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Everything posted by Peterw42

  1. If its a requirement, they would have given you a document saying to come back on a certain date etc, no mention or document presume its not a current requirement.
  2. First thing is to find out is if Jomtien is even bothered with TM30s nowadays, if they want one then a good chance they will accept friends lease. Hopefully someone who has extended at that office recently can update the requirements.
  3. Title deed isn't usually a requirement for doing a TM30. A copy of the blue book for the property may be required, but most offices will probably accept just a lease document nowadays. Maybe mention what immigration office you will be dealing with as requirements and enforcement can vary depending on the office.
  4. They move stuff around, and sausages are not usually in with frozen pork, try over near the yogurt fridge on the end of the aisle
  5. OP, there is no business tax if you live in the condo. (principal residence)
  6. I will take a wild guess here and suggest it has something to do with little to no current demand. I think you will find they are scheduled to resume Jan next year. Its FD1102 when its running
  7. In theory you can do most of the above. Keep in mind BKK bank in the US is not a branch of BKK bank Thailand, its a US bank with the same name, no different to wells fargo etc. I think you will find Wise does not transfer out of Thailand. Most people use Deemoney https://www.deemoney.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Search&gclid=CjwKCAiAvriMBhAuEiwA8Cs5lR5CgNlCDGbx33zx3m9e49ED_NRybec-JFIAV_6jHCQ3BwZiNsZzwhoCRqYQAvD_BwE
  8. I think you will find they have WPs as specialty chefs, ie: a skill outside the normal thai only jobs list.
  9. Nowadays the term Globalist doesn't mean citizen of the world, broad political, economic, social views etc. Its a tern used by conspiracy nut jobs, an all encompassing term the includes any/all of their nutjob conspiracies. Globalist is convenient name to give anyone who questions or disagrees with your conspiracy nut job views, a globalist is by default a child killing, blood drinking pedophile, part of the new world order, pro vacs, etc etc. Its inventing an evil, a villain, an enemy that doesn't actually exist. its giving the collective evil "they" a name
  10. OP, I dont think you will get any relevant opinion or commentary, asking your questions here. You are asking a minority of tourists/expats, many who think they are the majority. They fail to notice or even acknowledge the millions of tourist not sitting on a bar stool or not having breakfast in ye old replica English pub. Hundreds of reasons why people may/may not be choosing thailand for a holiday, for literally millions, a glass of wine with dinner or buying drinks for hookers, is probably a minor concern. For a percentage of western tourists, no alcohol = no bars/bargirls = no sex tourism. That's the commentary you will get
  11. To be fair, a lot of consulates have often just wanted a nominal figure (in local currency) that is around 800k, otherwise the figure would change each day with exchange rates. I did an OA in Australia years ago and they just wanted $20k AU in an account, at the time that was 600k baht, a friend did one 6 months later and $20k represented 800k baht. I really think the 1.2 is just to cover exchange fluctuations
  12. OA in Australia https://sydney.thaiembassy.org/en/publicservice/non-immigrant-visa-type-o-a?fbclid=IwAR2A-TeOGWzTSzKniTWQb7BZ3cZRiPpE5RmOjoVnvPUrKwXUizeMhmKTpRU
  13. The 1.2 figure (or equivalent) is real, its on the Australian consulate website. $50k AU = 1.2m baht
  14. To be clear, the 1.2m figure is equivalent money in a home country account, to get an OA from home country. This figure (in home currency) can vary a lot due to exchange rates. in the last couple of years, 800k has been as low as $25k US and as high as $30k US. The 1.2 is probably just to cover exchange variations as the baht is 10% down from where it used to be.
  15. The figure appears correct, around 5%. You could just make your GF the new company director. a lot cheaper.
  16. Just the usual document for marriage extension, the same each year
  17. Have you tried just going to immigration and asking for a covid extension ? If your 0 extension is expired then its expired, and you qualify for a covid extension You appear to be confusing cancel WP requirements with cancelling extension. Not cancelling a WP impacts getting future WPs or future 0B visa/extension. I think you will find its nothing to do with getting a covid extension.
  18. I did a marriage extension back in September, the quickest one ever, no queue, no wait, in/out in 15 minutes.
  19. I think it needs to be clarified, Legitimate volunteer extensions are still going ahead, some bogus volunteer visa's are not. Different agents have different charities/foundations that they "work" with. Some of those "arrangements" have come to an end.
  20. OP, movie download probably has nothing to do with your internet provider. Could be 100s of factors, like the speed of the server you are getting it from, speed of international links, broader internet traffic etc. Its like saying your Ferrari is going slow in a traffic jam. It can only go 200 kilometres an hour on an open road with no other traffic.
  21. You should get the same rate if using the same company, there are a couple of companies using the superrich name (various spellings) and many branches in malls etc still may not be open. The rates can change during a day, so may change during the trip from the airport to the mall.
  22. Why worry about it, you are only in the hotel for one day, just use their wifi. Nowadays sim cards need to be registered against passport/ID etc, you cant just buy them, even if you get someone to get you one, it wont be working until its registered.
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