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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. 12 hours ago, balo said:

    I don't think Thais want to pay any fines in US dollars. 


    Anyway this is a poor country and I would think even 1000 baht would hit some families hard on the budget. 


    "$" or THB isn't too important here.I get your point.Let's make 3000  the amount of fine in Thai baht.

    Flooding is a health hazard especially if it's in metropolitan areas where sewage is mixed with rain water. People are exposed to various  bacteria when they are stuck in knee-high flood water only because a small percentage of ignorant people are so inconsiderate to litter in streets and clogging drains as a result.

    3000 may be hard on some Thais but a payment plan could be arranged for the poor and will be an unforgettable "lesson-learned".

    And $100 is nothing for the shameless tourist who litters, an act he probably wouldn't dare back home.


  2. Pass a new littering law. $100 FINE

    Turn the video cameras on. Detect whoever litters with face-recognition. Record it. Identify the violators.

    Hand flyers to arriving tourists notifying them of the new littering law.

    Charge $100 for EACH violation and remind them their next would cost them $300

    Tourists-Collect the fines before boarding their flight back home

    Residents-Send the video to their smartphones and invite them in City Hall to pay $100

    Allocate the collected money to improvements, trash collection, facilities and new systems.


    And with less littering in the future, all will enjoy the rain and these endemic floods should be a thing of the past.

  3. 2 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

    After the committee had been set up and numerous fact finding  missions overseas they came up with this  cunning plan and Somchais best mate got the best deal possible thru his  brother in law's factory, guaranteed to work and only 3000 baht per item.

    Staff training to commence on "how to" correctly use the new equipment as new staff may not be aware on operational procedures.

    Thailand the first to invent this procedure.


    this bucket is a steal at 3000baht!

    How do they do it!?!?!:crazy:

  4. Before I trash the sewer system of Pattaya,I have to be honest here and give Thailand the credit it deserves in another aspect.When your plane is descending onto the Bangkok airport, you can't miss the beautiful skyline of buildings and a proper highways with sufficient greenery and almost no shanty towns, no Brasilian favela style slums, or completely covered hilltops with makeshift houses  like you see many cities of the world. This must be cultural plus for Thailand.

    Well done!

    But something happens when you go south of Bangkok and arrive in Pattaya. You run into Trash mounds,mess, no sidewalks to walk on without running into a pole, metal sign, partially or fully annexed by a business, a ditch, uneven surface, wires hanging or bolts sticking out of the concrete, horrific overhead "spaghetti wire superhighway", unfriendly and intimidating taxi and motorbike drivers, sewage, an unfinished mess of a marina which even the 4th world Banana Republics of the tiny Caribbean island nations have been able to build their own to completion to function well and finally the now-usual floods that happen almost every week.


    This is a city with a population of a MERE 320,262. Google it. Add the tourist population of 500,000 and you got 800k.

    That's a population of a little friendly city in many parts of the world.

    This ain't rocket-science. How hard can it be to turn this city into a more livable place?


  5. 5 hours ago, Rimmer said:

    Until Pattaya upgrades its infrastructure, there’s nothing that can be done.


    5 hours ago, Rimmer said:

    but, in fact, part of Pattaya’s overburdened sewage system.

    part of the solution is to own your mistakes, shortcomings and limitations.

    This statement is probably the most honest admittance by the management in recent years.

    Now back to the drawing board!!!

    • Like 1
  6. 13 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Me too. I guess most westerners too. But if you grew up with them, you'd probably love them. Lots of foods I won't touch, including intestines, brain, and beef and KIDNEY pie. 

    My point wasn't about "East vs West" at all. You injected it.

    I do get your point about "growing up with them, you'd love them". I agree

    however, (since you initiated East vs West) you wouldn't find any product on any store shelf with the photos of the actual cow intestines or lamb testicles in MOST cultures(not just West) but i guess it's "different strokes for different folks"

  7. On 3/25/2018 at 11:31 PM, Trouble said:

    You are correct. It's all gone bad in Pattaya. It's a classic example of how over building and under regulation can ruin a place. I first visited there in the mid 70's and it was reasonably nice. Yes the bars were there but Walking Street seemed to have more shops catering to tourists and there weren't so many drunks coming out of bars at 2 AM. Over the years the number of bars, whores, ladyboys, etc. in Pattaya increased because everyone is trying to make a buck.  In addition, more low class tourists now getting drunk and trying to make their way to their hotels in the early hours of the morning because the police seem unwilling to curb the drinking after 2 AM.  The beaches once nice are now polluted and overcrowded with deck chairs, jet ski scams and people selling everything under the sun.  I haven't visited there in years.  One doesn't go to Pattaya for the beach. It's only advantage is that it is close to Bangkok for tourists.

    This city is just way  too exaggerated. I can understand the 20+ year olds getting excited about drinking away, partying until the next day and the being away from "the same old" with their buddies.. But at the same token, if they cross the line and become too loud, they will get roughed up as some locals here can't tolerate over the top behavior the way it's tolerated in party-towns elsewhere.

    Bar fine and "fun" with an "8"(not a "4" from the beach rd)costs almost same or more than many countries.


    By the time you add lodging, transfers and the round-trip flight to the bill, a 10-day trip with 10 sweethearts you spend each night with, will actually cost you a whopping $500+ each.


  8. 6 hours ago, Old Croc said:

    This sort of behavior is very wrong almost anywhere and certainly in this country

    yup, I can think of a few countries (that I lived) that, let alone a foreigner bullying a native in his country, even recording this video  would end in a bloodbath with either a shotgun or machete.

    I would say these Thais must be pretty cool guys trying to be nice but even they won't put up too long with this Scot's behaviour

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