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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. I do too! PS; Speed limits are there to inform you of the maximum speed you are allowed to drive at, not the speed above which you should accelerate!
  2. Or a record of which ones he copied and kept without their knowledge!
  3. Up until the end of Fawlty Towers (1979) he was great but what has he done since then that was any good? He is into his 80's now and well past his, great, then prime time! My plea to him would be; "Please don't spoil our great image of you by coming back in a flop of a production!"
  4. Why? Do you think we look too well endowed already? Remember as I posted earlier there is nothing worn (out) under our kilts! (except possibly by over use!)
  5. What a crass response! Are you saying you/we wear/use a mask all the time outdoors/indoors/markets etc. Where and when or are you saying we should only use/wear the rags? PS; What has anyone's "educational level and political lean" got to do with my questions/statements?
  6. I agree with the use of masks in hospitals/clinics etc, especially if they have covid patients and also local markets and crowded places.
  7. When, where, at what times and how often do you wear/use a (new/clean) mask?
  8. NO! Get rid off them as standard wear, To be used (not worn) except possibly in crowded places.
  9. If it's that cold I doubt there would be anything worth "Blowing" on!
  10. Eve said to Adam: ‘Do you love me?’ And he replied: "Of course I do after all who else is there?’
  11. When I was a kid nobody wanted to talk or play with me, my mother had to tie a pork chop round my neck to get the dog to play with me. When we played doctors and nurses, I was the ambulance driver.
  12. A little old lady went to the doctor and said: ‘Can I have some more sleeping pills for my husband?’ He said: ‘Why?’ She said: ‘He keeps waking up.’
  13. In some parts of the world people eat little bent pieces of wire for breakfast — it’s their staple diet.
  14. Did you know that Les Miserables was a Frenchman with no sense of humour?
  15. Did you know that Handel donated all his organs to medical science? Mind you, he wouldn’t let them have his piano.
  16. No and since I looked it up I defy anyone to admit they have any idea what the hell it is on about! It is total gobbledygook and I hope in hell it does not exist! Here is a Google example; Universal mind or universal consciousness is a metaphysical concept suggesting an underlying essence of all being and becoming in the universe. It includes the being and becoming that occurred in the universe prior to the arising of the concept of Mind, a term that more appropriately refers to the organic, human aspect of universal consciousness. It addresses inorganic being and becoming and the interactions that occur in that process without specific reference to the physical and chemical laws that try to describe those interactions. Those interactions have occurred, do occur, and continue to occur. Universal consciousness is the source that underlies those interactions and the awareness and knowledge they imply.
  17. When I do I will grab yours as well as long as you promise they won't bite!
  18. What about the "straight" female members of the AN community? They might (re)considering their options also!
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