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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Why did you have to bring personalities into this? It would have been easier to answer thus; 1. Q: Why should any POTUS get involved in supporting, or not supporting, a SCOTUS decision? A: The President should not. 2. Q: Isn't the SCOTUS supposed to be independent? A: Absolutely.
  2. I am NOT discussing who does or does not criticize SCOTUS! I am asking; Why should any POTUS get involved in supporting, or not supporting, a SCOTUS decision? Isn't the SCOTUS supposed to be independent?
  3. That post does not answer the two very clear and non political questions I posted!
  4. Do you maybe have to activate the card before first use maybe online or at an ATM etc? OOPS! our post just crossed each other!
  5. Why should any POTUS get involved in supporting, or not supporting, a SCOTUS decision? Isn't the SCOTUS supposed to be independent?
  6. I top up my Wise physical debit card in seconds using a UK bank debit card. Most times I do NOT need 2FA as I do it regularly with the same card! PS; If 2FA response is required I have a UK SIM card in slot two of my phone and a Thai card in slot one for local! PPs; I find it cheaper to use the wise debit card than it is to use a UK Credit card as their is no Overseas or exchange rate fee!
  7. NO! The Isan worker and his mates would have as a minimum beaten him up and probably nicked his phone and wallet!
  8. You are the one that needs intelligence as all you do is spout forth the propaganda fed to you by your masters!
  9. I see you survived Trump’s last presidency. Yes I was one of the lucky ones!!! How is your life different today under Biden? Better!
  10. I would like to second that timely response! 😄
  11. That is obvious with your illogical and or biased postings here on any AN forum!
  12. You do not lose polls! If you are talking politically you lose elections and the polls are only as good as the probably slanted questions put to the probably slanted pollsters!
  13. I think he mis spelled the word! I suggest you replace the "u" in funny with an "a" and you might get the message, but then again I am not so sure about your intellectual capability to undertake such an educated and onerous task!
  14. Thankfully his supporters are not intelligent people, especially if we go by the ones posting here! I do not believe that there are enough idiots/non intelligent voters in the USA who cannot look at what he did last time and what he is doing now and even think of electing it!
  15. Are you suggesting that atrocities/wars should be scored like a league table?
  16. Do the Thai clock numbers all join together just like the Thai letters? 123456789101112 as opposed to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 on the clock face?
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