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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. It was NOT done either voluntarily or through altruism. You were forced into joining both wars LATE!
  2. Burma? Not since 1989! Please get up to date!
  3. If you think I have wasted any time reading through all your B.S. deep enough to find any such reference then you have more than one screw loose!
  4. Are you not wearing your latest AI proof Tin Foil Hat? You can get them in all good Trump outlets!
  5. He would probably use AI to try and prove it! 😆
  6. I suggest you correct YOUR blurred vision!
  7. I would not be surprised if that is not in one of his next "executive orders"!
  8. Scaremongering mostly created by the resurrected Khun H!
  9. You have posted that as if it is a fact. It is NOT! It is only your scaremongering opinion! All your scaremongering false "statements" should have a health warning!
  10. What pensions and what threshold(s). Stupid scaremongering statement given the number of variable involved! We are NOT all equal!
  11. The scaremonger has come back from it's absence, unfortunetly!
  12. There is nothing to discuss! Just that you should give up on a lost cause and ditch the tin foil hat!
  13. For trolling by you! I hope you enjoyed your time out! Many certainly did!
  14. Another meaningless and pointless post from you!
  15. Who are you trying to convince with all this dangerous claptrap mumbo jumbo you keep spouting forth? I suspect that the only reason for you continuing the postings is to increase your post count and your Sad/Confused emoji count! I suggest you give it a rest!
  16. As I said it was a stupid and pointless post you made with stupid and pointless tasks which I will treat with the ignore that both you and them deserve! Go back to your colouring books and cartoons!
  17. By killing off all the humans I assume?
  18. It seems you do not understand what you posted! You said that the pigs were at the trough but you did NOT say who the PIGS were and your post was not connected /reference to another post. Hence my stating that I was "assuming" you were referring to Trump. You have still not said who you were in fact referring to. Yet again you have made a post where you make totally unfounded assumption regarding my Schooling and an assumption that I did not understand your post. PS; I am still waiting for your apology where you accused me wrongly of posting two statements which it appears were actually made by another poster!
  19. Since it is incapable of reading and comprehending posts there is no chance it could read and comprehend a history book!
  20. Your post is so ambiguous that I must I assume that the pigs you refer to are the Trump supporters! PS' What subject do you claim to teach? I do so hope it is not English, or any language for that matter!
  21. Are you now accusing another poster regarding Tourette's syndrome or are you now admitting that I NEVER accused you!
  22. Please post a quote of me saying that I called you a bad teacher or ever used the words "Tourette's syndrome". What I did say, and reiterate is that you make far too many, mostly insulting, posts based only on false assumptions about posters and NOT on facts!
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