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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. Apply for a 1 year retirement visa in the USA... It's a pain... (Weird medical certificate and getting a letter from the local police)... But the visa is good for a two year stay.... 1 year vilidity plus 1 year stay...

  2. I don't think what you want is too out of the ordinary for the locals to build... I would look in your area at the new row shop houses that are going up along the road - simple boxes... Use them as your base and modify... Stick to a standard grid of 4 or 5 meters... Have the builder build your box and you finish the inside off... I would also recommend having a two roof system where the top roof is just corrugated steel with big overhang that takes the heat and let's the air flow underneath...

  3. The new red tuks are quieter, cleaner and roomier so if they replace the older ones, it is a good move.

    You say that now... But in 5 years of the same maintenance schedule they put the old ones through they will spew out twice the pollution and take up twice the space as the ones that are cobbling up the city center...

  4. I might suggest you look in your area for an old shophouse/townhouse to rent cheap (~ 5k/month) and gut and make into a loft style...

    Also check out this guys Facebook... He built a loft style home in the suburbs of Bangkok


    My idea too.

    I have visited a shop house in BKK that had been totally remodeled by a (foreign) architect. The place was truly impressive in its design and viability. It was even more shocking when, from outside, you could see the remaining units of the project on both side of this home. Their lack of inspiration and awful pattern had been entirely wiped from the renovated one. Cruel comparison

    Check out this link: http://villageinthecity.com/?cat=1

  5. Just remember going up is the easy part... But be careful when you are coming down as speed apcan pick up and it is a lot harder to stop... And if you ride the brake you might make a couple stops to let the brake drums cool down...

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  6. We went to the Dukes for pizza tonight. In 7 years I have not been disappointed with their pizza yet. The Thais in my family will not eat pizza anywhere else but the Dukes.

    My Thai partner is the same... Sadly we must order the Hawaiian to really please him... I make a bi-weekly date to go khondiaw so I can order sausage & pepperoni...

  7. Khun Nai Dern Sai on soi 11 is a nice Thai place with outdoor garden or if you drive a little bit go to Galae Restaurant at the end of Sutep Road - both are nice places to take CM visitors

    Oh also Yangzi Jiang - Chinese resturant in old colonial-style wooden house on the right side of soi 5

  8. I was recently at a coffee shop (across the road from Four Seasons in Mae Rim) and they have built on to the coffee shop and used some interesting terra cotta bricks that one can see thru (see photos)... The bricks are about 10cm square and look to be extruded terra cotta - Has anyone seen these for sale in any of the building material places?



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