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Posts posted by blackcab

  1. 9 hours ago, Norlund said:

    It is totally unnecessary because what the Immigration Office writes on its website is very simple and understandable. The problem may be that some people are unable to read it or perhaps have major problems accepting it because it does not fit into their view of the world.


    Fortunately all of those people, you included, have the ultimate solution. You can use this forum.


    Thank you for contributing and continuing to make aseannow.com the number 1 place to discuss Thailand immigration issues.

  2. 1 hour ago, Norlund said:

    When you enter Thailand on a Single Entry Visa you can leave the country as much as you please iff you have a Re Entry Permit Multiple Entry before the VISA expire.


    The TM86 is what the heading says. Change of VISA.   


    I would encourage you to take the matter up with immigration directly and explain to them how they can better correct themselves, either in terms of translation or else reworking the entire visa and extension system so that it accords with your understanding.

  3. On 11/13/2022 at 12:43 PM, Norlund said:

    The only logical explanation is that you don't loose your visa at the passport controll. 


    The explanation is that your visa cannot be reused to enter Thailand (unless it is a multiple entry visa), however you are permitted to stay in Thailand for the time indicated on the ink stamp placed in your passport by the Thai immigration officer at your port of entry.


    A TM86/TM87 is used to when you apply to extend the initial length of stay you have been granted by the immigration officer.

  4. 36 minutes ago, JeffersLos said:

    In case the officer or the buyer at the point of sale wants them off the tabien baan before the sale goes through, or it affects the sale somehow.


    The Land Office are not remotely interested in house books. You do not need to present them to sell property. There is no requirement from the land office to do anything at all with the house books.


    Normally the seller will not remove themselves from the house books before a sale, just in case the sale does not happen. There is nothing stopping the seller doing this in advance though if they so choose.


    36 minutes ago, JeffersLos said:

    Staying registered in the province is also important for the child's school registration etc. 


    This is a matter for the seller. They need to be proactive and find a house book to move into. Otherwise if they try and stay on the tabien baan of the house they have sold, they will eventually find themselves removed without their consent, and you can almost guarantee this will happen at an inconvenient time.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, JeffersLos said:

    Thanks for the information. The new owner is non-Thai, from an ASEAN country. I suspect they know very little about the tabien baan system. 


    If the buyer doesn't have a 13 digit number to be entered into the yellow book then there is no need for them to attend the District Office.


    The seller and other people listed in the house books can attend the District Office to make the changes and then give the empty books back to the buyer.

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  6. 33 minutes ago, JeffersLos said:

    Nothing at all happens and they all continue to be registered in the property's tabien baans even though there is a new owner and they don't live there any more?


    The house registration is nothing to do with the Land Office.


    What usually happens is that immediately after the sale at the Land Office the buyer and seller proceed to the District Office and empty the Blue and Yellow books.


    At that point the seller needs to know which blue book they are moving into and have things in order. The same for the yellow book holder.


    If this process isn't done the seller and everyone else will remain in the blue/yellow books of the property that has been sold, however the new owner can apply to have everyone removed from the house books at any time.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Saanim said:

    Deleting of those words is surely not the biggest problem, as obviously was not the meaning of the OP. There are other much frequent deletions, aren't they?  Does this "care" have also an impact on the Google's Family classification?


    Posts are removed by moderators, however every post that is removed must contravene our Forum Rules. The forum has a multi-stage appeal process, so if a member would like to appeal the removal then in the first instance they can PM the moderator to clarify matters.


    Members can also contact Support to review the moderator's decision.


    On occasion, when it is difficult to decide if a post contravenes forum rules then the moderating team will have a group discussion in order to form a consensus.


    I would also mention that posts are not deleted, they are instead removed from public view. Every removed post is labelled with the moderator's username and the reason it was removed, and a permanent log is kept of all moderator actions. The removal process is transparent and all moderating staff can view each other's actions. This enables the moderation team to be consistent with their actions over time.

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  8. 18 minutes ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

    So why is  Teak  /  Door not allowed to be mentioned on here without the powers above censoring the name? They aren't affecting this forums income other than being competitors. And I'm sure it's not a swear word.


    You nailed it when you mentioned competitors. Forum rule 25 gives the reason:


    25. You will not discuss or post links to other Thailand or ASEAN based forums, or forums which could be considered as competition to ASEAN NOW or our sponsors.

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