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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. On 3/27/2017 at 10:20 AM, thenoilif said:

    The customer base for sex tourism is drying up, especially when it comes to the in your face aspect of the scene. 

    online prostitution is booming.For the sex-workers,it does away the  need to sit in a bar constantly smoking, drinking and yawning all day in scorching heat and humidity.this is one of the reasons why the customer base for sex tourism is drying up.Younger customers who are more tech-savvy than their older counterparts are rarely seen in bars

  2. On 3/14/2017 at 11:12 PM, Philthyphil said:

    Er, I went there once. 

    Very expensive. Drinks were about 300 baht a beer. And the strippers, well, were plus size. And wanted 1500 baht for a two song lap dance. 

    Here, 70 baht for a beer, and a lady drink if you want a lap,dance. So about 150 baht.


    So ten beers and 3 lap dances in Australia some very ordinary girls = 7500 baht.

    Or the same in Pattaya with girls who don't squash you = 1150 baht. 


    And you say the LOS are greedy?  


    It was quite cold also, and they had a dress code. Which I thought was a bit odd, since we were not there to impress the ladies. DRess up to go to see strippers? Weird.


    And don't even start me on how much the scamming taxi driver charged us for a 12 kilometer taxi ride back to the hotel!!!!


    and I will state it again. THere are STILL topless girls on walking street.


    The headline is a question and the answer is. NO

    true that!..i also went to a strip joint recently while visiting Los Angeles where lap dance (a 3 min song) cost $30 and alcohol wasn't even served.Instant coffee cost  $5 and she pre-warned me not to touch her boobs! what the F!


  3. 6 minutes ago, CRUNCHER said:

    Again you are right. If Bali Hai goes to the wall the permit will lapse.  They will not be able to demolish. The bank will take the land that will be worth peanuts.  The bank wont put more money in to demolish.  Who will buy the land with that shell on it?  No one.  As you said City Hall can't afford to demolish and would probably screw it up anyway.


    and it will be quite a sight with the decaying marina and the building!

    im sure the birds and the fish will love all this!

  4. 3 minutes ago, CRUNCHER said:

    You are right Pattayadude.  It is time to sort this farce out one way or another.


    The developer has put some information into the public domain, but I doubt he has disclosed everything. City Hall has put nothing in the public domain which I find surprising.  You would think they would want to offer something to justify their position.


    City Hall waited for about (if my memory serves me right) 2 weeks after the building was topped off before issuing the stop order.  I find the timing odd to say the least, but perhaps I am being overly suspicious. Certainly they should have acted much sooner if this was necessary.


    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Personally I think when (and if) finished it will look good.  Others disagree and I respect their opinion.  Whichever side of the equation you are on, I suspect that most people would prefer to see it finished rather than have the shell remain in that state for the next 10 years.  That is what will happen, with the inevitable litigation, if the project is ended. 


    here we just express our opinions and I never claim I am right.

    However, if it looks,walks and quacks like a duck, then it is a duck.

    You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure if this construction is deemed illegal, it's only fair to think someone did something illegal.

    There are discrepancies here stinking to high heavens.

    On the other hand,if developer bankrupts(and I doubt it as it's a $30B company) and walks, how is this City gonna cough up millions of dollars to demolish it

    if they can't even put together 50-100million baht ($3M) to fix the freakin marina!

    There is no money in the piggy.period.

    They will just auction it and the next developer will pick it at 50 cents on the dollar and everybody will go home.they will pick up the pieces and find a way to resume the construction.


    the City eventually will have it "their way"(however you perceive it) and make Bali hai  kncok off 10 floors (not 5), and they will save their face, Bali Hai will lose quite a bit but in the long run the hotel business  will make up for the loss when it opens its doors and will probably run with no vacancy

  5. 36 minutes ago, Asiantravel said:

    But what can be done about it? For example under British law a developer  in a similar position who would be trying to pin part of the blame on government authorities themselves would need to seek equitable relief in the courts. I don’t know enough about the Thai legal system to know whether they have the equivalent of common law and equity as in the UK.

    But I do know the famous phrase regarding those who do seek equitable relief in the British courts

    " He who comes into equity must come with clean hands." .

    In other words, if you ask for help from the courts about the actions (or inactions this case ) of someone else but have acted wrongly yourself, then you do not have clean hands and you may not receive the help you seek.

    On that note I would be extremely surprised if the developers would be able to come anywhere near  being able to persuade the courts that they satisfied this criteria.

    I don't think this whole thing can be simplified as "overbuilt area and parking space" anymore.Otherwise an agreement could have been reached by now.

    I bet you there are "extremely sensitive" issues among the two parties that can not be made public. No one can convince me city hall inspectors assigned with this project with a $5 calculator couldn't figure out the gross floor area multiplied by 50 wouldn't have amounted to the permitted total area but allowed this construction to rise to its full height, tens of millions($) got spent and then surrendered to less than 100 protesters.This isn't a child's play. This is a skyscraper.

