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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Not true! She resigned after she was informed that her name was removed from the proposed honours list! From her own article in the DM; "Next morning, I called the Chief Whip who said all was well, he had not been informed of any change but he would make further enquiries. At 3.30pm, he called me back. My name had in fact been removed. The journalist had been right. The list was published half an hour later. I knew then my suspicions that someone was using me to play political games was true. I informed the Chief Whip I was standing down. " NADINE DORRIES: The sinister forces that stopped this girl from reaching the House of Lords | Daily Mail Online
  2. I should hope it was the Scottish electorate and not the Russian electorate, if they have any! What party do you think she was standing for and representing and in what country? I will give you a few hints; The SNP (Scottish National Party) which is in Scotland!
  3. As I said above it only talks about the date and conduct of ONE referendum and it's rules. Not on referendums! Regarding "once in a generation". you should re-read the following; In Alex Salmond's foreword to Scotland's Future, the white paper on independence ahead of the 2014 referendum, the then first minister said the vote would be a "rare and precious moment in the history of Scotland - a once in a generation opportunity to chart a better way". The document itself went on to state there was "no arrangement in place for another referendum on independence", In the Q&A section of the document, The Scottish Government answers the question “If Scotland votes No, will there be another referendum on independence at a later date?” The Scottish Government’s response was: “The Edinburgh Agreement states that a referendum must be held by the end of 2014. There is no arrangement in place for another referendum on independence. “It is the view of the current Scottish Government that a referendum is a once-in-a-generation opportunity. This means that only a majority vote for Yes in 2014 would give certainty that Scotland will be independent.” https://www2.gov.scot/resource/0043/00439021.pdf (webarchive.org.uk)
  4. Have you? it only talks about a singular " the date of the referendum" not more than one! here it is in full; "Agreement between the United Kingdom Government and the Scottish Government on a referendum on independence for Scotland. The United Kingdom Government and the Scottish Government have agreed to work together to ensure that a referendum on Scottish independence can take place. The governments have agreed that the referendum should: :: have a clear legal base; :: be legislated for by the Scottish Parliament: :: be conducted so as to command the confidence of parliaments, government and people; and :: deliver a fair test and decisive expression of the views of people in Scotland and a result that everyone will respect. The governments have agreed to promote an Order in Council under Section 30 of the Scotland Act 1998 in the United Kingdom and Scottish Parliaments to allow a single question referendum on Scottish independence to be held before the end of 2014. The Order will put beyond doubt that the Scottish Parliament can legislate for the referendum. It will then be for the Scottish Government to promote legislation in the Scottish Parliament for a referendum on independence. The governments are agreed that the referendum should meet the highest standards of fairness, transparency and propriety, informed by consultation and independent expert advice. The referendum legislation will set out: :: the date of the referendum; :: the franchise; :: the wording of the question; :: rules on campaign financing; and :: other rules for the conduct of the referendum. The details of the agreement between the governments are set out in the following memorandum and draft Order, which forms part of this agreement. SIGNED" Text of the 'Edinburgh Agreement' | The Independent | The Independent
  5. At the 2014 referendum, the Scottish Government’s White Paper said Scotland would be “a constitutional monarchy” after independence and continue the “Union of the Crowns that dates back to 1603, pre-dating the Union of the Parliaments by over one hundred years.” Sturgeon told to keep monarchy to win independence | HeraldScotland
  6. I think more a case of these bottoms are "thumbs up" (in more ways than one)!
  7. I think you "boobed" there! (Dream on as they say in more ways than two!)
  8. Why will you not substitute the word "some" for "most"? If you did so your posts might have more credibility!
  9. How can a post be "off topic" when you made the unsubstantiated phrase in the first place and to which I responded? From your last two posts it is clear that your statement is only your opinion and not factual as you have failed to substantiate your comments with any data! It is for that reason that I suggest you use a less misleading phrase such as "the people who use agents fall into a number of categories etc!
  10. So you are saying that "straights" are straight every month but gays are only gay for a single month in a year! ????
  11. So no FACTS then, just your opinion and who can say that your opinion is "(without out a doubt)" factual? PS; If I'm on ignore how do you read my posts?
  12. Do you have any source or stats to back up that statement that "most of the time the client wants assistance with the financials. Money in bank method."? I would suggest a better phrase would be that "the people who use agents fall into a number of categories etc!
  13. So what is your recommended "reliable" UK Daily Newspaper?
  14. Sorry but I thought it was Mussolini who invaded other countries i.e. Ethiopia not Berlescoli who only seems to have invaded lady's bedrooms!
  15. No wonder kids get confused about their so called "sexual Identity" when you keep throwing out meaningless/confusing words or phrases such as "hetero cisgender kids"! I don't understand the phrase, so what chance does a kid have. (yes I have looked it up and am no better informed!) They are schoolkids, boys and girls. After the reach puberty AND maturity it might be time to start throwing your agenda and phrases around them!
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