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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. On 10/27/2018 at 6:06 PM, Pdavies99 said:

    The clear main problem here is that businesses, Hotels, restaurants etc and private homes do not have to accept  / pay for refuse collection, ie If a home does not pay the monthly refuse collection, then there house is simply not charged and no refuse collected, so that house just dumps there rubbish around the corner etc.


    The same for Hotels, restaurants etc, no obligation to remove rubbish etc, so just conveniently dumped somewhere.  (Usually the nearest dark street etc)


    So ultimately its the Pattaya Authority that are clearly at fault, no regulations etc.


    Finally beach areas etc, should be a responsibility of the Authority and they do not care anyway!!

    rebels without a cause...

  2. 6 minutes ago, Grusa said:

    It's not just Pattaya. Down the road in Sattahip I regularly catch rats in the back yard, I keep a trap set, baited with 7/11 bread - they don't like cheese or designer breads! Normally I will catch one or two, then go weeks without. This last week I have caught 12, 2 in one trap once, and had to put down sticky rat in the bedroom, and caught two - they seem to like the wife's expensive Clinique soap!

    We have a lot of cats around, but I never see them chase anything - I think the Russians feed them to much.

    they seem to like you and your house since you catch so many.

    You seem to like them too considering your profile photo. Nice to have mutual feelings:giggle:

    • Haha 1
  3. 16 hours ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    Why don’t they replace the open top garbage bins with dumpsters with lids ?

    Now, such complicated garbage system with a lid is too much to ask from people who can't even build a small(now destroyed) marina, the kind you see even on the coasts of failed states such as Somalia or in Cuba, an extremely poor Caribbean country and also known to get category 5 hurricanes very often (in photo below)

    Marina Hemingway Cuba.PNG


    No one can explain here  why that marina can't be fixed or rebuilt for so many years, why that illegal building was allowed to be build and now abandoned for so many years without a solution,why they can't find a solution to beach erosion, why so much garbage is accumulating all over the city streets and rats invade in areas of trash bag mounds...

    • Like 1
  4. Leave them wires alone! :giggle:

    Burying the world-famous overhead spaghetti wire superhighway of Pattaya will be the destruction of the last standing 8 wonders of the world in existence after,

    the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt.

    the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

    the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Greece.

    the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.

    the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus.

    the Colossus of Rhodes.

    the Lighthouse of Alexandria


    • Like 1
  5. there is no way they can tackle this problem in a climate with monsoon-like rains which causes the flash floods. They built too many buildings without infrastructure, paved streets and asphalted  roads in the entire city during the last decade and the rain has no where to go but the beach rd and onto the sand sweeping everything in its way into the ocean.

    Now with almost no green area for the rainwater to be soaked in, it's accumulating  on sois, turning each into concrete rivers  flowing down towards the beach

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 31 minutes ago, Yewbzee said:

    This same style of incident happened to me about 5 weeks ago, fortunately without the stabbing. I arrived at a location in my car at about 5.30am (I hadn't been drinking) and as I walked away from my locked vehicle a couple of thai blokes were calling me and waving me back and pointing at my car. I thought maybe the door hadn't closed properly or something, anyway as soon as I got there one of the blokes got hold of my arm and was trying to lead me to his bike whilst jabbering away in thai. 


    The jist of it was he was saying I had hit his bike in my car and had driven off. I knew for a fact I hadn't, my car is brand new and there was not a scratch on it, not that I deeded that evidence, you know when you've hit someone. I immediately knew exactly the way this was going to play out and what they were after. Phase 1 involves them shouting and getting more visibly angry as they try to firstly intimidate you but more importantly for them to raise the interest of the thais in the vicinity, preferably a motorbike taxi crew, thereby getting their back up. These two guys were the usual small slight Thai build, Im fairly young and fit and Im sure I could have probably knocked one of them out first and dealt with the other one in good time but with their back up crowd in place that is a massive no no. They know that a farrang will get a serious kicking if seen knocking shit out of two of thais. They depend on this for their desired outcome.


    So I thought ok there's two options, I either offer them the money they are clearly after or walk away and probably take at least a couple of digs from them. I took the second option, walked away and waited for the slap. The problem with them accumulating their back up force is that they are now in a predicament in that they have just told the world that this farrang has wronged them and they can't really let him walk away unpunished or they will lose face. Sure enough as I was walking away the main guy kind of slapped me across the ear whilst calling me the usual thai names then his side kick weighed in with an attempted kick as I continued walking. I caught his leg and threw him down to the ground but continued walking away, probably as much violence as the back up crowd would allow against one of their own countrymen.


    And that was that. In hindsight I probably made the wrong call, as much as it would have totally pissed me off I probably should have offered them a 1000 or something, they'd probably would have asked for more but who knows if they have the capability of stabbing you, is it worth it for a few baht?

    I am just curious about the type of neighborhood you stay/live. Mostly thai/tourist-hotel zone or what.

    These accounts of bullying by street thugs are becoming pretty common lately.

    Glad that you came out of yours with no injuries

  7. there's rising hatred towards foreigners among the Thai youth during the last several years.

    Small arguments don't stay small, in fact, they get elevated and turn into brawls and street fights.

    This stabbing of this Lebanese guy is the epitome of this phenomenon.

    if the "local"  loses face or loses the initial fight(which is extremely rare) , he always returns with a group of thugs for vengeance usually ending in a bloodbath where the foreigner always ends up the victim and on the floor in a bloody pulp.


    The Smile.....LOL

    The introductory tourism intended promotional bs metaphor of the 80's and 90's couldn't be so further away from the reality.

  8. On 10/21/2018 at 11:33 AM, Odysseus123 said:

    You realize nothing you couldn't do to help let alone change anything at all.

    that's right. you can help but you can't change them unless you devote your years for one person and a positive outcome is still not guaranteed as the drugs arrived long before you did

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