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Everything posted by Peterw42

  1. Yes, not everyone uses facebook, but its where most property is listed nowadays.
  2. What use would just renewing the insurance be, that wont get the OP a new yearly sticker, which is clearly what he is talking about. (he appears to be referring to the sticker as insurance).
  3. OP, what you are describing as "the rolled up proof of insurance" is the yearly tax/registration sticker. Renewing the compulsory insurance is a component of getting a new sticker, but only renewing the insurance wont get you a new sticker. To renew sticker/tax/insurance in one stop, go to a local inspection station (identified by a yellow cog symbol), but you will need the green book for the bike.
  4. An obvious question here, is the mouse/keyboard wireless ? Also, when it freezes, what other devices are plugged into USB ports ?
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_registration_plates_of_Thailand
  6. Yes, there are buses on Theppasit rd, I got stuck behind one last night. In combination with the digging, it took me 20 mins from sukumvit down to jomtien
  7. OP, some great "theoretical" numbers in your post. Maybe you can explain why these numbers are not reflected in the real world ? Thai wife owns a house in suburban Bangkok, 2 story, 4Br, 2 bath, moobaan etc. She has owned this house for 15 years, in those 15 years, the value hasn't gone up 4%pa (to realisticly sell it would be the same as original purchase price) , the yield hasn't increased (still around 2-3%), the house next door has had a "for sale" sign on it (and no tenant/yield) for 6 of those years (asking what it was purchased for 5 years prior). I can pull up an historical SET (thai stock market index) chart, and 10 years ago, the value was around 1500-1600, the same as today. Am I missing something
  8. No, I did a couple of retire extensions (one via an agent), then switched to marriage extension. They did initially try to enforce the OA insurance but I was able to argue the point and they changed their mind.
  9. OP, I originally arrived on an OA, and subsequently switched to marriage extensions. in jomtien
  10. OP, its really comes down to the individual landlord, if they will remove furniture etc. Its probably a good idea to have some sort of inventory of what was in the condo when you moved in, otherwise, 2-3 years later, the landlord may claim the airfryer you bought was always there, or he didnt remove any furniture.
  11. OP, I won an argument with Jomtien office. Back when the insurance came in for OA, I was doing my regular marriage extension and all of a sudden they wanted insurance because I had originally entered on an OA a couple of years prior. I came back home and printed out (in Thai and English) the relevant ruling that said insurance not required for marriage extn. Asked to see a supervisor, who then made a phone call, and they changed there mind. You need to approach it being conscious of the whole loss of face thing. Don't tell them they are wrong, say it appears the ruling is wrong.
  12. There is nothing in this report that indicates neglect on the parents part, nothing to indicate the parents don't take their responsibilities seriously, don't care about there children. There is however a lot of wild speculation that the parents don't care, only happens in Thailand, should be ashamed, dont want anything to do with their children etc Last time I checked, kids miss the bus sometimes in western countries, get on the wrong bus, get themselves lost etc. Nobody comments that their parents are bad
  13. I think a more appropriate story and headline would be "Bargirl doesn't dress up as slutty witch/nurse/zombie" Now that would be newsworthy
  14. OP, where do you get the idea that markets are falling, trending downwards ? All the major indices have been back on the rise for most of October. If you go back to fundamentals, buy low and sell high, I wouldn't be buying anything. And given that markets are down from unrealistic highs, highs that basically came from governments printing money for covid, that made its way into the share market in the form of companies buying back there own stock. The way I see it, markets are not really down or trending down, and if they are trending down its from governments printing money, things are not going back up based on the same printing money.
  15. Yes, if you buy into the conspiracy theory that ISPs are throttling some streaming services and not others. In the OPs case it would most likely be a bogus IPTV provider with not enough bandwidth. I cant see what vested interest an ISP would have throttling a download, its not like it uses less data, it just takes longer, and causes more traffic/congestion on their servers/bandwidth. Its not like people are going to not do the download.
  16. What VPN, in the known universe, speeds up streaming from a remote server ? Its literally adding another server between the device and the remote server, and still using the same links to get out of Thailand
  17. OP, Nirun has always been a cheap place, back before covid it was very cheap compared to other places. But nowadays, there are lots of new build nicer condos that can be 5k a month. So its less attractive for people on a budjet. I know a couple of guys who lived there, reasonably safe/secure, with no real problems. Its low rent, buy doesn't mean everyone that lives there is low rent.
  18. Maybe imagine a scenario were the call was made "without" the knowledge of the attacker. AND, that's why he had to speak in code. If he picked up a phone and started dialing, he would be hit with a hammer. If he pressed call on a phone in his pocket, the attacked would be unaware. I imagine the phones belonging to Nancu/Paul Pelosis would be known to police and a protocol of code words etc would be well established in case of just such a scenario. Its not inconceivable that the residency of the speaker of the house would have hidden panic switches, call buttons etc, that call police and open an audio channel.
  19. Possession of the bike, book, keys etc is not ownership of the bike. your name IN the book is ownership.
  20. Not sure if its still there after covid but there used to be a shop opposite tukom mall, sold nothing but drones. (other side of Pattaya Tai, within 100m)
  21. OP, there are visa agents that do visa's for thais to go to other countries, there are agents that do everything legal and help you with process, there are agents that that can provide creative solutions for visa/extensions that you otherwise don't qualify for. Some specialize in educations visa's, other only do retire visa's. Some charge 10k others charge 50 k. That's why people are asking for more information.
  22. Depends what written in the lease, some may mean loosing deposit, others may have a specific penalty. There is usually a clause covering early termination of lease
  23. As above, full financials should be available at AGM, additionally there is a requirement to post monthly financials on notice board as well. Its all in the Condominium Act which is easily found on a google search. Example below Section 36 The manager shall have the following powers and duties: (5) Arranging to have a monthly Receipt and Expenditure Account prepared and post it on the Bulletin Board to inform the joint owners within fifteen days from the end of the month and that such relevant Announcement shall be posted at least for a consecutive period of fifteen days.
  24. OP , there is little to no sales data available in Thailand. Therefore, there is no precise value. Often only the buyer and the seller are the only people who know what a condo changed hands for, and that information is not published or available. Asking prices mean absolutely nothing , unless properties sell at that price, often the price being asked has never been achieved and just based on other unrealistic asking prices. As others have said, the value is what someone is willing to buy/sell at. And, if a condo is advertised at $XXX and nobody buys it, or even looks at it, its not worth $XXX. I just sold a condo in Jomtien for 1,300,000 baht, I bought it in 2015 for 1,300,000. During that time, identical condos in the block (that I know of) have sold for as low as 1,000,000 and as high as 1,500,000.. I wasn't going to sell it for 1,000,000, and nobody was interested for 1,500,000. The precise value, when I sold it a couple of months ago, was 1,300,000.
  25. It may be worthwhile going for a holiday in somewhere like Pattaya, Open an account, get your extension etc. Some of the pattaya agents can do it remotely.
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