postings. He could start a competitive outlet and post entirely on it, having sold his shares on Truth Social.
  4. Be interesting if EGAT operation supports previous studies into the efficiency of ESM: "A new fusion-edge sealed vacuum for concentrated photovoltaic/thermal solar collector in comparison to a conventional system," Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Volume 34, June 2022
  5. What has been published: "Crooks was a registered Republican who is said to have made a $15 political donation to a progressive group." aa.com.tr Have any legitimate references? Or just an active imagination? "Historically, the Republican Party included a progressive wing that advocated using government to improve the problems of modern society." Wikipedia "In 2017 New York Times ranked Republican Sebator Collins as the most moderate Republican in the Senate." Wikipedia That noted, political party allegiance tends towards national election candidates versus grass root candidates such county tax assessor, county circuit judge, county school board, county board of commissioners etc. where local familiarity can transcend political party labels. Donations for such low-level political positions tend to be small, ie., $15.
  6. Maybe this: "The ruling Pheu Thai party had initially suggested digital wallet payments for all Thais 16 and older, but later this was limited to only lower-income Thais, defined as people with yearly incomes not exceeding 840,000 baht (about $23,000) and savings in financial institutions not totaling more than 500,000 baht ($13,700)." "Thailand is set to roll out a controversial $13.8 billion handout plan in digital money to citizens," July 15, 2024 https://apnews.com/
  7. US is seeing huge economic corrections but just the opposite of your dire economic prediction. 'Fed (Feral Reserve) officials in June singaled they expect to cut rates once in 2024 and four additional times in 2025.' Jul. 10, 2024, https://www.cnbc.com Lower interest rates would reduce borrowing costs for homes, cars and other major purchases which could help accelerate growth. (paraphrasing) PBS.org April 6, 2024 'US job openings increased to a record 8.14 million in June 2024,' July 3, 2024 LinkedIn.com TThailand can't even get 0.5% cut in 2023 and halfway into 2024.
  8. Russia blames Ukraine for fighting back from Russian invasion. Hardly credible for peaceful co-existent.
  9. Reminder that Thailand recently has aligned itself with BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) to "dedollarize" itself to trade in BRIC currencies.
  10. But no remorse for attacking a police officer doing his duty. Does the NZ Police support citizen attacks?
  11. For my friends and family ties: Fast & Reliable. (actually use mobile app. and bank transfers than physical ATM)
  12. What should be on fire is MAGA that supports AR-15 assault-style weapons nationwide. "House Republicans introduce bill to declare AR-15-style assault rifle US 'national gun', Feb. 23, 2023 https://americanjournalnews.com "GOP Congress members want to celebrate the semi-automatic weapons that have continued to be used in mass shootings across the country. “to remind people of the Second Amendment of the Constitution and how important it is in preserving our liberties. President Joe Biden and Democratic lawmakers have worked, so far unsuccessfully, to enact an assault weapons ban." No one to blame for the Trump rally shooting but the leader of MAGA - Trump. I've not seen that level of hypocrisy with Thaksin.
  13. Samurai Suksumek is Chairman of ERC and former Board Member of partial state-owned PTT GCPC through PTT as majority ownership.
  14. Practically, why would any individual foreigner want a 99 year lease in a country where foreigners have no constitutional rights, subjected to arbitrary military-royalist zenophobic laws and regulations to convince Thais of their never-ending insecurity due to foreign influence? Why would Thais worry about resident foreigners taking control of the nation when the average Thais never possessed sovereignty in their own land. The nation in terms of democratic freedoms and rule of law hasn't really changed since 1932 other than to broaden the elitist base.
  15. Are you sure? Import tariffs are paid by the importing capitalists, thereby raising the price the consumer would pay. And so the consumer doesn't purchase the imported EV. Giving American owned Tesla an advantage that has EV plants in Fremont, California; Sparks, Nevada; Austin, Texas; and Buffalo, New York. So its EVs are tariff-free in the US.
  16. The scheme might also be seen as reward for having created and contributing to operational ineffeciency (over 700 military generals who act as specialists but do not hold significant positions?) in the first place. Meanwhile the government can't fund its E-Wallet scheme for the millions of the Thai polity who are victims of military inefficiencies.
  17. Shouldn't there be a Royal Proclamation appointing the new selected Senate members (bypassing the Thai electorate) prior to embarking on Senate duties just as it was with appointment of the new PM and Cabinet?
  18. Blueprint for MAGA Project 2025. Then no place on Earth for Democracy to flourish.
  19. Thailand - the Hub of Unelected Officials. Really need to amend it's Constitution wherein the sovereignty of the nation belongs to the Thai Peoples.
  20. "The foreign man parked his motorcycle in the middle of the road, leaving his child sitting there." Hardly a safe place for the child to be (in the roadway) while the father engages in road rage. This attack is more about the father's ego than his child's safety.
  21. It's not like Thavisin overthrew an elected government in violation of the constitution. To which the CC never challenged the 2014 military junta abolishing the 2007 constitution as unconstitutional. Nor held as unconstitutional an unelected junta PM and junta-appointed House ministers. Makes one wonder just what "severe constitutional violations" constitute under the Rule of Law?
  22. Have you considered LTR visa for Wealthy Pensioners?
  23. If Thailand was located in the Carribean, Latin or Hispanic Americas, I would do the same.
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