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Posts posted by blackcab

  1. 13 minutes ago, david555 said:

    Tiny tiny difference in formulating in rules !! …. starting 10 000 .... so only up to 9999 you are free for no declaration , as many think it is over , notice the agents always ask if you have 10 000 or more .....!!


    However any amount over £1,000 can be detained and investigated. If you don't have a satisfactory explanation for the money then there is a possibility it could be confiscated. More info in the link below:



  2. 5 hours ago, Scouse123 said:


    Super Rich have a maximum transaction amount of 800,000 baht for exchange to other currencies, I believe.


    This is incorrect. Super Rich will exchange any amount of currency. There is no transaction limit.


    Above 800k they are supposed to submit a money laundering form.

  3. Yes you can. There is a small wooden bridge you have to walk across. Carry on forward for a few metres and the gate to the park is on your left.


    The first access gate before the bridge is partially closed to stop vehicles entering apart from specified hours, but is open for pedestrians.


    After the bridge, look right. The path running alongside the khlong takes you all the way to Wireless road. You descend the steps a few metres from the gate to Lumpini park.

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  4. 2 hours ago, KKr said:

    PoA to, after ten or twenty years when the lease needs to be renewed, sign the lease instead of the owner in case the landowner is on holidays abroad.
    so, the owner would make a notarized PoA for a third party authorizing that party to sign a lease contract with Xyz for land parcel 123456 from 11-11-2029 - 2039, 2039-2049 respectively.


    No, that's not possible in any circumstances. The only way to delegate authority is by using a specific Land Office authority letter. The Land Office will not accept any other form of authority letter, PoA, contract, letter from an attorney, etc. The Land Office authority letter is valid for 1 month from the date of signature.


    In reality nobody would do a 10+10+10 lease. You would either do a short 3+3+3 lease or a 30 year lease with 10 year breaks.

  5. 23 minutes ago, KKr said:

    In other words, would a PoA, issued upon signature of lease, for renewal after 10 and 20 years be valid at that time in the future ?


    I'm sorry, but I really don't understand what you are asking. Who would the grantee and grantor be? What would the PoA authorise the grantee to do, and for whose benefit?

  6. 57 minutes ago, allane said:

    The little branches in shopping centres are usually sub-branches, and will not open an account for you.


    That's not entirely correct. Every branch in malls such as Emquartier will open an account if you have the required documents.


    In the bigger malls such as Paragon, Emquartier and Central World the branches are full service.

  7. 6 hours ago, justaphase said:

    ...can go to the place of birth and get certificates and then put them on a house book..


    No. You also cannot enrol them in a school, give consent for medical treatment or apply for a Thai ID card for them. You do not have any legal right to take or keep the children away from their mother. Currently, the children's mother has 100 per cent control over the children's upbringing.


    (That being said some members in a similar situation have managed to struggle on and achieve some of the above without the mother's consent).


    4 hours ago, justaphase said:

    ...what happens if I have to go out the country? Does she have to look after them by law?


    It's up to her. She can look after the children; she can decide that someone else will look after the children or she can put the children in a children's home if she really can't cope and there is no other option.

  8. It is unclear whether the children's mother was your wife or your girlfriend. You used the word wife in the subject of your post and girlfriend in the post itself.


    If you were not married to your ex girlfriend you have no "possessory" rights. In fact you have no rights at all.


    You need to legitimise the children. Click the link below to read a topic about this process:



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  9. 2 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

    I would venture a guess that if the Khamnan were to receive a brown envelope the law would suddenly change to it,s original form ????


    No, because it has nothing to do with the Khamnan or the Amphur.


    A lease with a term exceeding 3 years is recorded on the back of a title deed at the Land Office. You will need the owner of the property (or their representative) present at the Land Office to confirm their agreement.

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  10. Buy into a well managed building. One hidden cost is potential depreciation. If the building management do nothing but somehow there is no money left, then your building will quickly start looking poorly maintained and unattractive.


    Trying to sell will be difficult and you will probably be forced to discount the unit to get rid of it.

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