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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. On 7/11/2017 at 7:28 PM, anto said:

    Its going on a long time in Pattaya .Happened me 10 years ago .Was taking a Thai girl to the bus station on my bike .They ,2 young Thai guys got her bag .I was lucky not to loose control ,and we did nearly crash .It was around mid day .You don't expect such things in broad day light . 

    2006 early afternoon about 3pm on 2nd road near P.Klang rd riding my mbike without helmet, two guys on mbike approached from behind and snatched my cheap stainless chain causing me lose balance for a moment but luckily I gained back control.

  2. 1 hour ago, Chivas said:

    Dont know because as a regular beach goer I see none of the above in jomtien and very little on pattaya beach

    I can only speak for Pattaya.I suggest next time you look carefully during and after sunset. You will see rats swarming.I'm not suggesting hundreds of course but several of them every 20m. or so.You get used to it after a while.

    Sewer seeping into the ocean isn't new.

    Sometimes popping out of sand but mostly invisible. And crap has only one place to go.

    Regardless... it is constant, as the city infrastructure can't cope with rain and sewer flowing same time.

    So it just rises every time it rains and voila!

    Environmentally sensitive  watchdog web sites post photos of  this phenomenon almost twice a week.

    But you don't have to take my word for all these if you don't see none of these.


  3. On 7/28/2017 at 2:18 PM, ezzra said:

    I think those beggars brigades are not Thai, they tend to be from

    neighboring countries.. and from what i have heard, they belong to a mafia

    type that put out there to generate income...

    exactly! just like the Romani clans  all over Europe generating millions of dollars a year, sending it back to a Romanian town called Buzescu 100 Kms South of Bucharest, full of multi-million dollar villas built by the "donations"

  4. 13 hours ago, chris455 said:

    Luckily Pattaya does not represent all of Thailand.


    But there's no doubt that you will encounter some element of Sleaze in Pattaya, and it does not surprise me that Black ladies have tried this on. Probably because they were not stopped before. I guess now the Police are acting on it, they will first clamp down on Foreigners doing illegal work in the country.


    Seems fair enough, after all Thailand is first and foremost, for the Thai people.



    yeah.back in 2010 or so, there were only a handful on WS. The police probably left them alone as they didn't pose danger to competition and having a garden variety of "flowers" was ok. But the word got around fast in Africa how these "tourist" hookers were making $100+ a night without a need of a pimp and with total impunity.

    And by 2016, I could count at least 50 if not more of them any given night which probably didn't sit well with BIB and the  mafiosos running their show on Walking street.

    Actually I have to admit these ladies are pretty low-key and don't cause any trouble even though they are not on top of my menu as I am not into XL size :)

  5. On 7/13/2017 at 6:26 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    I find it hard to believe that you ever talked to any of them to come up with that.

    why would any talking be necessary to reach my conclusion?..besides it is probably the same way how you came up with


    On 7/13/2017 at 6:26 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    less and less bother to shout anything, as usually too engrossed in their phones, presumably checking the website on which they are advertising themselves for rent.




  6. On 6/29/2017 at 11:12 PM, plus7 said:

    Do you think it is better to wait for the end term of the contract and get money back or exchange on ready apartment and then sell ?

    it all depends how much money you invested in the failed project.

    1M-5M or more?


    On 6/29/2017 at 11:12 PM, plus7 said:

    However I think those condos are bit overpriced

    a bit?how much is a bit? if that "overpriced" value is more than what you already invested, I'd walk away with my loss, buy a bottle of scotch and see who's gonna finish who first, the bottle or you :)...and then move on.


    On 6/29/2017 at 11:12 PM, plus7 said:

    There is a chance to exchange invested money in already built condo in another project of same company

    you still trust those vultures? they already dry-cleaned you once!

  7. On 7/5/2017 at 9:04 PM, hugh mckee said:

    thank you so much for your replies.


