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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Quoting that you "know the truth" because you are from the USA is laughable given your country's in chief liar, the MEGATrump, is telling them all the time!
  2. As is hell, the Devil, God or any other so called religious Ideological cr@p, thank god!
  3. No! As has been posted above it appears that the fingerprinting started in 2019. I last entered well before that and have no intentions of flying again unless I need to!
  4. Maybe the loss of hair is the reason for the loss of 3cm in height!
  5. I wear glasses and my ID photos always have to be without glasses yet I exit the UK without ever removing my glasses! I have had a beard for decades and my ID photos are always with a close cropped beard but I normally grow it for up two months without trimming and have never been stopped by any automated passport/ID system.
  6. I have never had mine taken anywhere in 70 years! (to my knowledge/memory!)
  7. Eye Eye Sir Roger! What a Jolly Boss you are! We get the point even though some of us do not have a leg to stand on but are fully hooked up with you on this!
  8. Curiosity got the better of me so I went Shopping in Two Cities with my Mutual Friends Nicholas Nickleby and Martin Chuzzlewit where we were told many Tales but it was Haunted by the Chimes and the Christmas Carols in the very Bleak House where we were visited by the Haunted Man who explained the Mystery of Edwin Drood to me. I then fell on Hard Times after he explained I only had a Little Dorrit!
  9. Yes! It is a built in interior one that is obviously inferior to others!
  10. What sort of laser and for what? A bit mor info would help! You could be talking about printers for all the info you have provided!
  11. Are you talking about yourself? You have made similar post on many threads in the last few hours! I suggest YOU stop playing the Mod!
  12. Nothing as I prefer to respond to people who respond to his often frivolous and pointless defensive ramblings!
  13. Try doing that with him! There is no point as only his first response is accurate according to him and nothing you or anyone else posts will ever change his original stance.
  14. Totally agree! However instead of an ignore option there should be one to "move to the worst joke forum" instead where most of his posts belong! That way we can join in the joke!
  15. Assuming a payment was made for the alleged act it is very important as to who paid who for what. Even if any money exchanged hands who paid the girl if she was paid? Was she paid by her so called lover or by her pimp/boss to seduce the "lover" etc? So many things that have no proof behind them!
  16. I will ask again! Can anyone give a simple answer to this question! "If a bottle of wine costs 1000Bht to a customer before the announcement of the tax reduction what should it cost after the change in taxation to that same customer from the same store?" (I am assuming that the seller passes on the price reduction!)
  17. I thought she was just a singer, not a goddess, and good at it if you liked her type of music! PS; we have gone off subject!
  18. I will try and ask again in even simpler terms and hopefully someone might give a simple answer, if there is one available, as there are so many percentages and figures bandied about! "If a bottle of wine costs 1000Bht to a customer before the announcement of the tax reduction what should it cost after the change in taxation to that same customer from the same store?" (I am assuming that the seller passes on the price reduction!)
  19. Any chance of rewriting that with an example based on the cost of an actual bottle of wine at present (1000Baht!) and what the changes will mean in the real world!
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