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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. You have noticed who it is from haven't you? Give him one rosette for his one sided consistency!
  2. I think you need to go back to sleep and repost when either the booze or meds o both have worn off!
  3. Why? Are you getting paid for clickbait? PS; If so take this post as your 0.005Satang! PPS; Just looked at it out of curiosity! I suggest nobody bothers as it is meaningless!
  4. Real males cannot menstruate at any time! Real Females/women, depending on age, may do so! Real Females/women CANNOT have a penis!
  5. A very timely respond and I would hand that to you but have run out of time!
  6. Had it runaway after a terminal flight of fancy??
  7. The minute I read that I thought was it second hand or alarmist?
  8. Not true. The POW is in the North Sea taking part in a major NATO exercise!
  9. And nobody gives a toss about what you post as we all know you have no origibal thoughts! You are just a mouth peace for you "MASTERS"!
  10. I normally do not feed trolls and advise others to do the same! Especially with regards to your constant and repetitive puerile outbursts which I normally treat with the ignore they obviously deserve! However your last ludicrous statement, repeated above, shows just how uneducated you actually are!
  11. Can someone please advise the "Gatling Gob" of that obvious fact!
  12. I certainly do not care to dispute those assumptions and agree wholeheartedly with your post!
  13. The ASEANNOW branch of the Red Army/Politburo propaganda machine are certainly in full swing here so I see no point in feeding them & thus giving them more air/internet time! That is why I do not normally take part here unless I see a new slant/statement that grabs my attention as yours just did!
  14. why would anyone feel the need to respond to start a topic about how others choose to interact online? OOPS, I just did! 😆
  15. And of course we are all supposed to know who or what an "Old Plank Inn" is. More pointless posts from you!
  16. Who gives a flying <deleted> about your laundry! You need to be cleaned out of the forum ASAP!
  17. Where or what is or was an "IB"? I tried using "google" to find "IB" and got over 24million hits! I then searched "the crime in IB is bar fights" as stated above and got over 135,000 responses! Please can posters just think about what country etc a person is from and who they are addressing their remarks to!
  18. Physically he probably has not killed anyone! But what about the people killed by those aroused to action by his diatribes/speeches?
  19. Why? Gatling Gob only spouts out garbage! Thank God "it" has been quiet for a short while!
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