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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. All this talk of inactive posts has got me pondering the age old questions; a) How do you activate an inactive post? b) Do they have inactive shifts? c) Since COVID are they allowed to be inactive from home (IFH)? d) Is there a Head Office of Inactive posts and if so how is it manned?
  2. A statement of the obvious to most of us non sex pests.
  3. Why would anyone need or want to use an ATM on average twice a day every day for a month? I have my doubts regarding the veracity of the statement!
  4. And they seem to be the first major organisation to do so in such a clear manner!
  5. At last an organisation with the b@lls to do what is right! Watch the woke brigade get their nickers/underpants in a twist over this!
  6. That depends on your definition of a brothel! From the OED; brothel "a house where men visit prostitutes. ORIGIN C16: from Middle English brothel 'worthless man, prostitute'. If you replace "house" with "establishment" or similar then I would say there are quite a large number of them around!
  7. The so called crimes are the same as every official in Thailand does on a daily basis!
  8. Because he knew the so called court was rigged against him and that he had no chance of avoiding jail if he stayed in Thailand!
  9. Don't give them ideas. Since they probably gave them away to their cronies they will now be thinking of going out and buying more.
  10. The best response I have ever seen regarding "the law" in Thailand and especially WRT Immigration questions. I just wish some other responses on this subject followed your advice!
  11. Don't you have a spell checker? I am sure the first "i" in "winking" should be an "a"!
  12. I wonder what the abbreviation "CV" means in this instance! ????
  13. I think I know the answer but I will ask anyway! Why?
  14. I do not see the word "Qoran" (Qur'an) in the piece I quoted! I am not a mind reader! Why would an observer of Ramadan even use "The Bible"?
  15. In your mind with your IO! As we all know there are NO hard and fast rules that pertain to every IO! I suggest you give people a break and stop pretending that you are the "authority" on Immigration/banking etc, etc!
  16. How many pints have you had? The point is whether it is a statement of fact by you or your opinion! You implied that the "lie" statement was a fact! It is not know at this time if that is so. At no point did you did not state that you were speaking on behalf of "voters" and their " perceptions"! Were you lying in your post about it being a lie or just misleading us?
  17. Have you read the contents of your link? "to lead in a wrong direction or into a mistaken action or belief often by deliberate deceit" The Oxford English Dictionary definition is; "mislead" "cause to have a wrong impression about someone or something." You are being pedantic!
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