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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. 13 minutes ago, CRUNCHER said:

    The closure of the sales office came a couple of days after Bali Hai filed for bankruptcy protection, a process which could drag on for up to 7 years.


    It has been suggested that City Hall were upset by Bali Hai's action, because they wanted Bali Hai to slip into bankruptcy to remove the requirement for City Hall to authorize continued construction. The problem seems to be that nobody at City Hall wants to make the decision one way or the other, which is why this has dragged on for so long.


    I cannot vouch for the suggestion, but my source is someone who used to work in City Hall

    i believe office was closed because of some angry buyers demanding answers the following day but it would eventually have been closed anyway give or take a few days.

    I believe many involved in this project who didn't even move a finger won big, some will break even  or at least  won't lose.....except the buyers who not only lost big, they will continue writings checks to bulldog lawyers for the next a few years!



  2. 8 minutes ago, CRUNCHER said:

    Pettiness on the part of City Hall???

    you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

    That area would have been so nicely improved by this project or maybe half the size of this project, but the City Hall "wants to burn the entire  bed for a bed bug"

    As if the rest of the city is perfect and organized!


    The lion asks the camel" why is your neck all bent and twisted?

    The camel replies" What part of me isn't!"

  3. On 3/30/2017 at 11:50 AM, Gopro said:

    The Company believes that, given the status of the Project and, so far as the Company is aware, the efforts of the parties involved to restore the works on the Project and taking into account the Red Sea indemnity in favour of the Group, it is not probable that any material outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the above obligations of the Company under the sponsor support deed.

    can you run that by me one more time

  4. 22 minutes ago, Asiantravel said:

    I noticed there are many pages of information but in Thai posted on the entrance door of the small office / marketing building next to the development and it looks as though the office building itself ihas been closed.

    There is also this sketch plan. What this is the shaded part? does this mean the office building has also encroached onto public land?


    the office has already been closed for some time now for "security concerns" and buyers were informed according to a previous post.

    encroached office?

    I don't think that makes much difference at this point.

    That's  like having a minor headache while fighting an advanced cancer

  5. On 4/28/2017 at 0:20 PM, Rimmer said:

    City officials and beach vendors campaigned to eliminate rats

    Pattaya City hall will eliminate a fast moving 3" rodent that lives underground with a 166 million years of evolution under its belt??

    Wait!...Is this the same group that didn't even notice a 50-floor skyscraper until it was topped off???


  6. On 4/28/2017 at 0:20 PM, Rimmer said:

    Together they handed out 70 rat traps

    that's a whopping 70 less rats above ground out of 1000's below not to mention a female rat can mate as many as 500 times with various males during a 6 hour period of receptivity—a state she experiences about 15 times per year, thus  a pair can produce as many as 2,000 descendants in 1 year if left to breed unchecked.

    uhmmm...wait..let me do the math..hold on! :sick:

  7. 1 hour ago, tropo said:

    I've been renting places I couldn't have afforded to buy

    You're doing the right thing tropo. Don't fight it.If you are happy renting , it's all good.

    Actually renting gives you the flexibility of changing  the neighborhood, the city and even the country in case of political instability, change of heart, change of mind etc.

    During the last several years renting became more attractive and cost effective with the help of various  online marketplace and hospitality services that offer short-mid-long term leases of hotel rooms,apartments, houses and even mansions(for those who can afford) and I for one use these services every time I visit South American countries for example.

    I highly recommend them.

    Don't buy if you don't have to



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  8. 3 hours ago, KittenKong said:


    I would be very unwilling to put more than 10% of my net wealth into Thai property as I simply dont trust Thais or Thailand that much. My condo was well under 10%.


    As for people getting old here, yes there are many in my building who clearly intend to die here (plenty already have). There are also those, like me, who intend to go elsewhere to die, if they have time.

    i personally would avoid calculating too much after 65 and sort of "turn the tap on for a better flow" providing I have the means to do so. Always try to spend wisely but  reminding myself before making big financial decisions that end is getting near .

    If that means living in a very nice and somewhat expensive condo with a nice view in a city/country where I feel happy, I'd go for it.

    Without going too much off-topic here, this may even be the right time to do that especially with lower baht and with Russians leaving (and not coming back) because of the fact that RU-Turkish relationship is back to normal once again after the downing of the Russian jet in 2015 and it's a fact that they much rather spend their holidays in south of Turkey with it's proximity to RU, 8-9 months of mild climate,much better accommodations and super cheap package deals.

