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Everything posted by Peterw42

  1. Of course the helpdesk isnt going to advertise that they accept bribes to produce fraudulent documents.
  2. OP, do you want the drive repaired, or do you want data recovery ? If you don't have any important data on it, then its not really worth repairing, just buy a new one. If its data recovery, and you are reasonably handy, you can try and buy an identical drive and change out parts , put the platters from the old drive into new etc. Otherwise google data recovery companies, these are companies that specialize in getting data off broken hard drives, and will most likely be in Bangkok.
  3. You know who gets great satisfaction from the size of my penis ? "ME"
  4. Its probably not specifically stated in the legislation either way, but I think it would come down to a local interpretation by the juristic person. The guy who hasn't paid fees could always just bring along another person to vote the proxies.
  5. Just leave it blank, its not a mandatory field. If you re-entered in June, it would appear you have already done at least one 90 day report, did you use the same stay visa expire date, was it successful ????
  6. The funds to buy a condo need to be sent to Thailand "as a foreign currency" and converted to baht by a Thai bank. If you have already done this, then your bank will have no problem producing a letter/FET, that the land office will accept.
  7. What's happend to the old staples, a bumgun thread, a sinsod thread, and that old faithful "what happend to high season" ? On a serious note, I always thought it would be interesting to have a census of members, Age, what visa/extension, do you use an agent etc.
  8. Outside of the sexpat sois, its no different to the rest of Thailand, with a bit more western infrastructure.
  9. A lot of the condo management companies are like mafia, once they get into a building they are almost impossible to remove, they control the meetings, the proxy votes etc. renovations get done by the the management companies other companies.
  10. The OP is highlighting a problem between a Thai national, her ID card and Australian immigration, I don't know that being married to a foreigner, or communications between husband and wife, has anything to do with it.
  11. You present a passport to enter Australia. Why would you be presenting any other form of ID ? And, that passport would have been presented to get an Australian visa. And if the passport was not in order, she wouldn't have got a visa. Australian immigration do not ask for, or look at, Thai ID cards. I'm calling BS on this one
  12. The new laws changes the definition of capital, savings etc. Any money in any year, in to Thailand, is taxable no matter how or when it was earned. Its the whole reason we are discussing it
  13. OP, depending on who you are buying from, developer, agent etc, they can often provide a solution. Developers can generate the FET documents from their accounts and agents "know a guy in the bank" etc. Otherwise, your bank will probably be able to help. Also, any other money (car purchase etc) you may have bought into Thailand over time can generate an FET.
  14. I have not been for a long time, but I recall any requirement to stay overnight etc, came from the Thai side of things, cant leave then return on the same day. That was a long time ago.
  15. The general requirement is money into an account in your name, but the agent may be making special "arrangements" with the land office. The person to be answering your question's is the agent.
  16. I think you will find the money has to go into a Thai account in "your" name, Then your bank generates the FET to show the land office.
  17. If the POA is filled in correctly then the land office will accept it. What are you doing about foreign funds into a Thai bank, cashiers cheque for payment etc ?? A little hard to arrange from outside Thailand.
  18. Depends who you are dealing with, if an agent is involved then they may get a deposit. If dealing direct with the owner then you may pay a deposit to them. You can do the whole process with little or even no deposit, its really just a show of faith that you are serious and will be at the land office next Tuesday to buy. You may want to check, but I think there are limits for wise transfers nowadays. For large amounts like a condo purchase it actually works out cheaper doing a regular (fixed fee) swift bank transfer, and its all correctly documented etc.
  19. OP, you will find not a lot of people bother with a lawyer, if its just a straight froward foreign title condo then its a pretty simple process. buyer and seller go to the land office together, property transfer wont happen if there is anything wrong with title, mortgage etc. You hand over the money when your name is on the title deeds.
  20. I have seen parking or storage included in a condos sq meters often in Australia, and that sq meters is also included when calculating the yearly condo fees. A lot of condo blocks never have enough parking, having your own spot included on title is a bonus.
  21. Doing sublets is usually illegal, airbnb is illegal, doing any of the work like meet and greet, cleaning etc is illegal. But besides that you are good to go.
  22. I've never heard of the databases being linked, Its certainly still required in Pattaya, and they probably do more marriage extensions than any other office.
  23. I'm on my 6th marriage extension, its really no big deal. 400k in the bank for 60 days prior, I print the same photos, documents every year. As others have said, 1st stop ampher as they open, to get kor ror 2, next stop bank for the letter, get to immigration mid morning, there is never much of a queue like the retire desk, all done and finished by lunchtime. start spending the 400k.
  24. No requirement for any visa, to rent or buy. Buying would require a bank account which can be difficult on a TV, unless you use an agent
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