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Everything posted by soi3eddie

  1. You were lucky. Next time allow 90 minutes just in case.
  2. The lake at Khao Sok is extremely deep in places. No tides or currents and not that cold too. There are some large fish but unlikely to attack a human. I stayed there in 2002 and it was magical and quiet. I suspect the guy either couldn't swim, hit his head (although he apparently spoke to someone) or was intoxicated or had a heart attack. RIP at such a young age very tragic.
  3. You didn't say what time they phoned you. Was it 10pm or 2am? I always put the "Do Not Disturb" sign up and unplug the room phone (and put mobile on silent) unless I'm expecting a call.
  4. And if you read the terms and conditions of virtually all UK issued travel insurance policies they have exclusions relating to alcohol intoxication. You have a few beers and trip over leaving the bar, expect the insurer to try and wriggle out of the claim for medical assistance. Who determines intoxication and how do they measure or ascertain it? Very vague and open to interpretation. Virtually no policies offer cover for motorcycles Greater than 125cc and rider must be licenced and helmeted. Say you are licenced but no helmet and fall off and break a leg (no head injury) will they still cover? Probably not even though claim not related to the head. I read the coverage and it seems that very little is actually covered. Many won't even cover bicycle touring unless paying for extra cover.
  5. I too suspect they must get some kind of bounty payment for finding an overstayer. I know this happens with hotels for debt collectors so why not immigration?
  6. Exactly. I have met a fair number of people over the last couple of years complaining that they "don't want to spend savings". Situations like this and the pandemic are surely the reasons people should have savings. Seems they never want to use those savings and expect someone else or government to pay the bills.
  7. The authorities (BMA in this case) just can't let go of trying to control the populace. They are scared of losing the powers gifted to them by the Covid pandemic. Bongkokians, ever so compliant compared to tourist areas such as Pattaya and Hua Hin, will surely comply. Time to move on and drop the masks.
  8. Maybe the op @Minocan share how he booked the place and why he says there are no more available? Have you got your deposit back yet?
  9. Exactly what a mate of mine does when his missus goes on a temple retreat. Thankfully for him she goes about every other month. And she let's him go!
  10. Good news. My electric bill in Bangkok is a bargain compared to my London place. From January in the UK E.On will be charging 46 pence per kilowatt hour for daytime domestic electricity and 44 pence per day standing charge. That's about 20 Baht kwh and 550 Baht month standing charge even if no usage!
  11. Yes and he already cancelled. Ask yourself, would you really want to stay there now? Quite common these days, especially on Airbnb etc. Plenty of other places to stay.
  12. If Krungthep Thanakhom simply settled their debt then they wouldn't look so bad and would have no bad publicity. Just pay up. Simple <deleted>. A court already ordered them to pay. They are now appealing but no mention of the grounds of appeal.
  13. I booked two weeks ago to fly to Yangon in March 2023 so too early to apply for e-visa yet. The Myanmar website clearly stated that only foreigners flying in/out of Yangon/Mandalay/Nae Pyi Taw was permitted. Land borders only for locals neighbouring the border. Until there is a first hand report on here from a member then assume it is still not possible. Things can and do change fast (I was not aware that foreigners were even permitted to enter Myanmar until recently). For Americans and Canadians then do refer to your governments' travel advice banning all travel to Myanmar. Hopefully land borders will be open again soon (if not already). USA: Do not travel: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/burma-travel-advisory.html#:~:text=Do not travel to Burma,and%2For inadequate healthcare resources. Canada: Avoid all travel: https://travel.gc.ca/destinations/myanmar UK: FCDO advises against all but essential travel to Myanmar, except for the Yangon region. https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/myanmar
  14. Unfortunately Thais just don't make plans for the future and live for today. Refreshing in many ways IMO. If wife dies first then pay respects in memory, collect life assurance money and move on somewhere else and find a younger replacement. Harsh maybe but her family won't give a <deleted> about you unless you're supporting them. You don't know how much longer you have, so get on with it and enjoy.
  15. Last time I updated address with Kbank a few years ago was done by phone. They updated passport number too and gave me an email address to send a copy to. I've rarely ever needed and help from Kbank and their phone staff have always been very helpful.
  16. Welcome to the new normal - although you don't specify dates. Fares may come down a bit next year. Currently fares are high due to Christmas and New Year holidays, have been high due to world cup sucking up capacity via middle east, British Airways are not flying the route until at least April 2023, current pent up travel demand. Of course fares could go even higher. Assume anything less than £1,000 is fair value - for now. I flew from BKK-LHR yesterday with EVA Airways and the plane was totally full in all 3 classes.
  17. How many Thais would choose to sit in seat 18k now and keep his ghost company?
  18. Tell them they can either have a voucher a wait an unspecified time for a refund.
  19. I think that theres a couple of beaches up in Wongamat that are not easily publicly accessible by walking (rocky outcrops blocking). I don't beleive they can be totally private but are regarded as such by the developments. Only way in would be swimming or kayak or boat.
  20. Agreed that "scam" may be a bit strong a word. However, an auction where a competitive and binding bid is received should be honoured. I have not used ebay for many years (and was in UK) so don't know the terms here in Thailand. Assume if the seller can cancel then the winning bidder must have same rights to back out?
  21. How did your legal representative or accountant allow this to happen? Oh, seems you didn't mention having one. Could have saved you tax on minimum of 300,000 Baht if you had used one! And people ask "why use a lawyer"? Most lawyers here are fairly tax savvy IME. Maybe the tax on the difference is same cost as getting professional advice. Zero sum. Move on. Educated for next time.
  22. OP was talking about a laptop not an Apple fan boy's toy... Pun was not intended but now seems appropriate ????
  23. It's not the getting it open that's a problem. It's getting it back together and ever working again!
  24. Occasionally, I get same from a floor drain in a rarely used shower room. It's because the water in the drain trap evaporates over time leaving no block to rising foul vapour. Ensure that there is a good water trap and that when filled it creates a vapour barrier. If not using all the time then maybe some sort of cover on it is a good idea.
  25. "Brake failure" read too fast and playing with phone!
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