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Everything posted by soi3eddie

  1. Let's hope these hotels confine the Chinese tourists to their rooms. No more covid thanks. We've had enough. Some countries such as Japan India and Taiwan (and likely USA too) are requiring covid tests for those coming from China. Will Thailand require tests too? No mention of what happens if the test is positive. Source Sky News. https://news.sky.com/story/covid-patients-no-longer-have-to-quarantine-in-hong-kong-as-restrictions-are-lifted-12775498
  2. Do the Thais really miss the Chinese or just the money of the Chinese?
  3. Not just for the New Year but should China be allowed to export the virus worldwide again after the explosion of cases there? Their zero covid policy has failed, their vaccination program inneffective and now countries around the world could be overun by Chinese travellers once more. Will countries place restrictions on those coming from China? It would be a very sensible move.
  4. Back pedaling now to avoid losses. Read, once we've copped the 11.2 billion Baht, further announcements will be made.
  5. Any guesses as to which countries are not happy when their citizens are reported as suspects in crimes 555.
  6. Best place is with friends, a warm welcome and quality food. The holy grail. Find that and you've discovered nirvana. Tag along and you'll be fine. Adding an extra seat to a table rather than booking a whole new table is easier.
  7. No surprise back in profit. If not cooked books, then poor service and reduced route competition. They've doubled many fares and slashed quality of service and food since April this year. I've previously raved about their service but no more. London/Bangkok Flights in August, September and October were terrible. Food in economy almost inedible. Crew couldn't care less and scurried off to the galley telling passengers if then want drinks/snacks must come and get them. Definitely not smooth as silk anymore. Now switching to better alternative carrier (EVA) and was very impressed last week.
  8. So sad for the loss of these young Thai sailors. My (ex) Thai brother-in-law was a captain in the Thai navy. That was captain of a desk in Bangkok. He couldn't swim and got seasick every time boarding a boat. I was astounded at this during one Songkhran off the coast of Trang. And they want submarines?
  9. How did Scotland do this world cup? ????
  10. The Argies are still partying and not worrying about vaping....
  11. Lease the land for 10 years with 1 year extensions after that. You've probably already got plans for what you want to do with the land.
  12. So sad to see a Frenchie crying over the worry of Thai blacklist for vaping rather than losing the World Cup. G.g.g.g.gg..g.g.GOAL!
  13. So Sitting Shrimp (GoongNang) translated the story from the information given, whilst travelling between Nakhon Si Thammrat, Phuket and Krabi? No mention of whether the 96 bullets and firearm were in checked or hand carry baggage (not that it makes too much difference). Destination not stated but almost certainly Bangkok. So he needed the items for "self defence when travelling abroad". Does that mean he lives in Thailand and was heading overseas? Should be, as he bought from a Thai in Samui. Where was he heading? Arrested but no mention of further detention or court appearance. It would be so nice if the "reporters" would file a more detailed story.
  14. No. It's a one time travel document facilitating return to the UK only.
  15. Can't hurt to ask but would suggest OP would find Thai Immigration on departure least of his worries. First hurdle is airline accepting his passport at checkin - they are <deleted> scared of being liable for repatriation costs in case of refused entry at destination. Final hurdle is being permitted entry at destination (if home country, then no problem). If third country then who knows.
  16. So you arrived today, did your laundry today, ruined your passport today and applied for a new one today? Surely you're supposed to be on holiday? Who does laundry on day one <deleted>? You must have been on a very cheap flight with no baggage allowance... If you are flying back to the UK then the efficient British Consulate in Bangkok should offer an emergency travel document. If you are going to another country then you are taking a chance of being permitted entry. Be aware that once you apply for a replacement passport you may find the existing one cancelled and not valid. You should still be OK for travel around Thailand. Stay longer and enjoy the LOS.
  17. I've used both AIS and 3BB over the years. Equally as good as each other. Only moved from AIS as they were not then offering fibre optic. Been with 3BB fibre optic to the home for over 2 years now. Only downtime was last month when a truck driver brought down a nearby power pole which also carried communication cables. 3BB technicians were still working in the street splicing cables well into the night. Next morning all working perfectly again. If connection essential then always have a back up such as 4/5G in case of outages.
  18. UK banks have a duty of care and they will say they are trying to protect their account holder. Whilst that may be true in part, many banks see any overseas transaction as suspicious. They are perfectly right to ask the reason but if the account holder insists, then they should complete the transaction. These days, many banks will do everything they can to retain money in their institution. Just a taste of controls once CBDC and Social Credit is imposed on us all. Advise the OP @bannork to tell the sender either to use Wise or possibly to send it online from their bank - I use Lloyds and can setup international transfers online to either Kbank or Bangkok bank account. Normally arrives next working day. If using bank always send in £GBP and let the receiving Thai bank do the conversion at a much better rate. Wise still best rate and lowest fees though.
  19. Did the "smart" car capture him from facial recognition or did the hotel grass him up? Also, the article names him in full and adds his age and nationality then goes to show his face blurred. There's no question "allegedness" of his crime so assume he's guilty. Why therefore the picture anonymity? The police are certainly going after short time overstayers as if it's the crime of the century. Surely there's bigger fish to fry or would that be akin to <deleted>ting on your own doorstep?
  20. So why are there cannabis shops on almost every corner in some areas, when a pharmacy surely would have been able to dispense this medicine?
  21. I used the evisa to enter at Phnom Penh last month. Very easy to apply, took two days to issue and saves time on arrival. Will do same again for next trip in February.
  22. What he really means is that he may use covid infections over the new year to place controls on the people.
  23. My thoughts exactly. Lets hope that Thailand learns from this spectacular failure by Indonesia and doesn't get the same idea of increasing the retirement requirements.
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