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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. Caution! The only hard drive that works on the Airport Extreme USB port is one for the Mac. NTFS and FAT32 drives won't work!

    Makes no difference, since the data us shared via afp and/or smb (can be read by mac, windows, linux, netware, ...)
    If you have a problem just plug the hard drive directly into your Macbook and reformat it so the Mac likes it... Then it should work fine plugged into your wifi router... But for day to day access of large files this wifi setup is very slow... What it is good for is a spare drive that you use only for time machine backups..
  2. Given you are in a small space reception with either should be fine... And as you have said the bottleneck will be your provider not either router... I would go with the express as you can easily throw it in your suitcase to travel... But the extreme has the advantage of USB plug that accepts a hard drive... One thing you can do is set your ipad and computer on different channels one to 2.4 and the other to 5mhz

  3. Some 30 years ago I toured Thailand with a bunch of other Travel Scribes as guests of the then Government.

    Of all the fine places we saw, I fell in love with Chiang Mai and said that I would come and live here at some stage in the future.

    I did and I'm very happy with my choice. Check it out for yourself!

    Chiang Mai is a hell hole conrtolled by the Black Pudding mafia.... Don't anyone else think of moving here!... coffee1.gif

  4. I know I'll get flamed for this bit if you are into luxury good check out the King Power Duty Free mall that is downtown - kind if a HiSo tourist trap but fully air conditioned ;-)...


    FYI - bring your passport for entry and "duty free" shopping... Great lunch spot ;-)...

    Also if you do buy any luxury items ask for the VAT refund paperwork and understand that the airport refund process at the airport is a two stop process - you must show items to the customs officer BEFORE you pass thru immigration... Then get your refund after immigration...

  5. 1. Wants a lubricated massage, not a dry one.

    2. Prefers to be naked under a towel but doesn't want a happy ending.

    3. Legitimate establishment, not fly-by-night hole in the wall.

    4. I suspect he'll want a masseuse and not a masseur.

    Requirements #1, #2 and #4 somewhat negate requirement #3.

    Rubbish !!!...

    Look for a Spa - there are loads of legitimate massage places around.

    Some force those awful mesh underwear on you (which also guarantees a legitimate / non naughty spa).

    But there are also plenty of places which offer a clean Aroma Massage without the requirement to wear the 'panties'

    Again: Look for a well appointed (nice looking) Spa away from the sexpest hot spots which has Aroma Massage on the menu.

    If the place offers 1 & 2 do not be suprised if they try to up-sell you...

  6. Go to a AIS store and they will give you the coreect fitting sim for free... Trying to cut it yourself is just asking for trouble!... If you are the least bit wrong in the cut it won't work and could get itself wedged inside the tray slot and you will be paying for a repair... coffee1.gif

  7. Does anyone know why it goes slow after Pratanum to the MBK stop?

    I think a minor royal lives somewhere on the left and cannot be disturbed by the riff raff on the boats.

    This is my understanding, except I don't think the royal in question is so "minor"

    It's not a minor one - that's the palace of our beloved Princess who wears sensible shoes...
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