    I think if I had and read and listened more closely to the forums and not to the developer then I don't buy so I hope

    it turns out to be a good (and lucky) thing for me that I only read and listened more to you guys after and not before

    my purchase.


    yes maybe 90% aren't really sold? and i could still have got my "poolside corner unit"? but after viewing many condo's

    this one ticked so many boxes for me and my heart ruled my head a little, well a lot and of course now fear that I made

    a much bigger gamble than I originally thought but forums too can have a disproportionate number of negative comments

    as people are less likely to post when things go as planned but nevertheless will be an anxious guy for next few months now.


    sure i will keep posted if anyone interested in the outcome.


    didn't post name of condo, not sure wise or allowed?


    thanks again


    I know of one project  100% finished(can't name it here) and some (I think 10% of) investors have moved in by paying off 100% but the project has title issues and no one has a title yet as developer can't seem to obtain the title for a long time now. The rest of the owners are reluctant to pay-and-move-in  if there is no title. its a stalemate for now but there is a bad smell and stinks to high heaven.

    Interiors are horribly low quality finished by the way, not even remotely close to showroom units.Walls out of plumb and doors coming off the hinges etc.

  8. On 6/30/2017 at 11:18 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    I don't know what the problem is here with the buy off plan market:


    --Is it that the banks won't lend enough money to the developers for their projects, so they have to rely on the buyers' funds to actually complete construction, and then don't if they don't get enough buyers?




    --the banks lend enough for the projects, but the developers go over budget and/or simply abscond with the buyers' deposits without completing the projects?




    the banks do lend, would lend, could lend but also require solid collateral .

    Most farang developers(here I'm talking about honest, straight-shooter developers) do not own collateral in Thailand so that tosses that possibility out of the window.

    And smart developer would not pay for anything out of pocket anyway since there are so many pu$$y whipped drooling farangs ready to invest in a pie in the sky.

    That is exactly why they have their flashy kiosks run by russian models in malls collecting massive amounts of down payments  almost two years before even any worker lays a hand on a construction tool.(again, I am still talking about honest developers)

    it's sad.

    it's pretty exciting for some, to own their own condo and call it "home".

    Some older expats are quite vulnerable because they don't even have a house back home to go back to.

    And they fall in the net like a sardine.

    Most constructions normally do get completed, have already completed however!

    But there are some which don't for various reasons, mostly illegal practices.

  9. this $hit happens or happening now(more than ever) all over the world.

    it's just there are too many of us everywhere!

    Cities are too overcrowded and everybody is on top of one another.

    not enough resources or jobs to go around.

    Stray dogs are everywhere,running hungry, desperate and willing to  resort to capital crime even!

    this is the point where societies "crack" and morality or religion means jack.

    next generation of criminals will be even tougher and I feel sorry for the newly born babies who will make up the next generation of victims


    On 7/4/2017 at 9:30 AM, webfact said:

    Sophon Cable TV reported that people who have bought condos in the "Waterfront Condominium Pattaya" may see some light in their fight against the developers this month.


    Chalermwat Wimuktayon of Magna Carta said that prospective buyers should go to the local courts......................................

    initially the "vultures" left no traceable amount of flesh on "victims".It's now up to the "dogs" to finish off their leftover bones!

    After all, it's all organic matter and all edible for some!

  11. On 7/2/2017 at 2:28 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    Now compare Pattaya as it is today after 20 years of dire prophecy .


    Now, compared to then, it really has become a ****hole.

    Thanks for the link. No doubt you are trying to prove that it was worse back then, but all you have done is prove it REALLY WAS BETTER in the 90s. The vdo made me soooooo nostalgic for those days.

    The first Beach Rd promenade version with all those lovely shady trees, that were cut down by the wreckers to widen a ROAD for CARS- what a crock of ****!

    Interesting to see that the pavements back then are still probably the very same pavers as there are now, and many familiar places still going.

    A nice beach where the decrepit and badly designed Bali Hi is now, the pier that was so popular, no car park full of speedboats.

    Interesting to remember that before the high roofed baht bus of now, they had the low roof version that really was a pain in the head.

    Best thing though, the condo boom hadn't happened. No scam artists trying to push the latest concrete pile of junk to the gullible.


    Ha! What a TON of closed shophouses everywhere. Unfinished buildings. Dirt & cracks. Cars, even boats, parked on & blocking the promenade. HUGE mess on the beach side as you approach WS. Traffic. Cop enforcing a one-way. Whole place looks like it really was in an economic depression!


    Those "closed" shophouses had just been built- no tenants yet. The unfinished houses were being BUILT.


    as you approach WS


    There was NO Walking Street back then.


    even boats, parked on & blocking the promenade.


    That was only a short while early in the day. Once they'd been launched, they weren't blocking anything.

