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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. 3 hours ago, pegman said:

    The story said the BIB were there to breakup the fight. Could it be he was confused why they took the bag and didn't give it back? He may not have been aware of their stellar reputation. 

    story goes "In the confusion a bag he was carrying went missing "

    Obviously one of the LBs  snatched it or grabbed it when it fell off during fight.

    It's not like he asked the BIB to hold the bag for him so he can fight better and they accepted it

  2. On 9/22/2018 at 10:36 AM, rooster59 said:

    Hong Kong celebrity "confused" after one million baht theft by lady boys in Walking Street

    Who the hell gets "confused" after losing a million baht ($30,000) during a brawl with bunch of ladyboys!

    You feel terrorized, irate,extreme anger, threatening,violated, mad,disrespected and degraded.... but "confused"?

    Do some people only get "confused" when they catch their wives in bed with the plumber?


  3. i am impatiently waiting for that Pattaya police chief to make an announcement on this incident.

    the same clown who pops up from time to time who projects himself as sooooo concerned(!) about the image of Pattaya! this character who doesn't even show any remorse to someone who lays on concrete in a pool of blood, beaten by street gangs to a bloody pulp has the nerve to ONLY be concerned about the negative effects of these incidents on tourism, and nothing else!


    Mr chief! put a couple of undercover officers  at least every 50 meters of your "first class family resort city" streets of Beach bl and Walking street after 8pm and announce THIS to stop or discourage criminals. No one's safe on Beach bl after dark.

    These type of news of "lucrative" and "successful" muggings, snatchings  will only invite more desperate criminals into the city!

    I don't know the accuracy of this particular report, who is saying the truth and who isn't but there is enough violence now to justify more cops on the streets after dark.

    It's not 60's anymore, things have changed for the worse. too many criminals and some  of them are in ladyboy disguise and are attacking in packs violently.


  4. we don't know what exactly transpired between these two..

    we base our comments and opinions on what we read here.

    the report itself may be true but it could also be biased, beefed up,exaggerated or erroneous due to hearsay so its accuracy may be questionable.

    Her testimony may have been true but it could also be partially or totally made -up or exaggerated for reasons  predictable but unknown since no one can read her mind.

    It ain't a perfect world.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, sawadee1947 said:

    Hahaha.... She was not taped when she jumped onto the bike..... Read carefully..... She was expecting something special.... 

    if it was  consensual  sex and she had feelings for him, why would she accuse him of a serious crime(with definite jail time and not short either) such as rape in gruesome details of knife threats, handcuffs,shaving her and duct taping her mouth?

    You can't make this stuff up..

    "Jumped onto the bike"?!... read again!..she was forced onto the bike and his friends threatened the tourists around not to get involved.

    I don't understand the reason for your attempt to defend this prick?

    anyway we will know in a few days if it was rape or not.


    • Like 1
  6. On 5/23/2018 at 10:05 AM, Peterw42 said:

    An Indian "businessman" (whatever that means) got in an argument with another "Indian " man, and was then chased away. 

    Thats two non-Thais fighting, and some how its beach mafia behaving badly. 



    since these beach-mat-mafia clowns think they "own the beach" ,they probably  told the Indians to $hut the #uk up and either rent some mats from them or get the hell out.

    Indians probably replied with an Indian head wobble( in agreement or between a "maybe" and "I don't know" and "maybe not") but the Thais took that as an insult or a sign of aggression and chased them out.

    ------T H E   E N D------


    Moral of the story; Don't wobble your head in another country

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  7. 23 hours ago, webfact said:

    So a Good Samaritan started filming

    Good Samaritan my a$$! .This is just another new generation idiot disconnected from the reality like so many, glued to their smartphones. He probably decided to record the scene only to post on social media just to receive a few "likes".

    This character is probably the same class of idiots this ferry captain in the news yesterday. In his case, his ferry leans on one side because of huge waves during a freak storm. And guess what this moron captain does!.. instead of doing something about this dangerous situation the ferry and the passengers are in, he grabs his phone to record the whole thing!

    And then posts this on social media!


    In the future if the world is run by a newer and worse generation than this kind, the end isn't too far!

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