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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. You are correct! I am not making any comment on the legality, or otherwise, regarding claiming pensions whilst in Thailand! I am contesting some very strange views about the ability and legality of the UK authorities accessing and linking a private person's BANK/passport and pension details/accounts! i.e. the LEGAL link between DWP/HMRC and a persons private bank account! The proposed new law is I believe irrelevant as it is unlikely to happen before the forthcoming General Election!
  2. Only by court order! That is the present law! Please remember you are getting stuck up with a draft bill, last discussed in December 2023 which in it's present form has no chance of getting thru the House of lords and has little or no chance of getting thru all it's stages before the General Election! As I have said before "cool down" it ain't going to happen this year!
  3. That is against the law. They must get a court order! I admit it is very easy but it MUST be on a case by case basis with some foundation!
  4. Am getting very confusing info re docs for retirement extension in CM using legal 800,000. It has been in a fixed deposit account for many years! I am now being told by some IO in CM that the LAW changed in January and that I must produce an annual Statement for the fixed account even though I have only ever provided the letter and updated passbook in the past! (I asked BKK and they said annual statement for fixed accounts run from account update/renewal and not for the past year!) account is continuous but upgrades/downgrades every year in May but extension due in April!! Does anyone have a list in English of what is NOW required as I have just been told I need a I year annual statement from the bank (BKK). in addition has anyone seen this new regulation issued in January this year?
  5. Please read my posts above! They can only do so on an individual legal case! It is NOT a blanket "get everyone" law/act!
  6. Of course they can gain legal access to a private banks account but ONLY after an individual legal review if a private account! As you said "having been subject to a tax investigation a few years back, I know that HMRC can look into your bank account" They must have had due cause! IF NOT SUE THEM! PS; Did you sue?
  7. UK banks cannot legally disclose any personal details to outside authorities unless covered by a legal injunction/requirement. There are many legal frameworks where a person's transactions are transmitted to outside authorities; e.g. 10,000 Pound overseas TX, FACTA, banned/restricted country TX's (IRAN/Russia etc) and other sanctions are obvious ones. These are covered in law/acts of Parliament! BUT no individual or UK authority can get access to a UK personal account without court sanctioned authorisation. Business accounts are a bit different!
  8. As the boy never existed and I doubt if a human Dyke let a boy put his finger in said human Dyke what is your dam point?
  9. It would really be funny until we remember that the [Trump] it supports could become POTUS! 😷
  10. So you agree that there is NO automatic digital exchange between the DWP/HMRC! They can of course share ANY information by whatever means are at their disposal but they CANNOT do it on the whim of a clerk! They must have just legal cause etc!
  11. And were they perchance making any other claims/benefits other than the basic pension?
  12. And nothing has changed since 6 Dec 2023 even according to your links!
  13. To the best of your knowledge can you state that the DWP and HMRC systems are totally compatible and that they can legally access each other's data bases without a legal reasonable cause? If so I would love to see some evidence!
  14. A work in progress is not a present day law. As I said earlier your crystal ball is no better than mine. Can we please stick to the law and systems in place today, Not "What If's"
  15. You are talking about what may happen in the future not present!
  16. Wrong! Only you "can fairly assume from the evidence presented to date that" and even then you are wrong. Look at the UK laws as they stand. Your crystal ball is no better than anyone else's!
  17. But they cannot do that at present. They must have just cause for each individual they SUSPECT! They cannot just pick/compare people at random!
  18. Is the above an approved source? The comments made, would appear to me, were just that guys inaccurate (IMO)! opinion and no real facts with any evidence or source presented!
  19. At the moment the DWP and HMRC cannot automatically access each others databases for two very good reasons; 1 They are not compatible and cannot automatically interconnect 2 The GDPR does not allow it, even if they could! The police or the department concerned has to get the equivalent of a warrant to get access to the department accounts and only then access a persons account if "fraud" etc is "suspected"! Cool down everyone!
  20. That new law, which has been passed, is to do with the Tax man (not DWP) and undeclared side income above 1,000 Pounds and nothing to do with passports etc!
  21. Where and how did you "hear" this rumour? Please i.a.w. the rules provide a link to a reliable source!
  22. Your post raises a number of comments/questions Does your wife obey your orders not to speak to foreigners? Do you actually take your wife with you when you go out? and if so how do people know she has not been "dragged about with them"?
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