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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. 18 hours ago, Chivas said:

    lol day in day out sunshine throughout january 1st till february 6th and march 6th till april 6th when i was in pattaya and identical when the sun was blazing.....virtually deserted day after day soi 3,4,5,6 at the beach, I in 25 years plus never seen anything like it before

    edited.........and that was high season place is dying simple as

    I believe nowadays expats aren't retiring in pattaya the way they did in the 90s and 2000s for various economic and social reasons.and many of those who did, got old and  are gone.

    Once a popular destination, it got overbuilt, overcrowded, congested, dirty, smelly, greedy, unfriendly, unsafe and dangerous during the past 7-8 years and especially with demographic changes, it's just not as attractive as it once was.

    By the way, here I have to admit, many cities around the world are suffering from the same "chronic illness".

    My gut feeling is, it's in a downward spiral and unfortunately will be getting worse.


  2. 13 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:


    I clearly said "near Walking Street entrance"! It's the South beginning of the beach, and this part is nearly always empty, even in high season. Only exception are special holidays like Loy Kratong.

    Just go take a pic of the beach near Central Festival or North of Central Road and you will see that the beach is still very frequented! :cool:

    Chivas has a good point.Not even dying, they already killed that spot.

    I used to live right across the street, above the Mcdo in a small condo(hotel).

    I used to spend almost all day right there.There would  be lots of people swimming, renting jetski, on-off load Kog Larn mafia boats on that very spot and this was only 9 years ago, not some 30 plus years ago.

  3. 21 hours ago, JimCrane said:

    they will need to be honest

    not in a million year..this is the wild east.

    they come from all over the country to make a few bucks.

    There is just too many




    beach chairs etc.

    and not enough customers...

    guess what happens next.

    many(not all) become more dishonest, more aggressive,more greedy,more violent

    human nature

  4. 4 hours ago, Lumbini said:

    Use every day no problem in fact one of the best services ever added in this area . How many who actually post here about Uber / Taxi mafia drama have ever used the service ? I would say NONE emoji13.png

    sounds like you use the service often.I am curious how much Uber would charge from..let's say....Bali Hai pier to Central mall where Hilton is

  5. 29 minutes ago, JSixpack said:


    Fact as stated. I don't spread nonsense here. I could relate the details of the incident but not really necessary. If you happen to catch a Bangkok taxi, try to be somewhat discreet or go through an insider.

    I'm not too familiar with the legality of taxi services such as Uber or Grab.

    I always use same private  Toyota Camry taxi(pattaya plate) for the last 6 years to go to Bkk or airport and back.

    I am now a little concerned if this could happen to anyone some day.


  6. 2 minutes ago, hobz said:

    To begin with, a citizen's arrest can be undertaken by Thai citizens or foreigners and is covered by sections 79 through 84 of Thailand's Criminal Procedure Code. It only applies to offences listed in a schedule to the code. Several of these are political and related to international affairs. Those that are common crimes are:

    Escapes by prisoners.


    Injuring public security, communications or health.



    Causing death (for example, murder).

    Causing bodily harm.


    Theft, snatching (theft by quickly grabbing something), robbery and extortion.

    You can't execute a citizen's arrest if the crime isn't on the above list.



    clearly the taxis were either trying to kidnap (i think restricting somebody to a certain space without consent is some form of kidnapping) the lady. or extort her. Or maybe they were going to cause bodily harm to her. 

    either way, it is YOUR right, ney, DUTY to make a citizens arrest. Arrest the taxi drivers! :)

    and turn into a bloody pulp by these 20?

  7. Just now, rkidlad said:

    'While the taxi drivers claimed they thought her car is a Uber taxi and that they considered that she has violated the law for picking up passenger to Pattaya'


    And the best way to combat people who you think are violating the law - violate the law yourself. 


    They should all have their licenses and taxi permits suspended for a duration. In future, call the police. 

    Agreed.however these or similar situations erupt and get out of hand before the cops arrive.

    Furthermore, you are dealing with a mentality that isn't easily intimidated by the law,enforcement,punishment or being jailed.Unfortunately in some societies, losing face or honor is worth going to jail for.

    Sad day for Thailand!


  8. 2 hours ago, webfact said:

    It was later found out that the woman was not a Uber taxi driver, but just the driver of her foreign boss

    so what if she/he IS a Uber driver?

    and intentionally or unintentionally picked up a passenger?

    Does this give these disgraceful hoodlums the right to box-in a vehicle in order to scare,threaten and very possibly assault(track record) and probably beat someone up in mob-style?


  9. On 5/4/2017 at 3:00 PM, steveyinasia said:

    These extortionists need to be dealt with however I know nothing will happen.  Its the same here in Chiang mai, Taxi meter sign on the roof however they never turn on the meter and the fare is more than double BKK fares.  Most drive Toyota Fortuners as well, not ver economical, only good to use as a blockade against other services. I hate them with a passion and avoid them whenever I can.

    They shot a  cop in Pattaya recently for "crossing" the mob.

    You need to understand that pats is being run by the mob.

    The ex mayor nicknamed "Godfather of  Chonburi" was one, in jail now.got 25y

    And it's only natural if you consider billions are on table... all the sin cities past and present always been run by the mob, Las Vegas(Bugsy), Gold Coast(Italians), Havana(Meyer Lansky)

    IMO there are no smiles in Pattaya. as a matter of fact the men(and some women) are unfriendly,aggressive and brutal if you try to resist giving them what they want.

    90's are long gone when pattaya was much better

  10. 2 hours ago, Joebuzz said:

    I can speak for Jomtien also.  You wouldn't get me in the water unless I was already dead and you had to drag me into the raw sewage dumped every night, as in 80,000 gallons or more.  A bit of research tells you there is NO SEWAGE TREATMENT.  Need a video of the effluent flow heading north-west from Chaiyaphruek?  What day would you like?  It outfalls about 300 meters out.  Get up high enough and you can see it well up from the outlet.  When you see the water in the afternoon and it looks whiter than the water offshore, it's not the sand, it's what was for dinner last night..  What kills me, besides swimming in sewage, is that the officials never post that it's polluted, sickeningly polluted, and just let the tourists swim in it.  Count the Thai people in the water on a non-Thai holiday week.  You'll find no locals in the water.  The educated one's I know would NEVER swim in it.  Same in Pattaya.  So, considering There are really no beaches here, I see no reason to stay.  Bars & Whores.  Which are ok for a while but they're everywhere in the world.  One visit is enough.  Below is 12-29-16 showing the flow a few hundred meters offshore.



    12-29-16_Jomtien Sewage Flow.jpg

    a picture is worth a thousand words but for those who have their heads buried in sand, these are the turquoise waters of the south east Asia!



  11. A tree-lined park is about to be built in front of the huge building all the way to the light house once the state-of-the-art marina is completed within a few months.

    Then an underground bus parking and a bus station with a shopping area and restaurants will alleviate 90% of the horde of  Chinese zero-baht-tourists above ground which will be connected to Sukhumwit via tunnel.

    Then mafia boat drivers will be required to wear blue&white striped marine outfits just like gondola oarsmen in Venice.

    Then an agreement will be reached and the huge building will be completed with 20 floors less than originally planned and the eyesore will be eliminated for good.

    All Thais will speak perfect English and start to smile again.


    Then I woke up......

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