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Everything posted by soi3eddie

  1. I saw an accident recently. Bike was damaged and unrideable. The rental agency representative attended the scene to recover the bike. They used LALAMOVE who showed up in a pick up truck within about 30 minutes. They loaded and secured the bike safely.
  2. Reform UK were supressed at the last general election. They were given virtually no airtime on main stream media and were not allowed to join the debates. Still, they did really well in terms of votes but only got 5 seats due to the first past the post sytem. Reform UK, under whichever leader, needs to go full Trump and DOGE when they win the next election. They should campaign on that. The sad reality is, that the next election is unlikely to be for another 4+ years. By which time, if Starmer and his party continue as now, the country will be beyond saving. Starmer has cancelled many local elections this year due to Reform UK likely winning huge number of council seats.
  3. A system that allows one card, either prepaid such as the Rabbit card, or credit/debit card to seamlessly travel on BTS, MRT, City line, busses and even riverboats would make life so much easier for residents and visitors to Bangkok. If it can be done in London, then Bangkok should certainly be able to do it. We can live in hope.
  4. Same here. Re-entry permit queue at CW always seems in the 100's. I guess it is foreign workers of neighbouring countries that need that, as AFAIK, re-entry permit cannot be obtained at a land border. I have done last 4 years of re-entry permits at BKK and it takes about 5 minutes so long as you already have the form filled and picture attached. Maybe 15 minutes if you get their desk to do it.
  5. How about doing that to those who drive cars into crowds? Or those who protest for the destruction of another state? Or those who form gangs to prey on, and harm children? Or rampage with knives intent on killing innocent people?
  6. This is my thought too. Why go back to the gloomy and cold UK where he knows nobody, except for a niece he may not have seen in decades and an aged sister who may not be able to care for him. Surely staying in Thailand where he apparently has some "friends" is a better option for this gent's remaining days. If he's been living in Thailand, then assume he has enough funds to continue to do so either in a modest care home or in his own place with assistance. What a sad situation for him (if he even realises). Why make it worse by a long journey to a place where nobody will care properly for him?
  7. That's crazy. How much does the previous owner want for the water meter?
  8. Just pay the water authority for a new meter. Cannot cost very much. Not worth all the stress and hassle with the old owner. In the scheme of things, this will be a minor cost compared to everything else you're going to spend on the property.
  9. Print baby Print! Copy multiple times too just for good measure. The Thais just love duplicate and triplicate prints. More seriously, if it's in print and on paper and rammed in their face, they cannot refute it. This is my philosphy and always a good fall back. Renewed my DL (motorcycle) at a DLT in Bangkok last year. Had copies of everything, but, beleive it or not, one copy was not enough for a motorcyle licence, had to get a second copy from the copy shop on the premises. Apparently, car licence needs only one copy but motorcycle two copies. Who knew!?!?
  10. TLDR. Tats are for criminals, losers and tramps (for the most part). A single hidden or unobtrusive tattoo can have meaning for the wearer. Never, in my opinion, will tattoos enhance the appearance of the wearer. They can be both a curiosity and a turn off.
  11. CP (7-11) and Boonrawd brewery et al?
  12. I can say,that, as a tourist and visitor and now expat (for 5-6 months per year), the 2-5pm sales ban on alcohol in Thailand has had no bearing whatsoever over the years. I agree that the ban is ridiculous, but going to Pattaya or Phuket, or any other tourist area, they always serve all day. OK, it is a pain if I go to Big C or Villa Market in the afternoon for food and I cannot pickup a beer or wine to enjoy with dinner. I now either go to 7-11 after 5pm or use a mom and pop shop in my local soi if earlier. It really is no issue for a "tourist" but I do agree that the rules are outdated and should be scrapped. I remember, in the UK, that pubs were only allowed to serve from 11am to 3pm and 6pm to 11pm on Monday to Saturday and 12-2pm and 7-10pm on Sundays right up until the mid 1980's.
  13. Surely, if an elephant is charging, it should be possible to use a tree as an obstacle to stop it attacking. A human, should be more nimble than a multi tonne elephant. FWIW, I've never encountered a wild elephant intent on killing me but would think it easily evaded. I may be wrong. Anyone here had such an encounter first hand?
  14. I've been using Ugreen cables for some time now. In my experience, it's not the "cable" that is ever the problem, it is where the connecter joins the cable that breaks occur. A good cable and either USB A or USB C connector should have a good shroud where the cable enters the connector. The prevents harsh bends in the cable, and therefore, prolongs it's life substantially, or indefinitely.
  15. I can't answer your question however I used to walk monkey hill in Songkhla most evenings in 2000, 2001 when dating my former wife. Always a pleasant walk, as the monkeys, or rather, long tailed macaques, were not too vicious those days. Used to watch them jumping from the trees into the pond at the top of the hill.
  16. How about asking him for a copy of the Manila Thai embassy email (with his personal details redacted)? Then you'll know if it's for real.
