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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. On Monday the 3rd I withdrew 10,000 baht from a Kasikorn Bank ATM using my US Fidelity ATM Debit/Visa... My Fidelity brokerage history shows a debit of $313.30 and a credit of $5.54 (Fidelity refunded the 180B ATM fees).. So 10K baht cost me $307.76 - That converts to an exchange rate of ~ 32.49 B/$

    Here are screen shots of that days Kasikorn Bank exchange and Yahoo - Seems the rate I got was good and is set in the US somewhere not by Kasikorn...



  2. So the alternative if a trip to mae sai , a day trip for around 1100bt for the same 30 days.

    So is the extension a once only allowance, whereas mae sai you can go every month if you wish.?

    I thought arrival thru a land border crossing allowed for 14 day stay?... And an arrival by air allowed 30 days?

  3. Nancy L... Who do you have do the service and what is the cost?

    To the OP... If it cools fine for the first two hours I would guess it is not a refergerant problem... When it is just blowing hot air go outside and see if the outside motor (compressor) unit is running - If it is running and you only get hot air inside then there is a problem with the unit - such as it freezing over... Also many of the AC unts seem to have a built in shutoff cycle that kicks in after a few hours - look at you owners manual...

  4. I think the traffic situation is mostly to blame.. And it's not just keeping me out of Maya so far, but actually well away from that whole area.

    If you are on a motorbike the Maya lower parking is a dream!... Unlike the motorbike parking situation at Central Festival which I refuse to partake in anymore...

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  5. I am looking at buying an old wood house (In my Thai partners name) outside Chaing Mai and renovate... In the front corner of the property among the weeds is a small disused Spirit House that is about to fall apart... My question is can I move it to a differnt part of the property (It is not near a specific tree) and secondly can I buy a new Sprit House to replace the old one?

  6. I went the compressed foam route. queen; 5750 same day delivery 6'. 10 year guarantee. They will give you a free three day trial if you don't take the plastic off. Not as hard as the rubber, which is 5000, but firmer than the springs, and probably too firm for many falang. I've heard too many complaints from farang over the years on rock hard mattresses....so it's up to you. Never seen or heard of any indication that the Thais are prone to back trouble, and I doubt they're shellin' out 25K at HomePro for a Western Style. www.chiangmaimattress.com. They are made locally, which is a good thing.

    I went to their website... It is a bit sketchy... They have a map location but do not say if there is an actual store with operating hours?... It's a bit out of the way so I would like to know that before I drive out there?...

    From the time I called them, and spoke to Aom; my new mattress was professionally delivered in less than four hours. After two nights on it; I will never buy a spring mattress again.

    Not sure I want to buy a matress over the phone coffee1.gif

  7. I went the compressed foam route. queen; 5750 same day delivery 6'. 10 year guarantee. They will give you a free three day trial if you don't take the plastic off. Not as hard as the rubber, which is 5000, but firmer than the springs, and probably too firm for many falang. I've heard too many complaints from farang over the years on rock hard mattresses....so it's up to you. Never seen or heard of any indication that the Thais are prone to back trouble, and I doubt they're shellin' out 25K at HomePro for a Western Style. www.chiangmaimattress.com. They are made locally, which is a good thing.

    I went to their website... It is a bit sketchy... They have a map location but do not say if there is an actual store with operating hours?... It's a bit out of the way so I would like to know that before I drive out there?...

  8. My partner has a 2 year old Scoopy that was in pristine condition until he was sideswiped by a tuk tuk... The back plastic wheel well panel has a nasty gash thru it... The Honda shop can replace the panel for 8,000 baht!... Is there a motor cycle junk yard that sell parts?

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