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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. 14 hours ago, Spidey said:

    50% of Indians come here because it's cheap and they spend nothing on entertainment. Leering at half naked women in the street, whilst their family trudge along behind them is free. The other 50% come here for the cheap mongering. They think that they don't have to pay if they can find any fault with the service and "three in a bed" is the norm.

    You are being a little unfair to indians.:giggle: they do spend money!

    But they are expert in haggling and making package deals.

    12 of them box in(circle around) a poor soul on beach road as if there is a cockfight and 100baht is the standard offer(yes..each!)

    And this "dirty dozen" drag that poor ladyboy to the hotel where they all share one standard room :coffee1:

    • Sad 1
  2. On 11/20/2018 at 3:47 PM, webfact said:

    Glainkov denied the charges, saying he wanted to talk to the mother, not the girl

    yea right Glainkov. Of course you did. We understand you :sad:

    Sir, there was a terrible misunderstanding on our part. We are sorry for the embarrassment and the inconvenience we may have caused. Please accept our apologies. We'd like to make it up to you, so we would like to offer you this voucher for an all-inclusive 5 year vacation in our 5-star and exclusive penitentiary called Chonburi Central Jail.

    Now drop your pants a$$hole!


  3. On 11/15/2018 at 3:02 PM, Nyezhov said:


    Everytime I talk to a Thai its "Where you from" "America", "Ahhhh (or Ehhhh) good, Amerikaaah good"


    Must be because we are stupid, overpaying, easily fleeced bit tippers




    haha no. You tell them next time you are from "Banana Republic" and the reaction will be same!"Bananaaaah good...."

    they don't give a flying duck as long as they make something off of you.

    • Like 2
  4. 17 hours ago, newnative said:

        "Honey, pack the bags!  I had trouble crossing the street and some of the sidewalks are blocked!  We're leaving early!"  I doubt the typical tourist would cut his likely 1 or 2 week stay short due to corruption, bad traffic, anti-social behavior, police harassment, and the rest of the not-too-major things on Kim's list.  I live right on the beach in Wong Amat.  Have never seen a rat or smelly trash.  Doesn't mean they aren't there in some areas but, again, this is likely something that would begin to irritate with time, not after just a week or two.  

         When I think back to my first year in Pattaya, nothing really bothered me yet; I was too busy getting to know and enjoy a new place with lots to discover.  The irritation with poor sidewalks, traffic jams, etc. came much later.  But, I haven't packed my bags, either, as the pros outweigh the cons for me.

    I may have amplified in my quote only to make a point.

    Unhappy ones who travel on prepaid tours would obviously stick it out and not stay short.

    Sex mongers also wouldn't cut their travel short either as they probably couldn't care less about trash and rats.

    But some do.

    I've had visitor friends who I have traveled with in the past (to Cuba, Colombia, The Philippines) also weren't too happy with the Kim's list of dirty dozen but pretty vocal on  the anti-social behavior of locals and the stinking attitude of "sex workers"

    But if you are happy, that's all counts! have fun

  5. On 11/19/2018 at 8:40 PM, newnative said:

    As I said, the things you mentioned are of far more interest to residents and likely wouldn't be deciding factors for tourists.

    Maybe so, however Kim J's laundry list of "the dirty dozen" mentioned above would definitely be my deciding factor to cut  my vacation shorter than planned and head on elsewhere.

    Furthermore, after a year of hard work and sweat, no tourist wants to encounter rodents and mounds of smelly trash during their leisure walk at night along the beach in any vacation spot.

  6. 2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    The rats are the only thing cleaning up the beach!

    let's not be unfair and give the flash floods some credit here..

    during rainy season(12 months!) the flash floods clean the beach!

    As a matter of fact, all the trash along with the cigarette butts, used condoms, dead rats, cockroaches and......AND the entire BEACH SAND, all end up in the ocean leaving the coast so clean you can eat off the floor.

    well, off the sandbags! :coffee1:



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  7. On 11/13/2018 at 11:56 AM, webfact said:

    Do you know this woman? The Thai tech police want to lock her up for five years!


    You!.. check the cameras at the entrance of the bridge! both ends!!  get a readout of plates!

    and you!.. zoom in and get the license plate.run that plate in the police computer and locate vehicle owner!

    Four of you! get some heavy weapons and raid the house at the location! use smoke bombs if you have to! Arrest everyone and bring them down to the police station in handcuffs!

    I want that bitch! alive!

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