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Everything posted by blackcab

  1. The problem you will have with Phuket is that no building can be constructed where any part of the construction exceeds a height of 80 meters above sea level. Sea level, not ground level. You also can't build on a slope exceeding 35 degrees, and there are severe restrictions if you build on a slope between 25 and 35 degrees. In terms of wanting a chanote, the issue you have is that as a rule of thumb the further you get from a city, the less chanotes exist. Look at a topographical map of Thailand. Select the areas with rivers. Then look at a satellite image of the area. If you see forests then the land could be forest land. That's a definite no go. If you see farmland, the chances are the land has a title allowing farming and not much more. Cross that off your list. Finally, if you want to live at elevation then you need to carefully consider the access rights to your land. Unless you want to walk through hundreds of meters of jungle that you might not own, you will need a public road bordering your property somewhere. Also consider that without a public road nearby then the chances of PEA supplied electric are low. If you have a substantial budget you can build roads and install a kilometre of electrical cables or install off grid solar, but that doesn't sound like the peaceful life you asked for. This type of land is also highly unlikely to be listed for sale on the internet. You would either need a very good local agent or be prepared to spend time driving round doing a lot of research. I'm sure the land you want exists, but if it ticks all the right boxes and it is desirable then it won't be cheap.
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