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Everything posted by Peterw42

  1. Even sitting in sizzler, its often hard to sort through the specials and promotions and the general menu. They hand you a pile of menus and promotions (bigger than my marriage visa application). After 5 minutes of trying to work out what's included, what's not, what time is it, what day of the week it is, I usually just panic and point at something, that may or may not include the salad bar
  2. People transfer money to buy goods and services everyday, how is this giving away your bank account ?
  3. I have one of them, it certainly cuts through the red tape. often better than a work permit, permanent residency, pink ID
  4. There is no requirement to translate a home licenses into Thai and have it certified. So long as a license is already in english it meets the requirements of the international treaties. Section 42 of the Thai vehicle act Section 42 bis.46 In the case where there is a bilateral agreement between the Government of Thailand and a foreign Government concerning reciprocal recognition of domestic driving licenses, an alien temporarily permitted to stay in the Kingdom under the law on immigration having a driving license issued by the competent official or a driving society recognized by the Government of the country under such bilateral agreement may use the driving license of such country in driving in the Kingdom in accordance with the category and type of vehicle specified in such driving license; provided that the existing Conventions and/or Agreements between the Government of Thailand and the Government of such country and all the provisions relating to the obligations of a driver under this Act must be complied. Section 43.4
  5. Technically yes, (see post above showing relevant legislation). But, (although not required), some police may still want to see an IDP. I drove on an oz license for a couple of years, and accepted at traffic stops.
  6. Thats completely wrong. You can drive on a home country license, for a limited time. Thailand,(and most countries) are signatories to the international treaties Section 42 of the Thai vehicle act Section 42 bis.46 In the case where there is a bilateral agreement between the Government of Thailand and a foreign Government concerning reciprocal recognition of domestic driving licenses, an alien temporarily permitted to stay in the Kingdom under the law on immigration having a driving license issued by the competent official or a driving society recognized by the Government of the country under such bilateral agreement may use the driving license of such country in driving in the Kingdom in accordance with the category and type of vehicle specified in such driving license; provided that the existing Conventions and/or Agreements between the Government of Thailand and the Government of such country and all the provisions relating to the obligations of a driver under this Act must be complied. Section 43.4
  7. That's the best argument I have ever seen for the control of "wolf's teeth". And a great acknowledgment that sheep having teeth achieves nothing
  8. I don't know that a manchette has been mentioned in any official news reports, only mention of a knife. To put things in context, a gun was the enabler of the incident. He shot the 5 adults, who may have otherwise been able to stop, defend or lessen the impact of the knife attack. Its possible that carrying guns emboldened the attacker, armed with just a knife, things may have turned out very different. One of the surviving children had 2 bullets removed from his head.
  9. Hang on, the incident is being reported as a privately owned weapon. Why a sudden call for a crackdown on police weapons ?????
  10. What does that even mean ??? Did he have a history of violence, threatening violence? Did he assault people ? If I stood next to him in 7/11 would I have been in danger ? He had a history of drug use and possession. haven't seen any "known to be dangerous" reports. Prior to the incident, he was no different to tens of thousands of Thais, that have been caught with yaba
  11. Why aren't netcitizens calling for gun, drug and mental health reform. Address the problems, not the symptoms of the problems.
  12. That is the case pretty much everywhere isnt it ? A drug conviction doesn't automatically remove the right to legally own a legal gun.
  13. Since when do drug users get the guns taken away ? That doesn't happen anywhere in the world. As the OP states, he had a privately owned and licensed gun. There is no law that takes that away for drug use, or being sacked from the police. Nobody ignored the fact that he was dangerous, up until committing this crime, he wasn't dangerous.
  14. One advantage is you can work, get a work permit, on a marriage visa.
  15. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/thailand-tax-treaties
  16. That is sort of the point , isn't it? If there is a history/trend of good guys with guns turning into bad guys with guns, there goes the good guys argument.
  17. Yes, it sort of kills the "we need more good guys with guns" argument, when its the (supposed) good guys with guns doing the shooting
  18. Revised number of dead now 38. Apparently now finding random people he shot by the side of the road.
  19. His own children attended the school. But there is also a random element, killed complete strangers away from the school as well.
  20. Its like watching a nightmare unfold on the Thai TV news, every update gives more horrific details. he ran random people over with his car then got out and shot them. stopped and stabbed a lady out walking. Killed 4 neighbors in his soi.
  21. Its all over the world news, I have had 3-4 messages from UK and Australia already
  22. Apparently one child survived, and 12 other people in hospital seriously injured. he was shooting at random people before and after the school
  23. 36 killed on Thai news now. Not sure if that includes 8 month unborn child the teacher was carrying.
  24. The details of this are truly horrific. two and three year old toddlers, having their afternoon sleep. The teacher, who was 8 months pregnant, witnessed others being shot and managed to lock the classroom door but he kicked it in.
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