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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Do you mean this one: I just did type "fake moon landing shadows" into Google; This is what I got! Moon landing conspiracy theories, debunked | Royal Museums Greenwich
  2. Under your theory what does that make the present day USA?
  3. Could that be described as a religious and uplifting discussion?
  4. So you ironed out your problems did you?
  5. That joke is below the Kilt belt!
  6. What about USA colonisation of others?
  7. The shelf tickets are not stuck in place and are easily moved. A kid can run their hand along the shelf and move/displace the shelf stickers. The item description text is so small that I need a Magnifying glass to read them to check it is the correct sticker for the item I am looking at!
  8. Please do not encourage that Troll!
  9. Same as Pattaya in that case!
  10. Oops! I saw the bit about him wanting to start a business and having a girlfriend so wrongly assumed he was on a longer term visa, not a tourist one!
  11. I don't think the bible was around "thousands of years ago"! In fact the so called crucifixion and resurrection happened slightly less than 2,000 years ago around AD 29-33! Link; How Old Was Jesus When He Died?
  12. Or more likely a total lack of them!
  13. No one seems to ask if the Apollo 13 emergency was faked? NOT that I believe it was faked!
  14. Leave your gold at home if going to hug guys anyone with tits.😄
  15. Why did the 90 day reporting system not detect his overstay? I thought that was one of it's functions!
  16. I thought you did that to everyone you see on their own in the toilet!
  17. More false assumptions on your part. Time you got a new set of non single track blinkers!
  18. Your modesty is so becoming, especially of such a troll as you!
  19. As that counts you out why are you still posting your tripe?
  20. Oops! Sorry well spotted!
  21. That is so he can be seen as a strong man when he subsequently fires them!
  22. It makes perfect sense! He means 6 successful Apollo missions (11, 12, 14, 15, 16, & 17 and one failure (11)!
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