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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. "Bob" posts here that he bonks ladyboys!
  2. They are going to have to do that anyway because of the closure of Public schools due to their cack handed VAT!
  3. They would have said that in the lead in to the election but even they realised that they would not be believed. That is why they went with the lies/misinformation that they used!
  4. About what and in what constructive or informative manner?
  5. I cannot as I like science fiction novels!
  6. The same as a few repetitive "I'm always right and you are wrong brigade". To them the word "facts" acts like "<deleted> off" to them!
  7. And the relevance to the above comments being what?
  8. Yes but it said Any Predictions for 2024 guys ?
  9. If they have dementia how can they explain their wishes to you in a way that you can understand?
  10. Which he keeps making!
  11. That will make a change for you! ☺️
  12. They only reason anyone would follow around a yapping dog like you would be because of the obnoxious trail you leave behind on most posts for them to defecate on!
  13. Only you and your partner will know!
  14. Another "Bob"!
  15. Try answering the question(s) without smart @rsed responses
  16. Is that a prediction/dream or wish?
  17. He might not be considered as one of the US best presidents but he proved himself to be a very honourable and fine example to the world. Hence his well deserved Nobel award! RIP!
  18. Just received a notification from BKK that my money had arrived before Wise had told me they had sent it. All of less than four minutes from log onto wise, use UK debit card and money in BKK! Monthly living and only a few K £! I never TX over a weekend or bank Holiday, they take a long time, but working weekdays OK!
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