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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. Starting with the facts: She was married to a US diplomat and not a known spy. Under the Geneva Convection, diplomatic immunity applies to the diplomats family among other kinds of immunities. However, for unstated reasons the US recently waived her immunity so she could be prosecuted. Likely there is an agreement between the US and the UK as to her prosecution. The 200 year security relationship (since 1812) between the US and UK deserved an equitable solution.
  2. I think Turkey can support Ukraine's membership, especially since geographically Ukraine can add to Turkey's security and economic sustainability. On the flip side Putin would go (more?) mad with the idea. Let's roll EU and NATO!
  3. Thailand does not have a gift tax that in other developed national economies is used to prevent avoidance of an inheritance tax. Furthermore, I believe the Thailand inheritance tax only applies to "registered" Thai assets. Foreign property is not "registered" Thai property. Obviously, in Thailand there is a big loophole for the wealthy in wealth transfer, albeit a legal loophole. But note there was a similar issue regarding PM Prayut's sale of property originally transferred to him as a child by his father. Prayut's response in 2014 was: "So what's the deal?" So I repeat.
  4. And or as history has shown, police dress as protesters to attack police to give cause for a police counter attack against the entire protest and arrest protest leadership.
  5. Maybe the suspension will be part of an update in the online 90-day report too. As I entered Thailand many years ago (pre-2016) and have never left the country, my TM6 code is not in the 90-day database for online reporting. As such I get rejected from online reporting. So I use Thailand Post EMS. Dependable (but still fail sometimes to get by return mail my receipt with next report date) but involves local travel to Post.
  6. Excluded from Personal Data Act? 2016 The Truth About Thailand's Social Media Surveillance www.thediplonat.com The surveillance operations of the military and police are aimed mainly against critics of the junta (and not the Prayut regime?) such as opposition leaders, journalists, activists and academics. 2021 Thailand's Creeping Digital Authoritarianism www.thediplomat.com Since the military coup of 2014, Thailand has developed one of the most sophisticated systems of digital surveillance in Southeast Asia. Yes, keeping the nation safe - from its own citizens.
  7. But police will continue to video crime scene re-enactnents by alleged accussed and release to the public. RTP should be held to the same standards required by the Personal Data Act as citizens.
  8. "Illegal migration" That sometimes translates into UN sanctioned refugees that Thai government refuses to recognize. Works well for Communist countries, works well for the current Thai government.
  9. "Biden White House adrift" vs Trump White House operating as The Trump Organization in coup mode. Biden's democratic leadership may be flawed but isn't that better than Trump's autocratic leadership where it's All For One and One For One?
  10. Didn't Russia already have a long term lease in Crimea for its Naval base before Russia invaded Crimea? Now it doesn't pay for use of the base.
  11. Is the US sharing (stolen?) laser technology with Israel? May 18, 2022 https://www.dallasnews.com/business/technology Raytheon team in McKinney has made a laser to shoot drones, missiles out of the sky. The Army $123.9 million project was tested to shoot down drones, mortors and missiles with a 50kw laser. Test was successful against motor rounds and drones.
  12. May 18, 2022 https://www.army-technology.com/news//france-weapon-deliveries-ukraine France is set to INCREASE weapon deliveries to Ukraine. Arms deliveries from France WILL CONTINUE and "increase in intensity in the following days." If Putin can double speak, so can Macron.
  13. Nor its retreat (aka tactical reversal) from invaded Ukrainian soil.
  14. It's harder for Rohingyas refugees to reach the US but currently over 400 families have been accepted in Chicago. Note the same Thai government will send escaping North Koreans back to North Korea as "illegals."
  15. As I recall the military justified continued use of the "detector" as it was 'better than nothing.' I think the theory was that the soldier had a 50/50 chance of detecting a bomb.!?! Hey conscript, I have a job for you.
  16. See Google. It's a social democratic and progressive political party that was called Phung Luang Party before the 2019 Thai General Election. In 2020 it changed its name to Move Forward after the Charter Court dissolved a similar ideological party called Future Forward Party after it gained significant support in the 2019 election. FFP's leader was also banned politics. So likely MFP has new leadership but many of foemer FFP members. Note that En Marche changed its name to Renaissance prior to the 2022 French election. Politics is all about branding.
  17. Quite so. In the UK only a defendent named in a civil trial can be subjected to a US style discovery process. Amber was not named as a defendent (Depp trying to protect her?). Depp's UK Barrister did request testimony and evidence from Amber but the judge denied the request. But after Amber's op-ed in the Post, Depp had the unfortunate opportunity in US Court to name Amber as the dependent. Why did Amber's legal team jump into Amber's "snake pit?" Maybe they knew about the $7 million Amber still held from Depp's divorce agreement.
  18. See Google. It's a social democratic and progressive political party that was called Phung Luang Party before the 2019 Thai General Election. In 2020 it changed its name to Move Forward after the Charter Court dissolved a similar ideological party called Future Forward Party after it gained significant support in the 2019 election. FFP's leader was also banned politics. So likely MFP has new leadership but many of foemer FFP members. Note that En Marche changed its name to Renaissance prior to the 2022 French election. Politics is all about branding.
  19. This may be a bit late but it provides substantial legal issues with the UK trial verdict on Depp vs a news media opined by a UK Barrsiter. There (UK) the verdict went against Depp and the US attorney for Amber argues now that the UK verdict should have been considered as evidence in the US trial verdict. Note that in the UK the jury is the trial judge (as in Thailand). A jury trial can be requested but it is for the trial judge to decide (unlike Thailand) and he rejected the request: Some of points in the video: questionable independence of the UK trial judge, alleged lies made by Amber with regard to her illegal importation of 2 dogs into Australia, and alleged lies made to the US Homeland Security regarding a foreign"quest/friend" of Amber to live with her in the US during the her "visit."
  20. It appears that possibly under Virginia state law, she can only file a chapter 11 that would allow a payment plan to pay for the $10 million judgement vs chapter 13 bankruptcy to evade the entire debt. In the case of malicious harm or intent in a tort such as required in defamation, she cannot discharge the $10 million award. Under state law however it appears that Depp's award for punitive damages of $5 million is limited to $350,000. If she wants to appeal, a law firm might ask how will she pay their legal fees?
  21. Amber claims Depp bribed the jury and posted in part: "I believe Johnny's attorneys succeeded in getting the jury to overlook the key issue of Freedom of Speech and ignore that we won in the UK." Film Streak Lying under oath is not freedom of speech and the UK case is irrelevant and not precedent in a US trial. In fact the UK case was a lawsuit by Depp against a UK newspaper and not personally against Amber. As such Depp's ability to present evidence and cross examine parties was very limited. Also note that the UK uses common law and the US uses case law.
  22. According to the link, the power output is the same of all power banks and must be carryed on.
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