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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. His first "insight" to medicine I assume. Was it a sh!tty experience I wonder?
  2. A step or two up the ladder towards a Darwin award me thinks!
  3. What is her stance regarding noise pollution I ask very quietly?
  4. What has race got to do with this rapist and spy's totally abhorrent behaviours?
  5. Would you still qualify to fly if they applied that test to you? 😁
  6. Why does she not get dressed at home before going to the restaurants! 😁
  7. My guess is that the mayonnaise lack of working brain cells are is the more likely cause of your less than "fine fettle".
  8. It probably could given how much hot air he spurts forth an a daily basis!
  9. He is definitely incapacitated - mentally going by his idiotic posts!
  10. I thought 5 was the max number of e-sims per phone!
  11. Most phones sold in Thailand are not manufactured here!
  12. Tourist eSIM is available in Thailand and provided by 3 major networks in Thailand (AIS, DTAC and True Move). All these network operators are offering high-speed eSIM data services.
  13. Dual Sim capability means it has slots for two physical SIMS and has nothing to do with Virtual Sims; !
  14. Just a week after HMS Queen Elizabeth was withdrawn from exercise Steadfast Defender due to a defect, HMS Prince of Wales has sailed as her replacement. This represents a staggering effort by the ship’s company and the support team in Portsmouth. PWLS was at 30 days’ notice to sail but has been prepared to sail in 7 days. Rapid response – HMS Prince of Wales sails to replace her sister ship at short notice | Navy Lookout
  15. I speak and do other things with forked tongue! PS; Being the cunning linguist that you rightly proclaim me to be maybe I should have communicated in a more athletic wat in at least 69 different conversions conversations/unions!
  16. All the so called "facts" that @Yellowtail quotes! Sorry if you thought I was referencing you! (I cannot find the "I am Sorry" emoji!)
  17. As many as it takes! They should never have been taken hostage in the first place. If you were a hostage would you say to your potential rescuers that they must not kill more than.....(insert your number) and once they reach that number they should stop?
  18. We won't be around to react in any way if and when it ever happens. Not one single phrase of "it will (definitely) happen in --years time". It is all maybes, ifs and buts. Yet another maybe story from the scaremongers!
  19. Why don't you suggest a practicable solution for a change instead of pointless "comments"! PS; I have no practicable solutions to offer my self but would love to hear if anyone has such a solution to offer!
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