     Not many wanting to use the promenade at that time as most sleeping after an all night party party party.


    Whole place looks like it really was in an economic depression!

    If you had been there then you would know that isn't true. The place was booming. Loads of mongers and half the number of bars, Little crime as most had jobs. It wasn't till Purachai tried to destroy Pattaya that crime increased dramatically.

    Pattaya was a fun place back then, and fun was more important than money. Now, greed is destroying Pattaya faster than the wowsers can close bars.

    Of course, one had to be there then to know.


    The world really was better back then:

    Probably 2 or 3 billion less people destroying the planet,

    certainly a few zillion less cars on the roads,

    a slower pace of life without all the BS regulations that plague us now,

    no PCs or BS "smart" phones, no internet, no facebook, twatter etc ( thank the deity I grew up without that **** ).

    Easy to stay a long time in LOS without all the immigration problems there are now.

    The people really were more friendly and did smile a lot.

    Way less crime in Pattaya.


    If I could push a button and change Pattaya back to what it was then, I wouldn't hesitate.

    hats off! couldnt have said better myself.

  12. On 6/13/2017 at 9:40 PM, Asiantravel said:


    " and I can get my money back when I sell in another 10 years time "


    just looking at what is happening around the world now I wouldn't be betting on that. Just looking at employment patterns, totally stagnant wages etc I would be seriously worried who will be able to even afford a condominium in Pattaya in 10 years time or who will be remotely interested in renting one of these places?

    Maybe you will have more grounds for optimism after the estimated 17,000 vacant condominiums being offered for salehave been mopped up.

    Pats could be unlivable in 10 years for most westerners if it isn't already!

    It's degrading fast and furious IMO!

    I reckon some of us need to start looking for another city or even another country (in my case) and  a new culture!

    Asiantravel has a point on his 10-year predictions on "affordability". I will add "lack of interest " on top of that.

    In 10 years not too many people will be interested in "inwasting" $300K-600k on a condo(decent size& decent area) in a degraded city if the decision-makers don't do something about it very soon. I mean real soon!


    10 years?

    Sewer popping everywhere now and flowing into the sea.Infrastructure is in shambles. The sea water turns "turquoise" quite more often than before and you know what that means. Traffic will even get worse than how horrible it is now.

    Unfortunately I am also a condo owner.

    I hope the ones in charge read all these or someone mentions to them and they do something about it soon.





  13. 1 hour ago, fforest1 said:

    Just like the search says "tram turning radius"

    There is not enough room for a tram to turn without flattening

    a bunch of real estate,on a beach road 2nd road loop..




    A strait tram that just goes up and down beach road would

    be pretty easy to build....

    I would flatten all the fat&ugly rhino bars and Indian tailor joints on the right side of beach rd right before the Walking street entrance to have a nice and beautiful radius!:cheesy:

    I have no idea who the hell wears these shiny ,cheap, odd-colored shirts in the scorching Pattaya sun anyway but that's a whole another topic!

  14. 21 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    They do not seem to have started work on any of the other two yet and all the heavy equipment has certainly been removed. Where the current tunnel ends , and where one needs to start to get under the North Rd junction is also rather a short distance. So the plan was to create 9 years of chaos rather than say 4 or 5?

    Chaos will never end. Overhead wire mess, Substructure, infrastructure, sewer problems and the chaos they will create will be TVF topics  the next 20 years.

  15. 19 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Nothing out  of the ordinary. Fatalities arising from suicide demonstrate specific characteristics specific to gender, age, nationality, religion, race etc.  Because Thailand attracts  a demographic from which suicide is more common, it  appears that the frequency of suicide is higher than "normal".  In plain language, people aged 65+ are more likely to commit suicide due to issues such as senility, chronic illness including mental illness such as depression. while people aged 40 and under are less likely to commit suicide. because Thailand attracts older foreigners who come from cultures where suicide is more likely, the suicide activity reflects this. These people would most likely have killed themselves in their homelands, but chose to do so in Thailand.

    Note too that the media  gives more coverage to suicides in Thailand  than they do in the west because the concept of privacy and  concern for  the deceased's family isn't a priority in Thailand. Many suicides in the wets are not reported. For example, if someone jumps in front of the subway in NYC, London, Paris, Toronto etc., it isn't publicized because the   authorities do not want to encourage people predisposed to suicide or spook passengers.



    agreed 100%!

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