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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. On 12/20/2018 at 8:00 AM, AhFarangJa said:

    I would definitely put her in the "No Arms" category..............

    You wake up and she is asleep on your arm, so you bite your arm off to get out, then you bite the other arm off in case she is looking for a one armed man......

    She's definitely in the "paper bag" category...

    Damn thing is so ugly, before we have sex, I'd put a paper bag on her head.

    and then one on me just in case hers falls off during banging!

    • Haha 1
  2. On 12/19/2018 at 7:35 PM, snoop1130 said:

    A Thai woman, 64, was arrested for allegedly stealing cash and valuables from a British man after he bought sex from her and another woman

    Do some Brits actually travel 5,847miles to Thailand to buy sex from 64yo grannies and as if that wasn't enough, AND also fall victim to them??

    what the hell is the world coming to!

    • Haha 1
  3. 11 hours ago, Basil B said:

    How about making it a pedestrian free zone, ban pedestrians as the walk ways are used for other things...

    that's right. the whopping 2 feet wide sidewalks are already occupied by parked cars and mbikes, all sorts of weird poles, path-holes, bumps and trash mounds and illegally displayed merchandise.

    Humans have no business on them.

    • Like 2
  4. 20 hours ago, shackleton said:

    Then he picks up a girl  on the street 

    nothing unusual here.Many people do pick up girls mostly from the street.


    20 hours ago, shackleton said:

    Cant see how this is news happens all the time 

    spiking someone's drink and robbing him is a criminal act and could have severe consequences. Majority of people(including street workers) can't or won't commit such or any crime either by nature or fear of getting caught and jailed.

    So obviously this happens rarely.

    20 hours ago, shackleton said:

    will be reading the same in the coming days 

    I doubt it

    20 hours ago, shackleton said:

    Tourist getting conned its a way of life here in Pattaya  

    all the time!

    it happens here in Pats but also in Los Angeles, in Eastern Europe, Africa, South America and elsewhere.

    The red light areas ain't the best places and you should not hang around too long IMO (or at least not longer than you need to)

    In these areas, paying attention to every move you make, who to pick up and who not to, limiting your drinking and not to be too drunk, avoiding certain people and areas, where to go and where not to sometimes takes a lot of the fun away but you don't wanna end up DEAD by being an idiot either.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  5. On 12/7/2017 at 9:13 AM, Deli said:

    Threat to Thai Society:

    Tuk Tuk drivers, tailor touts, taxi drivers not using the meter, many landlords, fishing industry, mini van drivers, teachers beating pupils...


    scam artist jet-ski mafia,dangerous ladyboys on high heels and aggressive fake crocodile skin wallet vendors on the beach

  6. Don't touch it.

    It actually looks pretty nice. A cascading creek into the ocean with plenty of river rocks and vegetation might just be what tourists are looking to see.

    Just clean up the garbage and you got a nice natural creek

    To further enhance the beauty of this natural wonder, they need to add some shrubs and trees on the banks though! :giggle:



    • Like 1
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  7. On 12/3/2018 at 1:30 PM, morrobay said:

    If anything thais should be more friendly toward foreigners in the tourist areas since that is there lively hood. For some strange reason they want to have it both ways.


    I am afraid it will get worse before it gets better. The political division in Thai people is fueling the resurgence of Thai nationalism which has a sizeable public backing and it trickles down to their negative attitude towards the expats and visitors IMO. There was a good reason for the military takeover in 2014



    My brother, who lives in England told me that actually they are mostly quoting from a rehearsed script, giving polite but canned responses to customers' common and expected questions, since their knowledge of English language was rather poor.


    He said that you can confirm this by giving a totally unexpected response, such as 'Please rub my nipples with a wet lettuce', as which point the staff member will become totally flustered and rush to search their script for the correct reply to this comment

    in many countries that sentence would put the man in an ambulance and on the way to ER with the lettuce sticking out of .......

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. I had mentioned in another thread that this $hit never happens in the Philippines.

    Girls are sweet and shy and are told not to insist or be rude.

    A similar incident happened to me on WS bar couple of years back.

    Me and a buddy walked in a club and walked around the dance floor and did the loop and stopped.. We only noticed 5 girls dancing ,others busy in booths with patrons, the 5 dancers  were not above 6 out of 10 and we decided to leave and try another bar.

    The whole thing took no more than 1 minute.

    As we stepped out, a well dressed foreigner(manager) introduced himself and sarcastically asked what we "didn't like" about his club. I noticed 3 criminal-looking 6'2 bouncers behind and I politely said that his club was just fine but night is also young and we will probably be back soon after we grab something to eat(good answer IMO).

    He took his huge gum out of his mouth while looking in my eyes and put it in his right palm and extended his hand as in wanting to shake my hand in a friendly(!) way.

    I declined until one of the bouncers took a step forward and  "barked" at me and said "SHAKE HIS HAND!!!"

    With no choice, I shook his hand but he made sure his gum was well glued in my palm and once it was, he let go and said "I hope you won't forget us".

    And we walked away, no harm, no foul, no blood, no penalty.




    <deleted> like these are in charge in these sleazy clubs and they think they are managing them well. Fast forward the tape 10 years and you will see that nobody is left in WS clubs except some rich idiots and the industry is sinking fast if these bulldogs are still at the helm



    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 59 minutes ago, neeray said:

    Interesting. I am aware that they receive English in schools in PH. But many of the ones that I have met in Canada are accented so heavily, they are hard to understand. Hardly what I would call "perfect English".

    maybe the ones migrated to Canada are from a couple of generations before. the new generation with the social media in the pocket speak much better then their older counterparts

  11. 8 hours ago, tropo said:

    There are plenty of aggressive people over there too, but they are just quieter about it. You'll have a harder job knowing if someone is upset with you.

    Filipinos generally avoid argumentative situations and they are so mild and soft that it even affects your aggressive(if you are)behavior. But in my quote I was referring to a simple smile and a "yes sir" and "thank you sir" almost anywhere I encountered in the Phils malls, 7elevens etc.

    They don't even employ males in the girly bars(except a 5'4 gay DJ or and maybe a gay make-up artist) unlike WS bars with many aggressive male staff and violent bouncers.

    In Phils mamasans are friendlier and the security guards are friendly and all smiles,. They allow in-and-outs without any problem and several times a night.

    I lived in both countries, trust me.

    • Thanks 1
  12. On 9/2/2016 at 3:09 PM, MissAndry said:

    It was an unexpected shock to me when I arrived here. Much more polite in the Philippines too.

    Land of Smiles award should change hands and be given to the Philippines.

    I noticed(during my long stay in Manila) everyone was so polite, talkative, happy, friendly and ALL SMILES ear to ear.

    Of course their ability to speak perfect english must be the biggest bonus.

    To my surprise,I found out that speaking English  among Filipino co-workers even away from office during a lunch break is a company policy and I was shocked when I witnessed how religiously they stick to it.

    I think Thais in general are more rebellious and aggressive(and even violent) but filipinos on the other hand are mild and peaceful people


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