    People lost their a$$es and dreams.


    everybody loses at the end of this  including Thailand and it's reputation!

    Nobody will buy crap after this!

  6. 11 hours ago, champa said:

    Yesterday, the buyers met with deputy lord mayor of Pattaya City. It was the first time that Pattaya City did official announcement that there are MANY issues of Waterfront Project.


    Unfortunately, it was not detail on any issues

    Why are these "issues" such a top secret that no one dares to share them with public after almost 3 years? who is afraid of spilling the beans here?

    Or is it their intention to take these facts with them to the grave?

    I just can't comprehend this anymore

    11 hours ago, Asiantravel said:

    It was the first time that Pattaya City informed the buyers that the developer had changed the building without permission

    Champa, there is an old quote: But isn't the thief culpable at all?

    Realizing the doors and windows unlocked,a thief breaks in a house and steals everything.

    Next day all neighbors blame the owner of the house for being very negligent and harshly criticize him for leaving the doors and windows wide open.

    Frustrated with being the only culpable for this break-in, the owner finally lashes out " But isn't the thief culpable at all???


    Profit-driven, opportunistic and greedy developers are known for "changing the buildings", building extra floors without permission and try to bribe authorities for various reasons for extra profit all over the world for centuries. Yes.. they are culpable for doing so!

    But aren't the authorities ALSO culpable for turning blind eye, lack of inspection during the construction of a mega structure such as the Waterfront???

    It is so easy to put the blame on one party and having said this, I am not trying to protect the developer. on the contrary, I think they ARE to be blamed for all this mess

    But we aren't talking a hen-house here..its a 50floor high-rise building for God's sake!

    Why didn't the authorities catch these variations from the beginning before it was too late?

    "what" did or didn't happen that was not supposed to or supposed to?


    If not this, then what is the City's responsibility???

    Help build, coordinate, beautify  or destroy?



  7. they are not messing it up..it's attitude and in the culture of many(not all)to do messy work, cheap  workmanship, corruption, total disrespect to regulations, mom&pop kiosks blocking  store fronts, blocking mall fronts, block almost all sidewalks with "stuff", wires hanging, path holes unfixed, litter everywhere, sewer everywhere...The city didn't stink in 90s..it does now24/7

  8. Per Champa's posts, this project has 2 outstanding issues that City hall is reluctant to re-issue construction permits.

    1)Overbuilt area of some 5000sqm which requires to knock several floors off the top which developer proposed to cut 5 floors as correction.

    2)Not enough parking space for the area/units built which developer proposed to install hydraulic parking as correction.


    There are reports on social media during the last a few days about "widening" the road to alleviate  tour bus traffic and/or tour bus parking and  apparently this will automatically make the height of building and the constructed area "legal" ,two issues above which this project was halted for since August 2014.


    Maybe Champa can shed some light on this and comment about the accuracy and substance  of these reports?

  9. On 3/17/2017 at 5:51 PM, Philthyphil said:

    They are supposed to remove the old cables when replacing them. BUt never do. When I changed cable tv companies  when they came inside to install the box, I asked them if they were going to remove the old cable. They said they wouldn't because it wasn't their wire. 

    So there is the continuing never ending problem.

    They tidy them up often but new ones go up everyday.


    Some sois are ok though. It looks like they have  Soi 9 theprasit all sorted.image.jpeg under control.

    looks good to me as long as one doesn't scroll down to see the bigger picture...by the way, what part of Syria is this?

  10. what the hell does it take to get this area improved???How incredibly incompetent is this City hall that they can't even complete simple projects like a landscaped park and a small marina!!! What do they need??? How difficult could it be to get some concrete poured and plant some freaking palm trees!!!

    Even the 3rd world African countries have some sort of functioning  marinas!!! How many decades will it take to remove debris from the "state of art marina" they  didn't complete??? And how many more decades do they need to rebuilt the existing or build a new one???

  11. 1 hour ago, mcfish said:

    I think tourists like to look at hookers eg the Chinese on walking St

    I think walking street tour is just an item on daily schedule  for Chinese groups.I don't even think these middle aged to older crowds are fascinated by anything they see.They maybe buy some cheap fruit in front of the Siam Bayshore hotel and only stop by the Muay Thai to watch a round of the fake kick boxing show and return to their hotels without even consuming a bottle of beer.I don't even see these groups in Central mall as their each move is calculated and planned by zero baht operators

  12. 1 minute ago, White Christmas13 said:


    As I  said  no point talking about it nobody believes anything on here

    I did live in Ratchaburi  

    it's not only Thailand that has gotten more violent and crime ridden. Most  countries in Africa, South America, Europe and Asia have gotten worse during the past 10 years.Even Scandinavian countries! The world is getting more dangerous because there's more of us in a smaller shared space, migration and dwindling resources

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