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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. There are lots of the old ones up here in Chiang Mai too... many shops near the river fix them and have them for sale... The college students like them as they are trendy and cheap to maintain... I would like one but my partner forbids as most spew out pollution...

  2. I believe the illegality is when you have anonymous Thais as shareholders who clearly have not provided any funding to the company.

    At least that's what they always say when they rattle the cage about investigating these companies.

    Perhaps we have an actual lawyer who would care to comment (rather than an armchair version).

    Where does one find some Thai nationals that would be able and interested in providing funding 51% of a farang house purchase for the completely legal setup you envision?...

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    It could be they changed policy since the last report I saw also.

    I am aware of some who's Embassies provide an Affidavit being challenged by the Phuket immigration service.

    One in particular was refused an extension as he was unable to provide evidence to support the sworn claim.

    I can see them possibly questioning anyone who is 50-62 years old and the closer to 50 the higher the probability of being asked... But after 62 Immigration is aware that all US citizens are eligible for Social Security and I doubt it is asked...

  4. If you're flying out of CNX and onward to an international destination Bangkok Airways have arrangements with quite a few foreign carriers that allow you to check your baggage through at CNX and also get boarding passes for all the legs of your flight.

    Make sure your checked baggage claim tags have your final destination three letter airport code on them and keep you receipt tags...

    You will most likely need them at your final destination... coffee1.gif

  5. Airaisa is great if you don't have too much luggage and can book way in advance...

    Thai Airways would be best if you are connecting from an international flight as most of the local carriers fly out of a different airport than the international airport

  6. The Branch office where you open your bank account is important... Many branch offices will refer you back to your initial branch if you have issues - like losing an ATM card or updating information and documents...Check out the branch office and rate how their service and their ability to work with foreigners... Also look at the availability of ATM where you live...

  7. The befriending them method works a treat. I started getting flack from a load of strays on one of my walking routes but a pack of doggie treats and now they're my best pals.....

    I went and bought some very nice real meat dog treats at Rimping as I quite like dogs... The dogs just turned their noses up at them and went away... The neighbor can throw a pot full of day old gruel out on the street gutter and the dogs hog wild...coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  8. Can we PLEASE get away from the lunacy of debating the health concerns of Aspartame and get back to the OP's Coke Light disappearance conspiracies...

    • Like 1
  9. My partner is Thai but the Government hospital is difficult to deal with and I would prefer a most reliable place to obtain medicine even at my own cost..

    On question about the RC Clinic Pharmacy... I have read where people can buy many months worth of medicine (with a prescription)... How many months worth is possible?... as we live in Chiang Mai and wouldlike to buy 6 months worth to limit the number of trips to Bangkok?...

  10. The retirement extensions (and any other extension) has been 1,900 baht for quite a few years.

    Single re-entry permit is 1,000 baht, multiple is 3,600 baht (maybe 3,800 baht), so you have to be leaving Thailand at least 4 times in a year to make it worthwhile.

    One other item to consider - Assist Thai Visa Services will do all this for you for a fee of 5,500 baht.


    For some, it is worth it. For others, it is much too expensive. Your call.

    That is 5,500 on top of the fees charged by immigration... That being said it is well worth it!

    As for re-entry permit... When I do my extension I have them add a single entry permit which is good until the extension expires (~1 year)... Then when I return from any trip I have another re-entry added... So I always have a permit ready

  11. You have to be their patient though can not just get a prescription from anywhere to go buy ARV meds at hospital. The regimen they use at government hospital most likely to be 2 or 3 line drug as those are available locally made. The current first line recommendation up to date I do believe it's called Atripla, can be found as brand name and generic, which is not available at most gov hospital. You can try and find out for yourself.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Yes... I got the impression that you needed a prescription from a hospital doctor to buy at their pharmacy..

    FYI - Atripla can be found at the Bangkok Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre Pharmacy

    29. TDF 300 mg + FTV 200 mg + EFV 600 mg (Original)

    Trade Name: ATRIPLA

    Price/Tablet: 88 THB

    Price/Bottle: 2,640 THB (30 tab)


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