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Everything posted by Peterw42

  1. A lot of property gets listed and sold on Facebook marketplace nowadays, or Facebook property groups in your area. Given you have a a niche property (investment/live in), the traditional places to sell probably don't apply. Dont forget, everything sells for the right price, if you are getting no enquiries or lookers then its as simple as your price is probably to high.
  2. There is no definitive way of knowing if an agent is authorized by an owner, as above, stick with large reputable agents that deal exclusively with foreigners. There is no list of things that "must" be included with a lease. 100s of people rent properties every day with no problems, instances of fake agents are very rare, and not as common as clickbait social media posts would have you believe.
  3. You probably need an accountant to be structured correctly to claim mortgages/expenses against income etc. There is information on websites like below about the tax system and deductions. It appears, for an individual, only mortgage interest is deductible . Otherwise it appears a rental property would need to be set up as a company to get full deductions for mortgage, expenses etc. Which sort of makes sense as an individual isn't a business. https://phuketrealtor.com/blog/tax-on-rental-income-in-thailand-what-should-you-know https://www.expattaxthailand.com/thailand-expat-tax-rates-allowances-and-deductions/
  4. How could you possibly know how many people are watching either candidates streams ?
  5. You would have a hard time finding long-term leases that allow subletting of the property. You cannot work in Thailand, including meet/greet customers, cleaning etc. And the big one, Airbnb is illegal in Thailand, for stays under one month. Also, Airbnb works where accommodations are in short supply and expensive. There are 1,000s of great cheap hotels, resorts, in Thailand, pretty much negating any demand for Airbnb.
  6. You cant get disability pension overseas, that was shut down years ago.
  7. I think you will find once you are over 60 the in person reporting and looking for a job etc goes out the window, but they point you towards volunteering.
  8. The 35 year rule has nothing to do with pension being portable or being cut off if you leave. 35 years is the minimum time you are required to be working (available for work), to even qualify for a pension. As above, if someone leaves Australia aged 40 and doesn't return until 67, then they haven't put in the required years to even get a pension, let alone making it portable. Even if they started working at 15, that 25 years working.
  9. They would need to return to Australia at age 65, 2 years prior. If they have been out of Australia since their 40s, then the probably haven't put in enough years to get a full pension, IIRC its 35 years.
  10. The time frame could vary depending on which land office, but usually an hour or so. At 1pm, you will be the first appointment after lunch. The couple of times I have bought a condo, there was an envelope changed hands to ensure speedy service, 500 baht each from buyer and seller.
  11. Thank you, Literally the best and most sensible realistic comment, on the Tax situation, I have seen.
  12. Do you know what documentation ? Is it a bank statement from home country, a statement from the country you apply in . If its anything like an OA retire visa, you cant apply in one country and show savings in another.
  13. So cut back the branches that overhang your property, then there wont be anymore leaves dropping on your property. The law allows you to cut back the overhang at the property boundary. A local Thai guy with a ladder and a saw will do it for a couple of hundred baht.
  14. There is a shop on theppasit rd, just near the traffic lights and over head cameras, they sell most of the stuff amorm used to sell. Electronics parts, remotes, AV bits, sound gear. LHS going towards Suk rd, 4-5 shops up from the lights, blue facade with Thai writing.
  15. OP, I don't think anyone can give you accurate figures as there are just to many variables. I would start at the local Ampher and see what can/cant be built on the land, then contact some local builders for some options.
  16. OP, you appear to be contradicting yourself, one post you are talking about a condo to live in, so you can stop paying rent, next post you are talking about ROI, which would be a rental property. I imagine if you have lived in Bangkok for decades then you have probably already spent the price of a condo in rent. If you want a place to live in forever then what it rents for or sells for in the future is largely irrelevant. I am one of the few who think renting is always better. I have owned a condo in Pattaya, and have saved the purchased price 2 times over, by not paying rent. Nowadays, i save 150-200k a year, and I don't know/care what the condo is worth today as its not a capital gain investment, its a yield investment, as in money in my pocket every year, rent I don't pay.
  17. Most of the misinformation and contradictions are coming from the TIKtok and youtube brigade, The very people who are supposed to be using this visa.
  18. https://www.siam-legal.com/realestate/thailand-property-taxes.php
  19. Why do you want an account with this bank ? They have little to no branches, NO ATMs, they dont appear to have any online banking platform, I think you would have lots of problems transferring money from home to them. There are Many Thai banks, with a branch on every 2nd corner, ATMs everywhere, international representation and recognition. And they will be happy to open an account for you. You pick an obscure small bank, then complain that you cant be a customer. It appears you are looking for something to complain about.
  20. OP, sounds like you have made up your mind to get a cat, and I doubt you will pay any attention to anyone who tells you otherwise. Its a slippery slope once you start ignoring the common by-laws or justifying they don't apply to you, or you wont get caught. What happens when everyone starts ignoring all the laws. Unless you can train your cat to use the toilet and flush afterwards, there will be kitty litter that smells. Also Cats attract or go looking for mates, your cat may be fine but the cat 3 doors down will start hanging around your condo. At the end of the day its not much of a life for a cat being confined to a condo.
  21. Why not just engage a UK lawyer, they could review contracts and sign on your behalf, save the purchaser a trip to Thailand . A UK lawyer will need to be engaged for final settlement, transfer of title etc, the other half of selling a property. The chances of finding English speaking lawyers, familiar with UK property law and licensed to take care of UK affairs, would be very remote.
  22. Rubbish, your own graph shows unemployment at 4-5% and trending downwards when trump took over from Obama.
  23. And still lower than most of the trump term. There is something fundamentally wrong with someone who doesn't laugh, never seen trump laugh in 8 years.
  24. Pattaya should have one, after all Shelbyville has one
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