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  9. On 4/21/2017 at 1:05 PM, scubascuba3 said:

    Have you been to Pattaya? Know many people buying $1m condos or houses?

    $1M is basically the limit one should spend on a condo if his total cash in hand is $2M.

    Some large (400sqm)penthouses have sold for $1M in Pattaya.

    I do know a few people..i.e. One of them owns 250sqm in Central pattaya condo and a 270sqm in Jomtien and a 150 sqm in Naklua total value exceeds $1.5M.He loves to spend time in every one for a while.It is what it is

    Btw whether or not I know people buying $1M condo is irrelevant.There are millions of wealthy people in the world and what they do with their wealth is their business

    However, sticking to the 50% ratio is more important than the example of $2M cash/$1M condo at 65

  10. 3 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Buying here can make some sense I guess if you are younger.  I don't understand the 65 year olds buying. I know several recently who have. They say, "I have something to leave to my family".  Really?  So, your daughters who have never been here want to inherit a condo in Pattaya?

    Financially, it makes much more sense to invest that money and rent.  I bet they would rather have the liquid assets, not a condo in Pattaya. 

    at 65, it all depends on how much of your wealth you allocate on the purchase of a condo AND whether or not you call that city "home".

    IMO,If the condo/house is 40-50% of your total cash asset(i.e. $2M), you'll be ok even if it's a bad deal.Pros of owning your own is decorate the way you want, knock down walls and make larger living and sleeping areas.

    Buying at 65 isn't a good idea if you spend more than  6-7 months away(another country or countries) from that condo and the cost of it is more than 70% of your total cash asset (unless you are multi millionaire and if so, none of the above really matters)

    • Like 1
  11. On 2/26/2017 at 5:20 PM, silverbird said:

    I was there last week (Golden Tulip), indeed the construction has stopped.

    From the information I got, it seems that the construction company stopped working on this project and the developper is looking for a new construction firm.

    Getting nervous, since I bought a unit there....hope it will resume soon.

    My gut feeling is that they will not finish before 2019.

    hate to break it to you but Tulip Group is going through some very tough times..They were involved in The Waterfront construction(now stopped for 30 months/case in court now for "rehabilitation" a notch below or before a bankruptcy IMO) but they got "booted out" by investors for allegedly "mishandling" the construction.That alone created(IMO) cash-flow problems for Tulip which affected their other projects in a domino-effect in and around Pattaya such as Centara residences in Jomtien bch(in court now for full-blown Bankcruptcy) and possibly the reason why your project is slow/stopped/or will never be finished for the reasons above.

  12. On 4/10/2017 at 5:07 AM, webfact said:

    police are still in the dark as to what actually caused the victim to drown in thew first place.

    installment of several cameras in and around public areas should be mandated and enforced by law in all condominiums and their functionality must be inspected regularly!

    there is so much crime, drunkenness,questionable suicides and homicides in this town.

    Nothing is inspected or enforced here and you see hardly any law enforcement around despite the crime rate.

    And sadly it's being intentionally overlooked not to perceive a bad image that jeopardizes "the image" which in turn may  hurt tourism, totally disregarding safety.

  13. On 4/10/2017 at 5:07 AM, webfact said:

    There were no eye witnesses to the incident


    On 4/10/2017 at 5:07 AM, webfact said:

    She said that her husband was drowning and need urgent assistance.

    Another case of "excellent reporting" and/or contradiction! 

    On the other hand,what sort of "extraordinary lifeguard skills" does one need to step down and pull a man (with the help of upward buoyant force) out of a freakin' kiddy pool???!!!

    R.I.P poor guy!

  14. On 3/25/2017 at 4:03 PM, geisha said:

    LOts of things going on in Jomtien. Ladyboys between  the market and soi 9 waiting to rob you. One   tried to " touch" my thin  silver  chain. Girls and boys on the thin pavements soliciting near soi 5 and on the prom. The market is kept quite clean but the roadsides and pavement are filthy, full of trash. Overflowing bins from the beaches stink to high heaven.Second road pavements are death traps with holes everywhere and again full of trash, wastelands full of abandoned rubbish bags. 

    At night, bike gangs, pick ups ,park  and party playing music blasting out and spoiling the trade of the restaurants opposite. Speeding cars, no policing. And this is supposed to be the " nice"side of Pattaya. 

    Land Of Squatters

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