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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. Go to jail long time and enjoy the free benefits of a progressive society.
  2. "Not only would the flow of immigrants into countries whose population is declining serve the purpose of avoiding depopulation, it would also help with the countries' age structures." From the International Monetary Fund (IMF): "Immigration solve the demographic dilemma-but not without the right policies." March 2020; https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/2020/03 Zenophobic, nationality and racial discriminatory nations need not apply.
  3. Never forget world democracies for innovation, competitiveness and freedom: "Japan, the EU and U.S. race to replace the lithium-ion battery" November 21, 2021 htpps://Asia.nikkei.com Remember Russia's perceived stranglehold over EU with its oil & gas to not interfere with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. How's that working? "How China's rare earth dominance spurs US and its allies to diversity supply chain of critical minerals"July 21, 2022 https://scmp.com US response: "Biden awards $2.8 billion to boost U.S. minerals output for EV vehicles" October 20, 2022 https://www.reuters.com "...part of a bid to wean the country off supplies from China."
  4. If the current majority coalition can prevent a no-confidence vote in the House, the next election might not happen for the next eight years.
  5. Which is more influential: 53,500 public petition signatures or 360,850 Thailand active-duty military? The new pro-military government knows.
  6. "16 renegade Democrat MPs" Make that "16 sensible Democrat MPs". It's the new government that is "renegade."
  7. Waiting to see who fills the Ministry of Clown Shows, Ministry of Coups, Ministry of Brown Envelopes, etc.
  8. Just to add to the ekection mix look at Venezuela. The President is directly elected by popular vote. But the country has a Parliament similar to Thailand wherein the President of Parliament is elected in a manner similar to Thailand's President of Parliament. It's difficult to generalize world wide.
  9. 2023 average is 100. https://govisafree.com With a spread of 90-109 for 50% of population. Average IQ for Thailand according to https://worldpopulationreview.co is about 89, nation ranks 64 compare to Myanmar ranks 52 with 91 IQ. Highest average IQ score in the world is Japan, followed by Taiwan and Singapore vs US ranks 29 with average IQ of about 97.
  10. Until the PM decides he wasn't like Prayut and the Charter Court in 2023 ruled that Prayut was NOT PM until 2017? In Thailand it is not the Rule of Law but the Null of Law.
  11. In some democratic countries, new government swears allegiance to the Constitution as no man is above the law. Fail in Thailand.
  12. That was for the 2023 election. Now it must be hope in next two generations.
  13. Yes, honor among thieves.
  14. "Annual inflation rate in the US accelerated to 3.2% in July 2023 from 3% in June, but below forecasts of 3.3%. It marks a halt in the 12 consecutive months of declines, due to base effects. A year earlier, inflation had started to fall from its peak of 9.1%." Et cetera. Hardly devastating to the economy and quite nominal if not an aberration to recent history post POTUS Trump. Compared to Trump's first 30 months of term 5.24 million jobs created, Biden's was 13.7 million. Closer to home (Thailand) the predicted inflation rate is 2.5% in 2023 and 2.4% in 2024. Not yet a developed country where the government controls cost of energy, consumer prices and maintains low minimum wages. With US projecting a 2023 GDP of about $27 trillion vs Thailand of about $511 billion and US population of about 340 million vs Thailand of about 72 million, the US economy is doing quite well under Biden.
  15. Something China attempted to do in Australia and elsewhere: "...China is assertively trying to meddle in the internal politics and societies of countries on nearly every continent" - Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil, 2023. ref. https://www.lowyinstitute.org Russia just bypasses the whole trade game and just forcefully "annexes" neighboring countries through economic blackmail, war and special operations that can add to its wealth at minimal cost and administration.
  16. Really not useful in this discussion. Thailand has nothing like an electoral college voting system. It's more akin to a "mixed member apportion-ment" system like Germany but with its own "nuances" aka "thainess" of rules that can benefit one political faction over others. In Thailand's election system, a very minority party can become part of a majority coalition government. Some US states pro rata their electoral college votes directly based on the popular vote. Other states use "winner (simple majority) takes all." In the latter landslide votes for a candidate have no electoral value.
  17. A federal judge says Trump is a flight risk. Georgia should require Trump to wear an ankle GPS monitor while out on bond.
  18. 2023 isn't history yet.
  19. I believe that when heir to Red Bull Vorayuth Yoovidhya allegedly landed in Bangkok in a private jet during an Interpol Red Notice for a short hours visit before immediate departure, he was not listed as a passenger nor arrested. Coincidentally, PM Prayut was also Chairman of the National Police Committee that oversees the Police General Commissioner.
  20. Don't want the military leaning government to confiscate it? In Thailand one need only be a suspect of martial wealth to have property not only immediately confiscated but sold.
  21. The norm since 1932 has been rule by the elitist/royalist/military (aka Deep State) contrary to democratic electorate aspirations. The 2023 election in practicality didn't shatter anything other than blemish the facade of a democratic nation.
  22. The Man in the Moon refused Russian citizenship.
  23. Interesting question in that it mixes nationality with religion - they're not necessarily synonomous. Communist China forbades religion albeit tolerates some so long as they do not seek conversion of Chinese, Russia is largely Greek Orthodox, India is largely Hindu, Muslims are largely represented by parts of Middle East and Asian nations. Seems more productive from a TAT perspective to focus on tourism more by nation than by religion. But then you would have to know more about other nations' cultures and traditions and how that is attracted to tourism in Thailand.
  24. The idea maintains the status quo of an elitist minority conservative government and whatever shred of liberalism the PTP represented, it has co-opted with the military to maintain power.
  25. Going potentially further, Prayut as Deputy PM (trading places with Prawit) and Minister of Defense (his current alter-ego position). The Senate ideology and constitution remain unchanged.
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