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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. of course Thailand(customs) is not gonna ban(refuse entry) anyone upon entering LOS for being fat,bad and ugly but the suggestion by the op is humorous, at best.

    "banning" or rejecting those can only be done by the women they hit on but no man can understand why women do what they do.

    Obviously no man can understand poverty unless they came out of it or currently in it.


    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, balo said:


    Interesting , I've never tried them yet but I do have the app , and sometimes their fares are cheaper than Uber, So does that mean they just keep you wait and will never arrive ?  A short trip with GRAB is 100 baht . I would think the "real taxi " in Pattaya would charge 300 for the same trip .  



    i think there is a little exaggeration here.2-3 times a week, I step out of the Central mall(Beach&9) and walk over to taxis and make it short with confidence: "Bali Hai Pier!"

    They normally would ask 300b if you look too touristy but in my experience, as soon as they detect the confidence, they say "200b!"

    This is a touristic city and prices a little higher than normal (just like any touristic scam city in the rest of the world) should be expected.

    By the way, someone who decides to take a taxi instead of 10b baht bus CAN afford extra 50-100b and no waiting for a uber or grab to show up when you are standing there with bunch of shopping bags in hot and humid 35 degree hell-on-earth.

  3. 17 hours ago, THAILIBAN said:

    I like GRAB anywhere in Asia, including BKK, but in Pattaya it is UBER or nothing

    but according to some posters, sometimes this "undercover taxi mafia" somehow shows up or calls you back when you make a request.

    Uber is just an app and any vehicle owner can sign up.

    I can imagine  how a group of taxi drivers agreed to control prices and the zone and reply to requests before any Uber car does.Spooky!

  4. 16 hours ago, digbeth said:


    There are a lot of things that seems to be available and even advertised openly in Thailand but is yet 'illegal' and discussion of such activities in this forum is not even allowed.


    Operating a vehicle for hire without an appropriate licence/registration and insurance to do so is illegal period.

    Uber would probably claim that there is no such thing as an 'uber car' only independent drivers and passengers using the Uber app to 'find each other' yet is uber that sets the price and take the cuts for using their services, heck they'll even pay 'their' driver fines if the driver is caught and fined by the Land Transport office... is that clear enough about their legality for you?

    so in a nut shell, Uber IS legal  i.e. in the USA, England, France, Japan but illegal in Thailand.

    Then how come  It's widely used in Bangkok?

    It is still illegal but more "tolerated" then...

    as I understand, it operates in  Bkk without such problems like in Pattaya.

  5. 6 hours ago, JimCrane said:

    in contrast to the demure thai ladies that just stand there like wallflowers and avoid eye contact.

    they hate every minute of their "profession" because they are mostly confused but needy single mothers,unwillingly standing in a hot and humid climate in front an establishment for hours holding a "59bht beer special" and shouting at the top of their lungs "welcome" while constantly being gazed by a mixed variety  of  fat, bold,old, crude,drunk, weird crowd just to make enough money to only survive.

    Even I got depressed by typing this.Just imagine actually having to do it.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Some of us came here for Sex.. and more sex....

    But, I find myself rarely going to WS anymore.  Only now if I am with a friend who wants to go.

    I have several regulars I rotate none are Gogo girls.  I and am very happy with that no need to go to the rip off tourist venues. 

    There are plenty of other activities here to fill your day.  Same things as any other place in the world maybe more, and at a less cost.

    Go to the gym, walk on beach, play golf, watch sports at one of the better sports bars, get massages, go to the mall, go to a movie,  just to name a few.  At certain times of the day just cruising on a motorbike going to get a coffee meeting up with friends.  Hey, If one is an alcoholic they seem never bored  One can drink here day and night just sit in a bar looking and doing nothing,  is not boring for them it appears.

    People bad mouth this place as boring, but what else does one do in their home country?? Work? Watch the rain or snow fall? No thanks.

    I am never bored here.  I was totally bored in the purgatory of the US.



    sex never gets old but getting hammered,hangovers,bars and rip-off agogos with bored-looking dancers do, after several years.Rotating a few is the perfect solution for me also.I kinda stay away from relationships as (to me) it doesn't make sense after 50 and 2 marriages.But different strokes for different folks and I respect other's choice.Sports, biking,swimming, cooking healthy and keeping a good shape takes up most of the day anyway. No reason to be bored, that's right.Hell, sometimes there's not even enough time to do all you wanna do. You can't pay me enough to sit in a back street bar, shirtless, midday in scorching sun, drinking...Hell no.

  7. Why am I having hard time understanding this?

    Is Uber LEGAL in Pattaya(for pick-ups and drop-offs) and regular taxi operators just can't handle the competition?


    Uber CAN ONLY drop passengers off that were picked up from outside Pattaya city limits and

    CAN NOT do pickups


    Uber legally can not EVEN ENTER Pattaya city limits, with or without passengers.


    Someone who has knowledge of this, please enlighten me.

    I am seriously confused.

    Because someone will seriously get hurt if this boxing-in Uber cars continues as some of these members of the "taxi mafia" aren't scared or intimidated by the police or even being jailed when it comes to honor and feeding their family.

  8. On 5/12/2017 at 1:01 PM, tomwct said:

    How do these people get away with it?

    different set of rules and laws  apply to people on that level.You or I would get a harsh sentence for stealing a slice of pizza while ex-presidents and ousted leaders , after stealing billions, get help transferring the money overseas, get escorted out of their country and welcomed at another with total impunity

  9. 6 hours ago, mikebell said:

    150 for the baht bus driver after their negotiation fee had been deducted.

    whenever there is a jetski scam, the police is called to settle the dispute(!).

    Apparently the jetski got damaged(pre-existing scratch on the bottom)  during the ride and this rough-looking loud-mouth operator is seeking 20,000bht from this poor tourist who has no idea what the heck is going on.

    Police(partner) arrives on the scene and after a careful inspection(LOL), he finds the amount to be unfair(previously staged) for the damage(damage!) and settles it at 12,000bht.

    My suggestion: if you decide to rent jetski, make sure you bring a bluetooth underwater camera  and a bluetooth printer. take photos of the bottom of jetski and print on A4, have operator sign photos, you sign and keep for future proof.

    Enjoy the ride!

  10. 12 minutes ago, Lamkyong said:

    smaller tires  // surely this would increase fuel consumption   sort of self defeating exercise 

    the amount of fuel consumed is obviously less than the $$ reflection on the meter by going small on tires. I lived in a eastern european country and this was the practice when meters were mechanical back then. I believe with electronic meters the case would not be same or possible as the new meter get their reading off a chip on the transmission but don't quote me on that as technology  constantly is improving 

  11. Just now, wump said:

    Your post will probably get deleted for language but I do understand your frustration. Do yourself a favour and install the app. Word will spread quickly (did already and I do my part) and the thugs will be out of business in less than a year. Mafia taxis are already driving around empty >90% of the time. Don't think they can handle much more.

    It should not be deleted.He is right! If people don't raise their voices and use "stronger" language, these scumbags are gonna get away with murder..literally!

  12. here's my two cents on this.

    We have a new generation, a new breed of overweight, obese,glued to their phones, unaware of the world around,mute,uncaring, ignorant, lazy and selfish idiots.

    This new breed of robots will trash the world faster than what any previous generation couldn't accomplish with wars.

    As cruel as they were,at least the wars were the fruit of ideals, causes, changes, energy and revolutions.


    It reminds me of this quote by Einstein.

    “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots"

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