  17. I was looking at this recently. Lots of repos at present but a lot of pitfalls. Many of the vehicles are in poor condition. Some or many repos are snatched back and may not have green/blue book. Transfer of registration/ownership could be a hassle. Motto Auctions seem good and have best website in English. The websites of the other auctions not so good. https://www.google.com/search?q=bangkok+car+auctions&newwindow=1&sca_esv=27b456ea1f260627&sxsrf=AHTn8zorJ-S3uPeW0CzDaZecWqPn5NE87Q%3A1738569854396&source=hp&ei=fnigZ6nbFMignesPxdLRmAc&iflsig=ACkRmUkAAAAAZ6CGjlOzVHDHbZLeRHrV2XGRN4XJREEy&oq=bangkok+car+auction&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IhNiYW5na29rIGNhciBhdWN0aW9uKgIIADIIEAAYgAQYywEyBhAAGBYYHjIFEAAY7wUyBRAAGO8FMgUQABjvBTIFEAAY7wVInD5QAFj5JHAAeACQAQCYAeQDoAGvE6oBCjE2LjAuMS4wLjK4AQPIAQD4AQGYAhOgAtcTwgIMECMYgAQYExgnGIoFwgIHEAAYgAQYE8ICAhAmmAMAkgcKMTYuMC4xLjAuMqAH2Hg&sclient=gws-wiz&lqi=ChRiYW5na29rIGNhciBhdWN0aW9uc0jMkcbC7ICAgAhaHBABEAIYAiIUYmFuZ2tvayBjYXIgYXVjdGlvbnOSARBjb3Jwb3JhdGVfb2ZmaWNlmgEjQ2haRFNVaE5NRzluUzBWSlEwRm5TVVJTTmpnM2QwOUJFQUWqAVgKBy9tLzBrNGoQASoQIgxjYXIgYXVjdGlvbnMoADIfEAEiGziM-eatyZA1fhIrn3Gc8BMjugo7NwxHA9IGnDIYEAIiFGJhbmdrb2sgY2FyIGF1Y3Rpb25z-gEECAAQSA#rlimm=9983072583511449652
  18. Write a short letter describing what you have said above as reason for entry. Include your contact details etc. and invite the officer to call you if any questions. This is what I do when my Cambodian GF comes to visit me in the UK. She then gives it to the immigration officer on arrival and no issues at all. They never call me. It would be a good idea to buy return tickets (date changeable) as she may encouter issues with the airline check-in when departing Bangkok.
  19. Open air smoking? Even burning incense at a shrine in Benjakitti Park, Bangkok is no longer allowed (picture from Saturday 1st February 2025). What next? No more PM2.5 to ban smoking anywhere?
  20. RIP Mr American. Hope you were living your best life until the end. As I've said before, as an experienced big bike rider (in the UK), there is NO place for big bikes in Thailand. The road conditions, other motorists, animals, pedestrians, U-Turns and other situations are just not suited to big bikes. Sure, if on the Autobahn, Motorway or Interstate, then yes, but NOT on Thai streets. I'd love a big bike here but just know, even at moderate speeds, it could easily turn into a death sentence. 160cc is plenty on the roads in Thailand (bigger off road bikes such as CRF300 acceptable). Just my opinion. I know others here will oppose this, but look at the outcomes of big bike riders. Not good.
  21. I'm not a smoker, never have been, never intend to be and hate tobacco (and weed) smoke. Since at least 2007, I have been against the draconian anti-smoking laws where even designated smoking places were provided. If there is a segregated area, either in an airport, restaurant, hotel, pub or workplace, then why make smokers into pariahs? There is no need, they are only, potentially, harming themselves and others who choose to also smoke. Bringing back smoking rooms - in my opinion, why not?
  22. Sorry, didn't see that. Just wanted to add my personal and recent experience.
  23. You will read many posts stating that obtained TDL with yellow book, pink ID etc. That is the case years back however land transport office now wants COR.. Depends on the DLT office. Morchit/Chatuchak would not accept Yellow Book/Pink ID, however Phra Khanong does. I cannot get COR as never do 90 day reports as always in/out of the country. Consulate stopped giving "affirmation of address" in December 2023. I was able to renew Thai DL with Yellow book/Pink ID just 3 months ago.
  24. Unless the tickets are refundable, then definitely DO NOT buy before a visa is issued. A friend of mine's Thai wife was recently rejected for a UK visa and they had bought non-refundable tickets for April. He is hastily making a new application (the original application had insufficient documentary evidence). Hoping they will be succssessful this time. My Cambodian GF and I are going to Canada tomorrow. We booked flights 11 months ago, well before her visa was issued, but I selected refundable tickets - albeit not the cheapest, but with better seats and more baggage. We are hoping to go to the USA in August (visa application underway), I booked refundable tickets already that have good travel times and seat assignments in fact, I was able to use mileage for business class inbound paying only the taxes, but the return was full fare.
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