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Everything posted by Peterw42

  1. Peterw42

    Baht bus prices

    If you can read Thai, the route is actually written on the side of the bus.
  2. Peterw42

    Baht bus prices

    if there are beginnings and endings, and a need to change buses, doesn't that mean there are different routes ? its not the same bus that does Jomtien to 2nd road or 2nd road to sukumvit
  3. Peterw42

    Baht bus prices

    Google brings up 3-4 maps. keep in mind some of the lesser routes only operate during high season etc
  4. I second FB marketplace, or the local buy/sell property FB groups for your area.
  5. There is no actual regulation that says that, (in a relevant or enforceable way). 3.7 seconds after income hits your account its savings, (not sure how a bank could determine if a dollar was paid into an account this year or last year) Its just an obvious statement, if anyone ever asked (they wont), you would say its savings not income. Thai immigration are not the tax office. Nobody is looking inside your account to track down the source and circumstances of money arriving into your account, and then trying to tax it.. To pay tax in Thailand would involve registering for tax, doing tax returns etc. Even then, there is nobody tagging incoming funds as income/savings. Overriding all of this, Thailand has Tax treaties with many countries, UK, Au etc. to ensure money is only taxed in one country. If some money has a tax liability, it would be taxed in the country it originates in, and have no further tax liability in Thailand.
  6. I think its a bit of both at the moment, getting in on the day involves turning up early, after that its booked out.
  7. Have you asked at the condo office, lots of blocks have a LINE or FB group nowadays, for announcements, newsletters, general chit chat about goings on in the block. etc.
  8. You can usually arrange your own internet connection into a condo, you will be restricted to whatever company has run cables into the condo block basement/risers, and you will usually be restricted to A/VDSL (50mbps) using phone cable. In house wifi can be expensive as charged at a daily or weekly rate, and speed would depend on how many users etc.
  9. That pending legislation got canned when liberal lost the election..
  10. A letter from the condo office would probably be acceptable as proof you are living in the condo, in the absence of a yellow book.
  11. Applying for OA visa is usually funds in home country bank account. Not funds in a Thai account. The text you quote is basically saying , equivalent of 800k in the bank, OR an income of 65k a month OR a combination of both totaling 800k. A whole lot easier just to come to Thailand on a visa exempt/tourist visa, and sort out retire extension in Thailand.
  12. OP, a great little utility program is windirstat. It scans your drives then gives a graphical display of whats on the drive and its relative size. https://windirstat.net Blue is photos, red is videos etc. Once you realize what is using the space, it can be deleted from within the program. Most of the time its videos. Also, start by looking at installed applications and remove what you no longer use.
  13. Interested to know where this graphic comes from ? a website ? from the police ?
  14. Yes, it can be a bit of extra photocopies etc, but once you have all the documents its basically a couple of hours once a year. Most of the documents, including photos, map, passport etc, I resubmit each year, I usually fire up the printer the night before and do copies,. I start the day at the ampher for kor ror 2, then go to the bank, then get to immigration mid morning, and usually done by lunch (there is never a queue at the marriage desk) No agent fees, no 800k in bank before/after etc (a simple 400k 2 months prior, held in foreign currency), I can work if I choose to, possible path to PR.
  15. I don't think you can send a lawyer (or agent ) to do a marriage extension as part of the process is presenting together, as a couple. I did a marriage extension last month, the list is basically the same but they introduce a couple of subtle changes each year, its a game. one year they want entry stamp page from passport, next year they hand it back like its radioactive. Just take everything with you, because no matter what, you will be quickly photocopying something they didn't want last year. Basic list is various random pages from passport(data page, entry stamp page, last extn page,tm6, tm30 etc), marrige cert, koror2, bank letter and passbook, hand drawn map, photos.
  16. OP, the 50cc question has been asked many times and the answer is NO. The UK 50cc refers to a class of vehicle that exists in the UK, That class of vehicle doesn't exist in Thailand. An IDP gets stamped with the categories that exist on your home license, There is no under 50cc class of license on an IDP.
  17. Not sure where you are getting this from but its mostly incorrect. The Thai legislation , that has been quoted many times, states Thailand is signatory to all the international treaties and recognizes recipricial use of licenses of other countries. An IDP is technically not required BUT police etc will still want to see one, so its pretty much required. (accompanies your home license) The Thai legislation does not state any timeframe for use of a home country license, the legislation says a Thai license is required if/when you get a long stay visa/extension (which by default is any longer than 90 day continuous stay). There is no voiding after 60 days, or illeagal after 60 days, there is no 60 days mentioned anywhere in any legislation. Section 42 of the Thai Motor vehicle act Section 42 bis.46 In the case where there is a bilateral agreement between the Government of Thailand and a foreign Government concerning reciprocal recognition of domestic driving licenses, an alien temporarily permitted to stay in the Kingdom under the law on immigration having a driving license issued by the competent official or a driving society recognized by the Government of the country under such bilateral agreement may use the driving license of such country in driving in the Kingdom in accordance with the category and type of vehicle specified in such driving license; provided that the existing Conventions and/or Agreements between the Government of Thailand and the Government of such country and all the provisions relating to the obligations of a driver under this Act must be complied
  18. Nothing for you to do, as far as the land office is concerned its a Thai person selling a property, that they bought when not married..
  19. OP, its the car that's insured anywhere in the world, That's why its called car insurance and not driver insurance, Thailand is no different. The default for any car insurance is usually any authorized driver, with possible exemptions for under a certain age, learners etc. As others have said, check the policy, but unless its a specific policy that only covers the owner of the car, it should operate as any other car insurance.
  20. Yes, that is always the best approach, go to the immi office and ask the latest requirements. A lot of offices will have a list that they are happy to give you.
  21. Yes, but that's probably no different to young kids buying their first place in western countries, one wage services the mortgage.
  22. not sure of deposit, repayments are around 8k a month
  23. Everyone goes initially to the same desk at the entrance, where you say your business' and get a ticket and directed what desk to go to.
  24. Sounds like a problem with the device/cable/plug rather than a problem with explorer. Not sure what you would achieve by blocking explorer (even if you could) then you cant see anything, file system, drives, network.
  25. Why are you helping Thai people, on normal Thai wages ? Does it make you think you are special ? They are only low wages if compared to the west. Thais live comfortable lives earning Thai wages and spending them in a Thai economy. My neighbors in Jomtien, young guy and girl both work in 7/11 and have just got a mortgage and bought the condo next door, they didn't need a foreign benefactor.
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