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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. 21 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    Russians get very emotional when they are drunk. Cry, sing, fight, recite poetry about death and horror or unrequited love, its the dour outlook on life.

    poverty, long and frigid winters and 18 hours of darkness can affect even the toughest human animal

    and  close to 17 million of dead Russians at the end of the WW2  has effects even on newer generations.

    I remember my great grandmother would cry in her corner sofa thinking of the tragedies of her childhood, atrocities to her family members during both WW1 and WW2 and between.

    • Like 2
  2. 21 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    In looking at the vid again, the Russian chick is hot, but a bit too hefty. Wonder what they are eating over there. I used to hang in Moscow in the glory Yeltsin days and the girls were all tall and skinny. Maybe too much Thai dessert here, or she is from Kazakstan or Somesuchstan instead of being a slinky Slav.


    Russians get very emotional when they are drunk. Cry, sing, fight, recite poetry about death and horror or unrequited love, its the dour outlook on life. 

    but she has a good base, proportionate body and pretty  face as usual..2 month of strict low-carb diet will turn her into a predetor

    • Like 2
  3. On 11/10/2018 at 12:32 AM, Media1 said:

    They have no maintenance systems and the word maintenance is not located in Thai vocabulary. Farang introduced this term

    Maintenance prevents break-downs and dysfunction and no one wants that in LOS

  4. On 11/10/2018 at 9:54 AM, mikebell said:

    What will they do with all the collected garbage?

    dump it along the roads on outskirts of the city as usual.

    It reminds me a funny line by 80's famous stand up comedian Andrew Dice Clay

    "Honey! your face , your arse...what's the difference!!

  5. ban sports bike rentals!

    You can never discourage  22 year old blood-boiling young dudes from renting fast bikes on their vacation when they are high on life, if not drugs.

    Limit bike rental businesses to display  50cc cute scooters ONLY and limit their top speed to 30km/hr

    There are too many pedestrians in Pattaya any time of the day and mostly intoxicated, lost and rightfully confused in a foreign land and the last thing you want in this environment is young kids on fast&furious bikes capable of doing 0-100km little over 2 seconds.


  6. 3 hours ago, finnishmen said:

    better rent car,home,girl, only idiot marry bar girl, who need all cow if need one glass milk. stupid men only.

    except home! its good to own one or two in one of the 1st world countries as its value always increases(unless its in a war zone)while you own and when you sell it at 60(+/-3 years),you could retire and move to a 3rd world country and buy a condo with a fraction of your lump some in hand(figure of speech).

    Now you got  whole alot of money to party with(i.e. $4-5K a month) and rent the best of everything until you die.It will be enough unless you spend it senselessly or gamble.


    (Mine is an example of an average and everyone's lifestyle is different)

  7. "as let’s not forget the original motivation was money and security, as opposed to attraction, so what’s not to say that doesn’t change? Most of these relationships will fail and it always seems to be the guy that is left losing both financially and emotionally.”


    Original motivation is and almost everything we do from the day we are born until the last breath is "survival".

    All the roads lead to Rome and all that we do lead to survival including the all good deeds such as honesty and religiousness  as well as committing homicides and starting wars

  8. 5 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:


    Unfortunately the chance of some pussy made his hot Italian blood misfire his brain?

    "CCTV identified previous offender Amorn Yeumya, 48"

    if a 48-year-old mammal and seemingly only 4'8 really could cause so many brain dysfunctions, he'd probably have a stroke if the broad was 24.

    But what do I know! different strokes for different folks, they say...

  9. 18 hours ago, webfact said:

    Missing was 5,000 Euros, 35,000 baht and a valuable gold necklace - in total it was all worth 302,000 baht. 

    what kind of idiot in this day and age still uses a hotel type cheap safe to keep 6000 euros in CASH instead of carrying just an ATM card! and who in the right mind thinks he needs to impress ho's in a red-light city with a 10,000 euro gold(gold?!) necklace

  10. 48 minutes ago, Kim J said:

    Thirdly, the gaps between the buried sandbags will provide the perfect environment for the rats to burrow, nest and breed.

    oh man! perfect sunny and breezy day with a few clouds in the sky and you are lying in the beach chair taking it all in. Then all of a sudden the thought pops in your mind that you are actually sitting on no more than 2 feet of sand and down below there is a network of rats busy breeding and burrowing between giant sandbags. Gross!

  11. 10 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    Sad and RIP..


    Ban boxing !!....we are not any more in the dark ages ? Ironic how certain countries all over the world, ban dog fights, but allow humans to fight like dogs,  on a ring....

    I agree for boxing ban. However changing human behavior and its  interest in violence and violent sports might take a very very long time and maybe not even be possible as we are wired for violence. The day we stop killing one another might be the day boxing will be banned, but I wont bet 1 cent on that. here's a quote from a book to shed a better light on this.


    “Our violence operates far outside the bounds of any other species.  Human beings kill anything.  Slaughter is a defining behavior of our species.  We kill all other creatures, and we kill our own.  Read today’s paper.  Read yesterday’s, or read tomorrow’s.  The enormous industry of print and broadcast journalism serves predominantly to document our killing.  Violence exists in the animal world, of course, but on a far different scale. 

    Carnivores kill for food; we kill our family members, our children, our parents, our spouses, our brothers and sisters, our cousins and in-laws.  We kill strangers.  We kill people who are different from us, in appearance, beliefs, race, and social status.  We even kill ourselves! in suicide.  We kill for advantage and for revenge, we kill for entertainment:  the Roman Coliseum, drive-by shootings, bullfights, hunting and fishing, animal roadkill in an instantaneous reflex for sport.  We kill friends, rivals, coworkers, and classmates.  Children kill children, in school and on the playground.  Grandparents, parents, fathers, mothers--all kill and all of them are the targets of killing…”  -R. Douglas Fields, Why We Snap, p. 286, 2016. "



    R.I.P Mr Daghio



    • Confused 1
  12. 4 hours ago, Rimmer said:

    The second phase, he said, calls for improvement of the existing drainage system along Beach Road, including relatively new, wide and long pipelines at Soi 6/1 and near the old pier in South Pattaya.


    still waiting patiently for the announcement of the third one....

    Let me run a wild guess. 3) import more sand!

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