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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. How the hell do you work out that Generals run the show in my Country? You don't even know what is my Country! Hint look at the post(s) where I advised you to stop making assumptions and to use a dictionary!
  2. So you still cannot get round to admitting your lies!
  3. NO! Read the (non) applicable section of the constitution!
  4. What has 88 got to do with your lies. Do you have the balls to admit you have been wrong on both of your so called charges against Gen Milley? I doubt it coward!
  5. Yet another false post by you! You really should read other posts in the topic you are lying about and in addition read your US constitution and tell me what action of his meets the very strict criteria stated there! https://constitution.findlaw.com/article3/annotation24.html Treason in the United States is defined as waging war against the United States or providing aid to its enemies. It is the only crime explicitly defined in the U.S. Constitution.
  6. It is NOT spin unlike your posts! Yet another totally inaccurate post by you! Joint Chiefs of Staff > About > The Joint Staff > Chairman Read the above and tell me that the web site of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the USA are posting spin?
  7. If you are referring to Mark Milley as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff he was not in the chain of Command! While the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff outranks all other commissioned officers, the chairman is prohibited by law from having operational command authority over the armed forces; however, the chairman assists the president and the secretary of defense in exercising their command functions!
  8. What are those preferences? Is it one single preference and if so which preference and who claims such a thing?
  9. Jumping to conclusions again? What party would that be?
  10. If anyone needs to check a dictionary it is you! What is your 2nd line on about? Why are you calling me a Jock? You are jumping to conclusions as usual! (not that I really care!)
  11. That is a very good impersonation of a Bob/Colin/Elvis etc post! Well done!
  12. Have you tried doing the same with the other major US AI's?
  13. Trump is lining his own pockets as usual!
  14. I did not know that the USA existed in Roman times. I think your history/geography timelines are just a little bit askew!
  15. Do you think Trump listens to, or retains any info, from any of his briefings, especially his security ones?
  16. I am sure if you want a pager it can be provided!
  17. I agree. Don't spend too much any time In this persona as it will bring you down yet again!
  18. Who says he is welcome?
  19. I don't think that the above represents the views of your idol Trump!
  20. I will take that as a compliment as it come from you!
  21. How do you "toast" a sandwich in a microwave unless it is a combi M/W with a grill?
  22. Are you saying you actually read ALL of that crap?
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