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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. 17 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    Well now,  I think you shouldn't set aside the actual values and make inaccurate statements like you did.

    I didn't set aside the actual value!.as a matter of fact I mentioned the approximate value of $5,000 which the victim claimed his chain was valued which none of us will ever know if true or not.

    "kilo of gold" is a figure of speech to make a point!.and why do you get stuck in these details and miss my actual point of everyone wearing high value gold chains in plain view being morons.

    it's my view and i am entitled to it since this is an open forum! get a life

  2. On 2/3/2017 at 0:52 AM, smotherb said:

    Well, maybe you just don't realize the value of gold. B180K is a little more than $5.1k. Gold is a little over $1.2k/oz. So, around 4oz of gold--and don't forget the  jewelry and workmanship value. Our Korean friend may have had an 8baht necklace. Not impossible at all.

    I know the value of gold. Let's set aside Thai baht/baht of gold/ounce/gram conversions for a second.

    I just can't imagine anyone wearing a $5,000 gold chain in streets of Pattaya or 90% of anywhere in the world.

    Maybe I am too careful or don't care about impressing others with my wealth.

    But thanks for the gold info anyway. :smile:


  3. 16 minutes ago, BruceMangosteen said:

    Next time you are going to WS, PM me and I'll let you know where the prepayment practice is going on. Words fail you regarding garnishment because you are intent on being in denial. Ask any bargirl, don't depend on me. Ask any one what happens if she misses work, comes late, chews gum, etc.. The topic here however is the presence of an underage sex worker and how they all run like rats when it's time to stand up and be counted as her "employer" etc.. 

    you mean "by" her employer....

  4. On 1/14/2017 at 9:06 PM, clifric said:

    I moved from Pattaya to Hua Hin on 2008 and gold chain snatching was rife then. Any farang who is stupid enough to parade around wearing gold chains is asking for trouble. When we went to Vietnam we bought 100 baht watches specially for the occasion. A little bit of commonsense is required; it's too late to cry over spilt milk!!

    I had my brushed stainless chain(500 baht worth) snatched while riding my mbike at 2pm early afternoon on 2nd road  near Pattaya clang(Central Pattaya) in 2006 by two lowlifes on mbike.

    That goes to show you can't wear anything, anywhere, anytime.Period

  5. On 1/14/2017 at 8:46 PM, Briggsy said:

    While clearly the bad person in this tale is the mugger, I would urge all people, particularly foreigners not to wear visible gold chains, particularly worth the amount of money stated in this story. There are numerous reported stories of these being ripped off wearer's necks. By wearing a gold chain, the chances of you being mugged increase exponentially.

    You can never eradicate crime completely.There's always gonna be an idiot or two wearing real or fake flashy jewellery out of thousands that land in Pattaya daily and  tens of Thai teen and twenty-something thugs waiting for THOSE two!

    Fact is, some people WILL NOT take off their jewellery no matter what because it represents love and respect to someone or a gift from someone loved or lost.

    Some  just think and behave differently.

  6. 3 hours ago, Phuketboy said:

    Rather than warning people not to wear gold chains and other jewellery, send out a warning to these scum thieves that if caught you will have your hands cut off.  People should be able to wear what the hell they want without some gutter trash stealing from them.  Can tolerate a lot of things but thrives I cannot.  Cut the <deleted>$%kers hands off, if the police won't, then do it yourself.  I cut a pricks thumb off once for stealing my phone, bet he never stole again.  

    in a perfect world, you could wear anything you want but the world ain't perfect.it never was.

    Unfortunately cutting hands off someone will trigger more violence and even  revenge killings.

    I get your frustration but these thugs are mostly teenagers and probably high on ice and desperate

  7. 10 minutes ago, Asiantravel said:

    but nothing compared to the justice system in India where you take your problem not to be resolved but to intentionally tie  things up for at least 10 years:giggle:

    In India the whole traffic comes to a halt for 10 hours because of a cow, let alone their court system gets tied up for 10 years:crazy:

    Actually Thai court system isn't any better than India's

  8. 3 hours ago, BruceMangosteen said:

    Is there any truth or veracity to the story that both the original developer, out of Bangkok, and the local developer of Israel origin/decent who "bought" it from said Bangkok outfit, have indeed both gotten their money out of the project and in fact, in the case of the Israeli group are getting a monthly retainer of 210,000 Baht (from the escrow account) to keep the process going? In short, where's the money in this fiasco? Who is actually losing money and who made money despite it remaining unfinished, deteriorating, losing market value, etc.?

    Winners:the Bank,Construction workers(until the halt),construction company,sales team ( commissions from sales),Executives,advertisers,material suppliers, partial-demolition company(soon) and whoever profited from allowing what once said can't be done.

    Losers:Whoever has a piece of the pie in the sky

  9. 16 hours ago, champa said:

    Pattaya city should order the developer to cut down 1/3 of the building line on the narrow road, from 93M to be 60 M

    Champa. just to simplify your point.are you referring to downsizing the width of this project?

    in other words, eliminating the "Hotel wing" in red circle for example(I calculated it to be approx. 40m)


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