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Everything posted by soi3eddie

  1. Be careful. You'll trigger the wokerati as if they are never triggered enough. <deleted>.
  2. Do they grow Haggis in Thailand?
  3. I have often brought food products and never had any issue (last time 2020 before covid) There's two considerations: 1. Chances of being caught 2. Punishment if getting caught I'd say, from recent coverage that the chances of being caught are now higher. They run the dogs along the baggage before it emerges into the reclaim area. How many dogs and what flights might they target is anyone's guess. As for punishment for smuggling in Haggis, then a life sentence has to be the the only suitable option.
  4. Was expecting to see the term "smart car" until geeting to the bit about "spy".
  5. As above, just leave it blank. Be aware though, that your Thai bank may block an overseas CNP (card not present) transaction. Do check with your bank first as there are many options for allowing or blocking certain types of transactions on cards.
  6. Surat Thani and Bangkok, that "smart car" is definitely clocking up some miles recently! Where next?
  7. Valid from date is not an authorisation requirement for online transactions. Simply leave the box blank (or enter an earlier date). The expiry date is the required info, without which, the transaction cannot be processed. The valid from is not checked. You may well find that address verification and 3DS is required by merchants now as we've had it rammed down our throats (at great redevelopment cost) by the card industry to protect them from losses (they say it's for protection of cardholders but in reality it's to save banks losses as they always had to reimbuse card fraud). Now with 3DS (or 2FA) it makes online card fraud extremely difficult. It is up to us as merchants to set parameters and "valid from date" is not an option.
  8. Most Thai governmental departments will gladly accept your old laptops as an upgrade to their IT systems. Just go into one of their offices. No appointment needed.
  9. Here's the get out that should leave tourism unaffected: "Couples can only be prosecuted if they are reported by a spouse, parents or their children." Still a risk if someone wants to cause trouble.
  10. You've been living in Thailand for 10 years and still want a hot shower? ???? For guests at my place, I have a hot water heater (3 settings) and find that the middle setting is comfortable for them. Ambient temperature varies very little here so it never needs to be adjusted.
  11. If turning left on a red where permitted, the traffic coming from your right on a green has right of way (as written above). Now how about right of way on roundabouts anyone? I'm from the UK and we drive on left same as here in Thailand. We must give way to anyone already on the roundabout (i.e. going round clockwise and from the right). Many, many, times here in Thailand I have been aproaching a roundabout and traffic already on the roundabout - nearly always motorycycles - has stopped whilst going around the roundabout. Seems dangerous to me.
  12. I've had issues with phone bluetooth pairing sound in the car before. Seems to reset itself after a few starts/stops. Try checking all the settings on phone/app/car. Never had any issues with Google maps directions as always have that muted and just use screen - one less woman telling me what to do!
  13. They used to park one of the BMWs in the courtyard of Jomtien immigration office.
  14. The new system could be really useful in Thailand. Will it help taxi drivers though? Most don't even seem able to use Google maps or follow the Grab app map to destination. In the UK some rural properties have a dedicated postcode as do some floors on large city buildings. Anything that helps navigation and location finding is a step forward.
  15. Not that far in the future. Virtually all new cameras, nearly all Chinese brands, can easily be used for facial (or even gait) recognition when attached to the correct server and software. Expect they are already quietly using this in places in Thailand now.
  16. If you have the time to wax it yourself then once every 2-3 months. Park under cover too. Once waxed, vehicles tend to stay clean for longer (as dirt less likely to stick) and are easier to keep clean. Avoid washing with strong detergent car shampoos too.
  17. There has to be a back story to this. Either tip-off by suspicious neighbours, or she was encroaching on someone's business, or she had stolen a Thai lady's boyfriend/husband. No way was this "smart-car" the reason for her being detected. Sure the car has a data terminal with internet connection to check the database but that's all.
  18. Good news for North Americans coming to Bangkok/Thailand. Definitely a leisure and lifestyle route - can't see it beeing full of business fare paying passengers. As for travel convenience then yes! A short flight and connection to Vancouver then the long haul uninterrupted to Bangkok is definitely a better option than doing say 12+ hours from Seattle to Tapei, 6 hour layour then 4 hours onwards to Bangkok. I did this EVA premium in 2017 and the final leg was totally miserable. Far better to relax/sleep on the trans-pacific all the way to Bangkok. Also, for those with Star Alliance, Air Canada would be attractive for mileage accrual/redemption.
  19. Currently 1 month wait to renew driving licence at Morchit, Bangkok. Went on 9th November with all the paperwork, they checked it all, stapled it together and showed me the appointment list to choose date. Earliest was 9th December. Should only be the reaction test, color tests etc and issue licence as I had watched the safety video at home and had the QR code.
  20. Legally should be OK so long as the new wife is unaware (or the first wife doesn't cause problems). Do the Thai divorce and move on.
  21. Does this mean you are married to two women at same time? Not aware of Thai law on bigamy.
  22. Yes they did. See below. Access using K-Biz with your username and password. These are both savings accounts with bank books and debit cards.
  23. Some of us would like divorce back dated to before marriage. Would have saved a fortune! In answer to your question then; No. Divorce cannot be backdated. Depending on the juristiction and law applied, it "may" be possible to get any financial settlement based upon the situation at separation however that would be only determined on agreement of both parties or in a court.
  24. Not true. I've been using web browser banking with Kbank since 2004 and still do at times. Works in web browser on laptop or phone. AFAIK it's the same login credentials (mine are saved in browser).
  25. I use Kbank app on my Samsung phone. The app still works fine when in the UK (or elsewhere) whether it has a Thai, UK or any other sim card. So long as there's data it works. Never had to do a OTP since installing the app. Web browser based transactions are different from the app and do require OTP to the Thai sim number registered to the account.
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