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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. You must have a bank account somewhere with your name on it Shirley? 🙂
  2. You cannot speak for all of CM just your personal circumstances! Just because your rent has not increase does not mean that there have been no rent increases anywhere in CM in the last 15years! My rent has gone up over the last 23 years!
  3. And then it will claim it wrote it and quote from it, wrongly, from now on!
  4. I don't have to worry about you then as as all you can do is spout verbiage!
  5. What about the full quotation and it's real meaning? "Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat; But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth, When two strong men stand face to face, though they come from the ends of the earth!"
  6. There certainly are and at least one has been and probably still is on ASEANNOW IMO!
  7. Because it has runout, as usual, of a legitimate straight and meaningful answer that is even remotely connected to the question! Situation normal for it's posts!
  8. I don't care which sick version of you disappears! Just please make sure they all go and very quietly!
  9. I don't think anyone needs to wonder! The answer is very clear as to just how stupid it is!
  10. Are we allowed to say that I think it is coming from his @rse?
  11. Totally uninteresting and pointless OP TITLE. Titles (IMO) are meant to help people know what the content is about! Something like "NYT article RE; Russia didn't want Ukraine in NATO." Might have been better! I only linked to it as I saw it in the all activity section! I hope you are not a journalist!
  12. Since you declined to answer my questions "When did you serve in a Navy and did you "end up banging hookers and getting some pregnant?" I assume you did not serve and therefore your comments regarding "everyone" and "we all know" is not even from from some limited first hand experience and is just your opinion! Shame on you!
  13. When did you serve in a Navy and did you "end up banging hookers and getting some pregnant?"
  14. I agree! I had hoped that the Dolt had been warned off/realised just what a pr@t it has become! Still it will get stopped/removed soon hopefully along with GG!
  15. How sad that you felt you had to respond to the cr@p quoted and you responded to and in such a negative way! Please take heart! Thailand is a great place to retire to, especially if you have sufficient (that does not mean not mega) bucks to support you and of course if you are really lucky and have a good partner to share your life with is a fantastic help!
  16. Just either switch them off or save electricity by not posting such a long meaningless post! The Title asked the question! We did not need a diatribe to explain it
  17. No! UK is MPH! 20/30 in towns 30/40 in minor roads 50 0n dual dual carriageways and 70MPH on motorways. Except in Wales where you must all walk to where you no longer can work!
  18. Switch everything off at your main fuse box and/or mains switch and see what happens to your meter and the people's electrics around you!
  19. So you have the bit between your teeth now! Who is going to rein you in now!
  20. I was not being nasty but if that is how you take life then I am sorry if I omitted the sarcastic/(not so funny to you) laughing emoji!
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