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Everything posted by Peterw42

  1. Yes, thats pretty much what the statement says on the back. The statement that is responsible for the ongoing myths, that keep being repeated
  2. He may be applying for PR or citizenship, I believe yellow book/ID is a requirement
  3. Pink Id is valid all over Thailand. "Some" ID holders, like migrant workers or stateless people, have travel restrictions and cant travel to other provinces without other travel documents. As the issuing staff told me when I got the ID, "Any travel restrictions do not apply to people who are otherwise free to travel around Thailand".. I have used Pink ID in Phuket, Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Samut Sahkon, Chonburi. At police stations, Gov offices, hospitals. Pink IDs are valid for 10 years, or lifetime if issued when over 60
  4. As others have said, the first step is going in a yellow book. This process generates a 13 digit ID number. The Pink ID is all the details from the yellow book, including address and ID number. pink ID is a 5 min process after going in yellow book. So dont go to the amphoe and ask about pink ID, go and ask about yellow book.
  5. OP, you need to understand some of the science behind a saltwater pool. You still have a chlorinated pool, you are just making the chlorine instead of introducing it. Salt is Sodium Chloride, when you pump the water through a chlorinator it creates the chlorine. A chlorinator is metal plates, an anode and cathode with a voltage across them, the voltage creates electrolysis and separates' out the chlorine. The level of salt needs to be around 10% of seawater, around the salt level of a teardrop, ie: it doesn't sting eyes. The pump/chlorinator need to run at least 12 hours a day, or enough to cycle all of the poolwater through every 1-2 days. Saltwter pools are often difficult during wet season as the salt is constantly being diluted as the pool fills up and is pumped out.
  6. Like most online banking, there is a website and there is an app, the website usually gives a few more features and functions. BKK bank the website you can transfer to/from foreign currency account, the app only displays balance. I presume other banks are similar, I know my bank in Australia is similar, more functionality via the website rather than the app.
  7. I dont know anything about them, but have seen people mention this company https://www.mbkg.co.th/en/home
  8. 1,000 Mbps ??? Is that a typo ? Any of the yearly sims usually have ridiculously low speeds, usually no more than 10-20 Mbps. Its a personal choice but the way I see it, you are going from unlimited data to data caps, and a heathy vdsl speed (I imagine 50Mbps) to lower speeds. If you dont use much data and dont mind slower speeds, then I suppose its cheaper. But a couple of hi def movies and there goes your monthly limit in a week. I just checked the data usage for just my laptop (properties of network adaptor), last month, 380 GB (also have 3 phones, 2 TVs and a tablet). I suggest you maybe do similar before doing any sort of data cap. Under 20Mps, you wont be able to stream 4k content, or have multiple devices doing downloads etc.
  9. OP, not understanding why you want to switch to cellular internet. Your existing VDSL will always be cheaper, faster and more stable than any cellular options. Maybe for portability, but that goes out the window if you are carting around a big multi antenna router.
  10. You're not stuck using an agent. I used an agent for a couple of years then switched back to doing it myself.
  11. Not sure if you are aware, but foreigners can only own condominiums in Thailand, 100% in their name. Any other properties, your father doesn't own, 100% in his name. (even the 2 condos, may be in wifes name or a company name). I think there is a good chance most, or all, the Thai properties already belong to wife, I think you are on the right track by not mentioning the Thai properties to UK solicitors, or updating his will, they will of course want to chase them up, probate etc etc. It would cost a fortune and probably never get resolved. Unless you turn up and make a claim on Thai assets, the assets will go to his wife.
  12. OP, what language are you having conversations in ? English (your first language) or Thai (her second language). A conversation in anyone's 2nd/3rd language, will probably be a little basic. A bit hard to discuss anything with a limited vocabulary. If you dont speak much Thai and the conversations are in Thai, I imagine they may also be quiet limited.
  13. That's simply not true, I have 2 bangkok bank accounts opened and operated with a Pink ID. The account name is my name in Thai script (as per the ID). I cant use a passport to operate these accounts, as its not the ID I used to open the account, and its in a different language. The only time I have been required to present passport or pink ID is when changing passwords, lost card etc. normal daily deposits and withdrawals it card and bank book.
  14. Yes, Kodi can be a bit of stuffing around, but when you get it working its probably the best player for subs, it has a snyc adjustment. dont know about VLC. The squares in kodi means you need to add a thai font. articles on goggle tell you how.
  15. Op, you may want to look at Kodi. As a player it works really well to add subs. You can automate the process as well, you can set it up so when you go to play a movie it will go off and find the subs automatically. you tell it where to look, subscene etc. You can also set it to find English subs for you when the GF wants to watch a Thai movie. Or, like I did recently, a korean drama, with Thai dub and English subs, everyone was happy.
  16. Lots of past threads disscusing licenses. Basically, At the local DLT (dept of land transport) if you have a license from home country, you show it, with a medical cert, and a resident certificate, do a basic reflex/eyesight test. If you dont have an existing license, its as above with an additional knowledge and driving test
  17. Its a passport OR a yellowbook/pinkID. Open an account with a passport and the account name is in English, open with a yellowbook and the account name is in Thai (as per the name in YB). The document you use then becomes the ongoing ID to operate that account. If the bank wants proof of address then it would be a res cert if using a passport, or a yellow book if using a YB/pinkID. A yellow book wouldnt be ok for a passport account, its in a different language, and same for the reverse. You either operate in the passport/res cert universe, or the yellow/pink ID universe, the problems and misunderstandings occur when people try to combine the two.
  18. Pattaya is in the tropics, and most of Pattaya is flat and just above sea level. It will flood no matter what infrastructure is in place. At a certain point any infrastructure will be overwhelmed. If a road is 1 meter above sea-level and you install a 2 meter wide pipe, there is no fall and the water cant go anywhere. It doesnt take much to understand this concept, But it gets reported on every year as though its a new phenomenon, and every year the usual commentary about fixing it.
  19. The definition of a "smart TV" is that it can connect to the internet (wifi) and run apps (IPTV), not sure why people are saying you need a separate android box. Otherwise, you can find an android box on Lazada, if you dont have a local IT mall. Firestick is just another brand name of an android box.
  20. I was thinking the same, its probably more to do with different fluid intake, different diet, different lifestyle/activities
  21. All the phone shops have a gadjet that cuts sims to size, and some can even copy the sim over to a small one. Or your provider could issue a new smaller sim with same number.
  22. Land office was in Bangkok, to do with wife selling a her house and I had to produce ID and sign the "not my house " document. DBD was to buy and become a director of company (house purchase) and they insisted on Pink ID as name already in Thai. Bank, I have opened and operate a (Thai name) bank account. Local Ampher was to put wife in previously blank blue book a friend in yellow book (I am housemaster in Yellow book). All of the above, my passport stayed in the safe. Like the DLT, you can keep using a passport for many things, or switch to yellow book/Pink ID (name in Thai script).
  23. I have used yellow book and associated Pink ID at Land office, DBD (Make Thai company), Thai banks and local Amphoe/Thesaban
  24. You have sort of answered your own question. The Baht is very much linked to the USD, so when the pound is down against the dollar, its also down against the baht.
  25. A question you may want to consider, Can a Thai company own property in your home country ? Most countries have some level of foreign ownership restrictions. Usually a non-citizen of your home country owns 51% of the Thai company, Which Government are you seeking protection against land grabs, The Thai or European?
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